I didn't ask if it's good. I asked 'what makes it good'
Sorry must have miss read.
If it's not secret, can you explain, how you'd *encouage* player to, for example, thinking twice before purchasing if character is greedy?
No it's not a secret
So the game doesn't have leveling mechanic Instead we have something we call synergy/integrity. This special state greatly increases your damage output and resistance. So the more you have the more chances to survive you have. Now at the beginning of every part of the dungeon you get to choose a personality trait we call taint. What it dose is unlocks a way of gaining synergy but only if you act in a certain way. It dose it in a form a special buffs. Here are few examples:
How much are you flooding mailboxes with that newsletter?
Try not too floood. I send out an e-mail once a month except at the beginning when i send 3 emails:
- Welcoming e-mail (after you sign up)
- Email explaining how to gain access to alpha tests (the day after you sign up)
- Email explaining in more detail the entire idea behind Soulblight and the taint mechanic (the week after you sign up)
The monthly e-mail usually consists of news or explains in more details the design choices I took while creating the game. I'm writing the one for this month right now - it's gone be about combat