« on: September 17, 2016, 08:05:59 PM »
http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Remixed_Pixel_Dungeon Android/ChromeOS http://wiki.nyrds.net/doku.phpRemixed Pixel Dungeon is pixel-art roguelike game for android (Remixed Pixel Dungeon at Google Play) and Chrome Os ( Remixed Pixel Dungeon at Chrome Web Store ).
It's based on a classic idea of dungeon crawling. The player takes role of hero class of their choice to dwell in the depths of a randomly generated dungeon. Each 5 levels player must defeat a boss in order to progress, until reaching the game's goal at the deepest level.
The project started as translation of Pixel Dungeon to Russian, but eventually started to evolve on it's own. The game is being updated on regular basis, featuring new content patches every 1-3 weeks. It's strongly driven by community feedback and developed several ideas based on community suggestions.
At this point version remix.25.1 features several differences, compared to original:
Multi language support
New hero classes: Elf, Necromancer
New dungeon type: Spider Nest. Features set of thematic monsters and new boss.
New dungeon type: Necropolis.
New dungeon type: Demon Nest, with new mobs and mini-bosses.
New Bosses: Shadow Lord, Spider Queen, Lich
20+ new items, including new weapon types: Bows and arrows
10+ new monsters including elementals
New item interactions:
Fire an toxic gas can affect more items.
Seeds can be eaten
Potions can be used to give additional effect to weapons.
Difficulty settings and save/load function
Support for community created mods (players are able to create custom texture packs for existing objects and change their descriptions, it's also possible to create custom level layout)
Currently it localized (more or less successfully) to:
Brazilian Portuguese
More localizations in progress at Transifex
Source Code
Source code for Remixed Pixel Dungeon can be found at Github.
v25.1 fix2 ARRP
–New Features–
New Hero Class: Necromancer
Now only necromancers will receive xp for kills made by minions
Necromancer has higher chance to proc Sacrificial Blade
All monsters in Necropolis has been nerfed
Now Yog-Dzewa gets defense buff not only from fists but from other sub-bosses as well
On Yog's death all other bosses dies (Previously this affected only fists)
Yog's Heart has been nerfed. The amount of heal, it provides to other mobs was reduced
Bosses are no longer “Hunting” by default
Gnoll-Zombie's chance to “rise from the dead” has been reduced
Pseudo-Rat has been nerfed
Black Skull now requires 10 charges to activate, instead of 15. But death of player's minions no longer gives it charges
Treacherous Spirit cannot become player's minion anymore
Updated tile set of Sewers
Fixed “non-disappearing text” bug
Fixed bug that wasn't allowing Necropolis Boss to damage player properly
Fixed issue with generation of dungeon level 5
User created mods can now contain codex items with custom text
User created mods now allows to set custom tiles, water and music to a specific level

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training