Author Topic: Updating Pixel Dungeon?  (Read 6693 times)


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Updating Pixel Dungeon?
« on: August 12, 2016, 10:13:55 AM »
I have a few ideas about modifying (and perhaps altering the GUI to make it more extensible) but I can't get it to compile.  I'm not on my Android Studio machine, but I remember that it would produce errors that certain methods were not found, perhaps because newer editions of the Android libraries didn't support those methods.

How hard would it be to update Pixel Dungeon so it compiles on the most up-to-date versions of Android Studio?  Or should I use an older version of AS (and if so, where do I find it)?  Should I look at my phone to determine what version of AS I should or should not use for development, since I want to play my modifications of Pixel Dungeon?