Author Topic: Darkest Dungeon (now at Everything Burns) $  (Read 11005 times)


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Darkest Dungeon (now at Everything Burns) $
« on: February 03, 2015, 06:51:00 PM »  $19.99 Win/Mac

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
Ten (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including meaningful permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Why Early Access?
“Darkest Dungeon already has a ton of content (10 hero classes, 3 dungeon environments, dozens of monsters, 130+ items, and more ) and we want to give fans a chance to play the game now! This in turn gives us a chance to improve the game based upon player feedback and otherwise involve the community in development!”
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
“We plan to be in Early Access for approximately six months, which time we will use to add more dungeons, more character classes, and many new features. Our intent is to release the full version of the game sometime in the 2nd half of 2015.”
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
“For the full release, we are planning to add more dungeon environments (one of which is the Darkest Dungeon), more character classes, story mode completion, additional monsters, items, quirks, narration, and dialogue. We also have reserved some time to add other new features and make changes based upon player feedback!”
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
“The current Early Access build is playable with 3 complete dungeon environments (Ruins, Weald, and Warrens), 10 character classes, 9 town building types, 5+ quest types, 30+ monsters, 130+ items, and more than 30 interactive dungeon objects. There is currently no end to the Campaign Mode in Early Access, so players can keep raising heroes and embarking on quests indefinitely. The full version of the game will have an end to the story.”
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“Final pricing for the game has not been determined, but the initial price will not be below Early Access list price.”
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
“The community is encouraged to post feedback on the official forums: Also, purchasers are asked (but not required) to opt-in for anonymous gameplay data collection, which we use directly to collect play stats to assist with gameplay balancing.”

This is absolutely going to be a massive game and quite likely a monstrous classic of success if they keep at it the way they have been up to now---loads of style and atmosphere constitute surely one of the best cases yet of crowdfunding success on Kickstarter.  8)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 11:22:48 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now out on Early Access Feb 4 updates) $
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2015, 03:09:07 AM »
Feb 4's rolling builds since launch and a bit:

    Game now auto-creates Saved Games directory if it does not exist (potentially fixes BEX crash on launch)
    Fixed add/remove trinket bug
    Added some missing strings
    Tuned down lockjaw disease slightly

Localization crash fix
Stage coach crash fix
Better save game file handling
More stability fixes

 Can no longer open Options dialog when confirmation dialog is up
Save games disappearing fix
You can now back out of obstacles
Stress bars now round down to the nearest 10
Hellion's Barbaric Yawp no longer buffs twice
Various stability fixes
Brigand Fusiliers are not quite as fiendishly deadly as before
Brigand Bloodletters are still hulking and menacing, but die a tiny bit more quickly

--numerous fixes to improve overall stability

Fixed lost trinket in realm when deleting
Fixed crash from empty monster encounters in Weald
Leper fix - spreadsheet calculation error. Slightly tuned down starting HP, but HP progresses faster. Slightly tuned down starting dmg, but dmg progresses faster.
Fixed narration for Grave Robber
Removed ability to inspect character sheet of dead heroes
Fixed missing narration validation
Fixed bug in Quirk logic
Added "# of current heroes / max roster #" to top of roster list
Fixed monster tooltips
Added sign to buff descriptions
Fixed camping ambush positions
Fixed trinkets staying on dead heroes and being duplicated
Fixed dismissal of hero from activity not saving
Fixed disarming sfx

    Error dialog for incompatible video card drivers
    Fixed stage coach crash
    Stage coach heroes now shift up when one of them is hired
    Fixed self-heal mouse spamming exploit
    Added nomad wagon tutorial narration
    Fixed heroes losing HP on raid restore
    Potential fix for monster HP being 0
    Missing curio strings fixed

    Load save file fix, fewer asserts *
    Slimes don't spawn new slimes quite as much, but they can still F-you up. Go ahead, insult them and see what happens.
    Jester Inspiring Tune slightly reduced and adjusted the progression/upgrading
    DODG-->DODGE because extra letters are free today only
    Fix to Redemption Amulet
    HEROES ARE NO LONGER IMMORTAL as they level up. Time to watch them die again.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now at Early Access Feb 11 updates) $
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2015, 08:30:35 PM »
Feb 11:
This is the first patch to have some focused gameplay changes, but it will not be the last! Remember that the game is in Early Access, and we'll be experimenting with mechanics and balance for the foreseeable future. Strap in and come along for the ride!

These changes are based upon consistent feedback and observed results from the game's first week and a half of play:
Champion (L5) Monsters: increased difficulty across the board.
Grave Robber needed a little somethin': increased Speed, added stacking Accuracy buffs for Thrown Dagger and Poison Dart
Hellion is an absolute wrecking machine. This is intentional, but she still needed dialed down a tiny bit: Reduced starting HP, restricted Iron Swan to position 1 only, added Exhaust to Breakthru and slightly reduced crit, but increased dmg buff of Bleed Out
Plague Doctor: Increased Blight and Disease Resistance, increased Blight damage of Noxious Blast and Plague Grenade, Added a small heal to Battlefield Medicine. Now she's the hero we deserve, not just the hero we need.
Ghoul, Swinetaur, Unclean Giant: increased HP to make them even a little more menacing.
Gargoyles: increased dodge, reduced dmg, increased crit. Focus up your Accuracy to hit these beasts!
Bone Arbalist: reduced Bayonet Jab crit. Should be less threatening at the front.
Heroes don't like it when you prolong combat unnecessarily
Added 'Clear Head' moderate Stun Resistance buff to heroes and monsters after clearing an existing stun. Stacks for consecutive stuns.
No heroes are truly immortal

Other fixes and changes:
Fixed crash at end of dungeon raid caused by incompatible quirks
Added threshold for health bar display based on actor scale
Improved backup save file handling
Fixed purge result announcement

PC build #7587

Minor performance optimizations
Fixed save crash when loading into the start of battle from save
Fixed display bug from hitting ESC during save scroll in front end flow
Fixed bug where <4 heroes can embark into a dungeon
String updates

Mac build #7587

Mac build now in sync with PC build!!

Crusader upgrade costs fixed
Crusader equipment costs fixed
Fix to wrong save loading
Updated save backups

Camping skill adjustments (increased Plague Doctor's disease curing ability, corrected and adjusted some skills which were not proc'ing correctly)
More incompatible quirk updates to reduce conflicting quirks
Clamp damage as an attempt to blind fix the crazy high damage problem
Fixed using firewood when in the bark phase of an ambush
Fixed removing multiple quirks at Sanitarium

More fixes for certain languages/special characters that was preventing the Saved Games directory from being located and causing the game not to launch
Removed incompatible quirks
Tuned down reaction act out wait times significantly for better combat flow
Fix for Sanitarium not removing correct quirk
Fix for Sanitarium not removing a quirk at all
Improved stress relief tutorial text
Rounded up monster HP in tooltip (so monsters don't show 0 HP)

Fix for certain languages/special characters that was preventing the Saved Games directory from being located and causing the game not to launch
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now at FIENDS & FRENZY) $
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2015, 06:31:08 PM »
FIENDS & FRENZY  Substantial update   8)

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light." --Dylan Thomas

New Features
New Hero Class! Man-At-Arms
New Hero Class! Arbalest
New Ruins Boss! Gibbering Prophet
New Warens Boss! Formless Flesh
New Weald Boss! Brigand Cannon
New Loot: The Ancestor’s Trinket set. Ultra-rare items once held by the Ancestor himself - be warned, some of these trinkets are only found in the pitch dark!
New Building! Ancestor's Statue: Click the statue to open the Ancestor's Memoirs - a record of all cutscenes and boss backstories!
Heart Attacks! Don’t let your heroes get too stressed. If your stress bar fills again past’s over.
Sell your junk! In the Trinket Inventory, hold shift to see sell back value, shift+click to sell trinkets
Crit-heals! Heal, critically!
Tons of Party Names as created by Kickstarter and Humble backers!

UI Improvements
Added z-depth to the Hamlet, improved building menu interaction, revised all times of day
Graveyard: Added a background and new Caretaker pose; Tombstones change to reflect resolve level at time of death, UI improvements, scrollbar
Activity Log: UI improvements for easier 'at a glance' parsing of the activity log, scrollbars
Trinket inventory now supports sorting by class restriction and rarity, and a scrollbar
“Unequip all Trinkets” button for quick Trinket wiping
Updated art on remaining incomplete trinkets
Quest Select: Approved party names from player survey
Updated roster sorting buttons' colors to reduce visual noise
Class sort now sorts by preferred position
Added hotkey ( c ) to bring up/dismiss character panel
Manual torch snuffing for more control of lighting level (mouse over torch for instructions)
HP bar animation when healing for greater visual feedback
Additional map controls and logic (-/= or -/+ on numpad to control map zoom)
Map now follows the party, remembers its zoom setting after scouting
Clarified presentation of PROT (protection) in some places. PROT starts as a % which gets multiplied by the hero or monster’s Max HP. This gives a damage mitigation (armor points) number. For example, 20% PROT x 30 HP = 6 Protection pts. Each hit that lands will have 6 points absorbed before any damage gets through. Additional future work expected.
“Marked” no longer referred to as “tagged” in some tooltips
Improved various menus and icons in the game
New / unique trinket art for trinkets with missing art

Gameplay / Balancing Improvements
Darkness is now more deadly: reduced player crit bonus in low light, slightly increased chance of players being surprised in low light, increased stress damage in low light, slightly increased monster dmg in zero light, slightly reduced gold bonus in low light
Adjusted Dungeon / Region leveling to fit new boss plot quests
Max upgraded Roster size increased - this may be temporary!
Trinkets: Tuning of Trinket award rates and rarities
Trinkets: Balancing/redesign pass on many Trinkets
I’m stuffed! Limit added to Food consumption to reduce over-eating exploit
Plague Doctor: increased Blight Resistance
Bounty Hunter - Hook and Slice is now reworked as a rank 3 / 4 targeting bleed attack
Bounty Hunter - Slight nerf to Finish Him damage bonuses on the Stun Killer effect
Leper - Revenge removed ACC penalty and slightly reduced CRIT bonuses
Leper - Intimidate: reworked the skill to be a strong debuff skill with some damage, affects ranks 1/2 together
Reduced Crit-heal percentage
Reduced companion stress from Death’s Door
Slightly reduced average crit damage from monsters
All L3/L5 monsters have slightly increased HP which may make for slightly longer fights / increased value of buffs and debuffs.
Many size 2 monsters have more HP (Carrion Eater, Swinetaur, Unclean Giant)
Crone: now harder to hit, increased Crone’s Curse debuff and added extra target possibilities to her debuff attacks
Swinetaur can now do running attacks from ranks 2+ instead of 3+. Ole!
Monster Brains - improvements to default brains to make somewhat more deadly as monsters level up
Monster Brains - more monsters have their own brains (much more to come)
Original bosses (Necromancer, Hag, Swine Prince) now have nastier behaviors as they level up
“Heal Received” buff now on certain Skills and Trinkets
And probably a few secret things...

General Bug Fixes
Activity Log entry cutoff issue
Activity Log names update when heroes are renamed
Torch disabled during ambushes with tooltip explanation
Health bar showing up on second quest bug
Profile reposition bug on Main Menu
Raid Results UI layout fixes
Non check-marked room bug
Miscellaneous string edits
Fixed AOE “+” positioning
Fixed Plague Doctor camping pose
Non-loading screen narration interrupting loading screen bug
Swine Prince targeting fix
Battle camera bug, getting stuck at the end of a round
Removed background barks on Provisions screen
Blood splatter no longer appears on misses and dodges
Crash fix when death and Affliction check occur simultaneously by trap
Narration queuing fixes
Traps not appearing when spawned in a corridor previously visited
Prevent surprises from occurring in tiles previously scouted or visited
And more…!

Massive amount of smaller updates since last time as now would probably be a good time to revisit with a clean save and whatnot.   :)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now at CORPSE & HOUND) $
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2015, 06:24:59 PM »
Corpse & Hound mega-update  8)


Houndmaster Hero!   
Steam Cloud Save   
In-Game Glossary: access it by clicking the BOOK icon in town   
Sanitarium reworked: lock positive quirks, treat diseases   
Diseases and Quirks now separate   
Replaced enemy tooltip with full enemy panel!   
Corpses in combat   
Medicinal Herbs and Holy Water now consumable   
Class adjustments and skill changes   
Lots of general balancing and tuning   
Audio enhancements   
…and more!

But the real/full log since they broke Steam's limits earlier today when they first tried can be found here.  Enjoy a 12 page .pdf~  8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now at THOSE FROM BELOW) $
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2015, 07:12:57 PM »
Those From Below
"Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time." --

H.P. Lovecraft

The Cove
The Cove dungeon region, featuring 7 new monsters, 2 new bosses, new curios, all new environment art, and new music!
The Cove features monsters that are in general both fast and bleed resistant, and also have many bleed-causing attacks.
The Cove monsters also include some key mechanics previously unused by monsters, such as healing and guarding! These mechanics may begin to work their way into other dungeon regions in the future...beware!
You do not need to begin a new campaign to play The Cove. Cove quests will spawn alongside quests from other regions.

Idle heroes in town will recover a small amount of stress between quests even if not placed in active treatment at the Tavern or Abbey
By popular demand: unused dungeon supplies now sell back at the end of a quest (for a smallish percentage of their value)
Increased roster size a bit so players with full rosters can recruit some new heroes and go Cove spelunking even at low level quests
Streamlined combat flow to keep the pace brisk and reduce many of the small waits that occur between chained events
Revised the core combat damage calculation so trinkets and other buffs apply in a more even way to AOE attacks. This will preserve intended damage balance of AOE vs single target attacks and help keep both approaches situationally useful. Previously, trinket and other buffs were amplifying AOE damage unfairly with respect to single target attacks. The revised calculation applies the base skill modifier directly to the weapon damage, and then totals all other buffs before applying them to this base result.
Trinkets have received a much-needed balance pass. The goal was to ensure that rarer trinkets are more reliably valuable than less rare trinkets, and also to make many previously uninteresting trinkets (both general and class-specific) more interesting. While some trinkets will obviously be better than others for some classes, dungeons, or situations, we have improved many of the trinkets that were particularly weak or problematic. A few trinkets have been nerfed (in cases where the value was just too high compared to other trinkets). Some trinkets have had their rarity adjusted, and we will likely do more of this once we measure the results of these changes. Additional trinket adjustments may also be required in the future.
Trinket drops are a bit more constrained--you won't see as many rare drops in lower level dungeons.
Resolve level 0 and 1 heroes now have more disease resistance! After all, they are fresh off the stagecoach and are the healthiest they'll ever be!
Some more small mobs don't leave corpses (e.g. dogs, spiders, gargoyles)
Adjustments to the surprise mechanic: surprised monsters now act last in the first round but no longer lose an entire turn.
Players cannot retreat during the first combat round if they were surprised.
Retreating from combat adds stress
Some skills effects that didn't show % chance now show % chance in the associated skill tooltips (e.g. Jester stress heals)
Riposting heroes won't riposte against 0-damage causing attacks
Heroes and monsters generally shouldn't be able to crit on a 0 damage attack
Torchlight properly drops to 0 during camping ambushes
Corpses don’t give critting stress relief
Fixed bug where both +herosurprise and +monstersurprise was occuring in dim light. (Should just be +heroes surprised)
Camping ambushes always surprise the party
Reduced Resolve XP requirements for higher levels, as a step towards expected final Darkest Dungeon configuration.
Many misc bug fixes

Heroes' armor icons now visually upgrade with each new rank
All quest objects (ex. Reliquary) now have unique art
Foreground layer added to every dungeon
New pop-text icons for greater 'at-a-glance' clarity on skill effects.
Tray icons/character panel icons restyled to match pop-text icons
Updated Corpse art
Rebalanced several enemy color tints
New pose for Plague Doctor's 'Incision' skill

Click to advance through plot quest (boss) narration on loading screens
Full music and sound design on the Cove!
- all new music by Stuart Chatwood
- ambiences
- wet footstep recordings
- all new props! Ever wondered what sifting a through a whale carcass sounds like? wonder no more!
- all enemies and bosses fully designed with unique attacks, impacts and voices
- live recorded voice of the Siren singing along to the battle track
nearly 100 new lines for the Narrator including more coverage for already existing events
Narration lines no longer limited to playing only 99 times in a given campaign
new music arrangements for hallway battles in all regions
redid all traps, trap disarms, trap dodges
redesigned impacts on some existing enemy attacks
retimed battle-end stinger and sound triggers
Brigand Pounder, Gibbering Prophet and Formless Flesh bosses now all have dungeon intro/outro narration

Final notes: the large amount of new content and features means that some bugs will likely have slipped through. Report what you find in the Steam forums / on twitter @darkestdungeon / via email Rest assured we'll be monitoring and working on fixes as fast as we are able!

Delve deep and remember: avoid all pacts with undead sailors!

--the Darkest Dungeon team
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now at INHUMAN BONDAGE) $
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2015, 11:58:52 PM »
Inhuman Bondage
This update adds a unique new playable hero, new monsters, rare trinkets, and a host of new features!

The Abomination, designed by our Lord Tier Kickstarter backer, Josh L, aka “MaxKojote” is a twisted concept indeed!  A brooding and desperate man, the Abomination has been outcast, branded and imprisoned due to the “sickness” that lies within him.  Completely unlike any other hero to wander into the Hamlet thus far, the Abomination can switch between two forms during combat: human and beast. Each form has different combat skills, so you’ll need to figure out the strengths of each. But beware: the Abomination unsettles religious heroes so much that they refuse to serve with him.  Additionally, the emergence of a beast in combat is a stressful event for other party members! Fortunately, they recover somewhat when the Abomination returns to his brooding (but human) self.

This update also features two brand new monsters, again designed by Kickstarter backers!

THE COLLECTOR is a tall and terrifying figure – a king in yellow! Just what he collects is something we’ll save for you to discover, but rest assured it’s unsettling! The Collector is a challenging miniboss encounter created by Ryan C.
THE MADMAN is a natural fit for the corrupted expanses of the Estate. He wanders every region, joining up with the myriad horrors and shouting (stressful) prophesies of doom! Evasive and troubling, the Madman was designed by Josh L.

There are new class-specific trinkets of varying rarities for the Abomination, and of course, some special loot from the new monsters.

Many monster AI improvements have been made, with particular emphasis on Veteran and Champion level monsters.

Many Veteran and Champion level monsters now have extra skill “riders” in the form of debuffs and other new wrinkles. This gives monster progression more flavor, and presents some new complications as you advance through the game.

In general, we’ve been finding that Veteran and Champion level quests haven’t had the same relative stress threat as starting quests. This is due to a variety of factors, including relative power progression of heroes compared to monsters. Our intent is for stress to be a tough consideration the whole game through, just like health.  We definitely want to reward increasing player skill and knowledge, too. Ideally, the game should be a tightrope walk the whole way through.

Some of the above mentioned monster changes are intended to raise stress in higher level missions, and we’ll continue looking for ways to get it to where we want it.  However, it’s not our intent to drive up difficulty/stress of Apprentice level quests, so we’ll be monitoring those, too.  Your feedback is valuable – keep us posted!

The Estate now has limited provisions to sell, depending on what length of quest you embark on.  The intent here is not to unduly constrain you, but rather to control extreme loadouts (like 16 stacks of food).  You remain free to over or under provision, based upon your budget and risk tolerance.

Heart Attacks are an important part of the game, but the abrupt wall and insta-death sometimes presents too big of a penalty for some chains of uncontrollable events.  In this update, we are experimenting with a revised system which works as follows:

Upon hitting 200 stress, the hero is reduced immediately to Death’s Door (0 HP). Unless healed quickly, the hero will be vulnerable to death.
Additionally, stress is dropped to 170 after this happens.
If stress rises to 200 again and the hero isn’t yet off of Death’s Door, he dies immediately.
If the hero is not on Death’s Door and stress rises to 200 again, the same cycle begins again (dropped to Death’s Door).
Finally – if you have a Heart Attack and get healed off of Death’s Door, there is a persistent debuff for the rest of that quest, reflecting the wear and tear on the hero’s body.
Our intent is to retain the deadly aspect of Heart Attacks, while also allowing for a little more play to save heroes that hit that limit.  Many players have found the binary nature of the existing heart attacks to be frustrating.

We’ll be monitoring the new system and will decide about its permanent inclusion a bit later.

Almost dying is, we’re assuming, a mildly traumatic experience.  To reflect that in-game, we’ve introduced Mortality Debuffs.  If a hero is reduced to Death’s Door and then healed off of it, he is given a set of debuffs that last for the rest of the quest.  This reflects the toll on his body from facing down death.

Additionally, there is a larger set of debuffs that occur if the inciting event was a Heart Attack, as mentioned above in the Heart Attack section.

Deliberately prolonging battles is always a risky proposition when facing bloodthirsty fiends. We’ve had a system in place for a while that discourages this, but we’ve revamped that system with the nucleus of a new one.  As before, the party will become agitated, taking stress damage as the fight drags on against a lone adversary.  Protracted pugilism is a noisy affair – those who ignore their parties’ warnings will attract the attention and ire of enemy reinforcements!

We expect some kinks as we refine this system, so we’ll be monitoring feedback.

Leper – increased crit; increased Withstand stress heal slightly
Plague Doctor – increased blight dmg slightly; increased physical damage of disorienting blast
Tweaked Debuff resistances for classes to give more differences and reflect the classes better. Those affected: BH, LEP, MAA, OCC, PD
Man-at-Arms: his Riposte was originally 1 round, but a while ago a bug crept in that raised it to 3 rounds, which is longer than intended. In this build, we are experimenting with setting it to 2, and will be looking for feedback on the overall power of this move.

Experiment with D8 initiative instead of D10
Monster ai improvements – skill and mark cooldowns to limit overuse of some skills
Cove – “Call of the Deep” nerf
Cove – Fishy Shaman brain improvement
Shambler now transports you to a rift in time and space.
Add confirm for retreating out of battle that will result in death.
Add trinket sell instruction text.
Added disease icon to roster icon.
Added validation so curio effects will error if being added to skills.
Big monsters should now disable stall penalty correctly
Corrupt save handling before loading campaign.
Cultist witch incantation doesn’t crit
Custom stall mashes per region
Diseases can no longer be purged.
Do not count dead heroes trinkets towards ancestors trinkets.
Enable backup saves on mac.
Fix controlled hero initiative crash.
Fix monster skill effects being specified as curio. (Fix to till next camp debuffs)
Fix persisting boss loading screen when starting new campaign.
Fix piglet double turn.
Fix q,e camping exploit.
Fix to guardian’s shield buffs and a few other buffs that should’ve been Back Rank dependent instead of HP dependent
Fix to move effect bug involving different sized monsters.
Fix to not being able to right click certain heroes while camping.
Fix to siren save crash.
Fixed problem with ambushes in curio/treasure rooms wiping the curio/treasure if you come out and come back in.
Fixed problem with map icons not behaving properly between curio/treasures and battle with curio and battle with treasure.
Made narration samples start immediately.
More trinket buff fixes
Move effects can be applied to the corpse of the monster you killed.
Mute now works for cinematic.
New mute and master volume options.
Remove ability to select skill during event.
Remove boss room icon once boss is killed.
Removed “Target:” specification on effect descriptions.
Start map zoomed out to see entire map.
Unselect skill when you go into event.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now at HOLIDAY CHEER) $
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2015, 04:30:56 PM »
Holiday Cheer

This surprise update adds more gameplay options, a number of interface and quality-of-life improvements, and some key gameplay tweaks! Happy Holidays from Red Hook!

Game Options
More game options have been added!
Options are sorted into categories
Gameplay Options are now controlled by a master "Darkest Dungeon Config" option. In order to toggle individual gameplay options off, you must first change "Darkest Dungeon Config" to OFF. "Darkest Dungeon Mode" is the default configuration as designed.
If you previously had Corpses turned OFF, you will need to turn Darkest Dungeon Config OFF and then turn Corpses OFF again.
Removed the option to disable Heart Attacks. Heart Attacks were changed substantially in the Inhuman Bondage update (they no longer kill you instantly) and the stress mechanics of the game require you to play with the revised Heart Attacks
New Game Option: Disable Combat Delay Penalties
New Game Option: Reduce strength of enemy crits
New Game Option: Eliminate lasting mortality debuffs from Death's Door and Heart Attacks
New Game Option: Make Combat Retreats always succeed (except when blocked by Affliction)

Interface Improvements
Town Quicknav Buttons - Upon entering a town building, you can quickjump to another building by clicking the buttons on the left side of the screen. This reduces the clicks necessary to get around town and attend to your heroes.
Embark Memory - Upon returning to the Hamlet, the party slots will remain occupied by the previous party. Roster sort by activity should also include sorting by who is in current party.
Trap Disarm Tray Icon - Upon approaching a scouted trap, a tray icon will pop for the hero(s) to show their chances of disarming it.
TAB to switch between Map and Inventory panels.
Right panel will no longer automatically swap to map from inventory when the party starts moving. Manually do it with TAB or (M).
CLICK on torch meter at top of screen to quickly use a torch from inventory.
Added "actions remaining" to the health/stress bar tooltips to indicate what the tickmark means (hero or monster still has another action this combat round)
Added tutorial event for selling trinkets.
Misc town UI icon polish
Trinket selling confirm now has an "always" button, to reduce popups on repeated trinket selling
If embarking on a quest of Veteran or Champion difficulty and you don't have any trinkets equipped, a warning box will pop up to remind you.
Curio disease resists will say "Resist!" to give a better idea of what happened
Trinket alphabetical secondary sort so that identical trinkets end up beside one another after a class/rarity sort.

Gameplay Adjustments
Afflictions: if trying to heal, move or buff an afflicted hero and they resist, this will no longer consume the originating hero's turn. That hero can try to do another action. (e.g. You try to heal your paranoid Crusader with a Vestal. If the Crusader refuses, you still get to use the Vestal to do something else that turn.)
Increased ACC of many hero skills, with particular emphasis to make status skills (debuffs, stuns, etc.) more accurate overall. This shifts more burden onto resist rolls for those skills.
Highwayman - Tracking Shot now procs the buff even on a miss
Sanitarium - increased chance of curing all diseases at once during a disease treatment
Monsters - some veteran and champion HP increases to partially account for overall increased hero accuracy
Monsters - review of resistances (bleed, blight, stun, move, debuff), mostly resulting in reductions
Monsters - some speed tweaks to emphasize roles
Monsters - dodge tweaks (some up, some down) to still reflect intent of dodgy monsters, given increased hero accuracy
Madman - reduced stress output at apprentice level so he isn't quite so bad of a new party landmine
Fungal Bloat - reduced dmg, crit, and marked target dmg (he was a bit too over-damaging, contributing to high Weald death rates)

Miscellaneous Fixes
Fix to padlock stress buff not applying on transform stress.
Abomination stance fixes.
Fix to abomination not reseting to idle when fighting in battle that has no loot.
Restricted hero class can swap out eachother in quest select when no other restrictions will take place.
Clamp stress when pending affliction to avoid heart attack before affliction is applied.
Removed the ability to use items when screen is not idle.
Fix to instant skill buffs carying over when transforming because of affliction and selected skill being set.

A break in the clouds--hark, the sun!
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Darkest Dungeon (now at Everything Burns) $
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2016, 11:23:29 PM »
Everything Burns

In today’s update, we’re thrilled to be adding over 40 different Town Events to the Hamlet. Upon returning from a quest, you may find things are not as you left them!

This update is also of special significance, as it completes the last of the Kickstarter game feature stretch goals. Huzzah! (Now we will move on to producing the Kickstarter physical goods.)


    TOWN EVENTS - bonus recruits, extra supplies, facility closures, and more! Each event is presented with unique key art and commentary by the Narrator (Wayne June), and many are supported with additional in-game art. Be warned, The Hamlet is not as safe as it once was… (Note: you can adjust the frequence of Town Events in the OPTIONS menu, although they are mandatory for NG+)
    Hamlet Polish: Various lighting FX and smoke added to the Hamlet.
    Added a Default Party Order Button, find it on your Map in a dungeon!
    Loot All - now keybound to SPACEBAR
    Credits - Accessible from the options menu, we are proud to list thousands of backers who helped bring this project to life! Oh, and us too.
    ESC and ENTER now dismisses Single Prompt Confirmation Windows (i.e. full inventory warning prompt)
    Added confirm for when you don’t have any combat skills selected.
    Jester “Finale” skill now hits with more punch!
    Fixed riposte bugs with stats not applying from riposte skill.
    Click to skip quirk-driven curio interaction bark.
    Fix to estate not being saved when heroes are dismissed. (This will fix trinkets getting lost in town.)
    Trap disarm tooltip in tray now takes difficulty into account to accurately display chance.
    Fixed up tooltips for Russian localization
    Fix heirloom exchange bugs.
        Fixed max not being accessible for transfer amounts.
        Fixed not being able to close it when it’s open and you purchase in such a way that you end up with 0 heirlooms.
    Adjusted 'Field Dressing' camping skill to fix bug
    Fix to estate saving in provision screen resulting in lost money.
    Fix to retreat outside of plot quest.
    Fix to captured dead heroes (Crew, Cauldron, Siren) not dying after quest.
    Activity log now will log stress heal with buff
    Fixed Shambler corpses not being large
    Fix to missing crit lines for Musketeer
    Unequip trinket for hero who dies in retreat and add the trinket to raid finish inventory.
    Fixed up incompatible quirks awarded at the end of a raid.
    Bookshelves and Book stacks can now drop Journal Pages
    The Town Crier can now be found enjoying the various stress relief facilities in the Hamlet once the town grows a bit
    Added Temporary English text for all the new text for other Languages. (Localization is being worked and should be done soon).
    Fixed Bug Quirk Gained from Facility Usage not Replacing Quirk correctly
    Various UI fixes

We want to extend a sincere thanks to all our players and fans for your support of Darkest Dungeon. While this update marks the end of our Kickstarter feature commitments, it’s certainly not the last update the game will receive! We’re honored to have found an audience for our game, and are looking forward to supporting and expanding it later in the year.

Until then, keep your torches lit, and ...beware the Vvulf!

--The Darkest Dungeon Team
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training