I'm really sorry if this is inappropriate on this forum. You guys don't really have an introduction section...
I spent a lot of time on another forum, but eventually got more or less disinterested in the subject of the forum. I'm kinda looking for something to fill in the gap, or maybe just make a few friends with similar interests
I really like roguelikes... It's what I spend most of my time on the last few months (Sad, I know...). So I decided to check this forum out
Well, first impressions aren't very great, honestly. I'm 19. Grew up with a PS1... So I kinda missed the ASCII days... Struggling to get into ASCII roguelikes

I guess I mostly like roguelites. I am really into Spelunky right now... But I have played some traditional roguelikes (Well, mostly pixel dungeon. Was really into it).
I guess I just want a group of people to discuss adventures in roguelikes with. Is this the right place? Or should I perhaps look for a more generalized gaming forum?