« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2016, 12:51:31 PM »
Alpha 27 and such~
Steam Trading Cards!
Hard Mode
Zero starting funds
Zero starting fame
Return to your ship after finding the golden pyramid. If your ship is destroyed there is nothing you can do but use the balloon, so be careful!
Unlock platinum frames for beating hard mode
Improved scrolling with cursor keys
Performance improvements
Butterfly perk now yields more sanity
Added more epilogue entries
Not successfully completing the Konrad quest will no longer skip all further events in the harbor
Large enemies now have a proper portrait in their infobox
Alpha 27.1
Fixed travel reports.
Fixed being stuck in ranking screen on certain occasions.
Easy Mode
Increased starting funds
Increased loot in many occasions
No standing loss when killing animals or blowing up mountains
Starting compass accuracy is always 100%
More places to rest and regain sanity across all landscapes
No seal or moonstone pyramids - just find the pyramid and you're golden (heh) on all expeditions
Less enemies will appear in combat
Mummies will never attack you when you are carrying them in your inventory
No spider encounters when exploring caves in darkness
No void will be triggered from looting a shrine
Resting in missions is cheaper
No portals or altars will be spawned
Improved feedback when using the Necronomicon
H.P. Lovecraft now needs to be unlocked
World generation tuning improvements
Tome pages now are also weightless items
Added a dice check when trying to steal an idol from a village
Added a new treasure item: The Golden Slokra (Treasure Edition Item)
Improved inventory - when inventory slots exceed a certain amount, multiple rows will be displayed. Added a proper icon for discarding objects. Added a frame around the inventory slots.
Reduced price of native trinket
Lower value treasure items will now stack up to 10 times
Blue Mushrooms and weather baloons are now improving your range of vision upon usage again
Fixed multiple music tracks playing at the same time
Fixed promotion stars not placed properly
Fixed missing particles in combat
Fixed offset zone icon positions
Fixed drawing of shield icon in combat
Improved position of health bars
Fixed bongos did not reset enemy-attention counter always
Improved info box for statuses that change travel base cost
Dice actions
Some diary actions now depend on dice rolls!
These actions will portray the required dice face required on the action button. All dice of your party are rolled excactly once.
If you get all required faces a positive outcome is triggered. If not a negative outcome is triggered.
This makes its easier for you to understand what the odds are for certain actions to succeed depending on your trek setup.
We've updated various old events to use this new mechanic. More events will be added in the coming updates.
So far the game had two resolution modes. Stretched and native. If you played on higher resolutions (i.e. 1080p) both of these modes had disadvantages: Stretched mode made the pixel art appear blurry, while native mode was hard coded to a 1:2 pixel ratio, making the HUD elements and event images appear relatively small to your display size.
The new version now supports 4 modes and allows to set custom pixel ratios, resulting in pixel perfect art, big event images, proper HUD element sizes and sharp text.
When you play on 1080p the game has literaly never looked as good as it does with this new version. Hundreds of changes where necessary to make this work, so please excuse any hickups that might still have made it through our testing. Let us know if you're missing any more options.
Also the size of the info box now adapts properly to the resolution.
The player data and save game data is now stored inside a TheCuriousExpedition folder inside your user data folder. In case you want to move your profile to another computer simply copy that folder. Also this should make it easier to create backups of your data.
Steam Cloud support for savegames and player data will also be enabled within the next couple of days.
When ignoring phobias of party members, they will reduce their individual loyalty instead of reducing the overall party sanity. This should make phobias more readable and relevant.
We added a new phobia Dendrophobia, which is the fear of trees.
New content
New item: voodoo dolls curse your rivals
New item: tin cans are nutrious, but pretty bland in flavor
New quest: a gentleman may ask you to escort a native to London
New blessing: your trek member might grow some animal claws
New perk: ruffian, adds a attack die
New perk: protector, adds a defense die
New perk: adept, adds a support die
Buffed native enemies, they have spears now!
If overburden, mounted animals don't yield extra dice. This counters the exploit of mounting the animals while overburden and then unmounting them after combat.
Rivals don't all start at the same time, spacing them out more on the race track bar
There is a screen prompt warning you about stashes that were destroyed in the world containing items of yours
Reworked the gentleman scene at the start of a new game
Bug fixes
Fixed musician quest could not be completed correctly in some situations
Certain disasters like voids were spreading way to fast and have been reduced to their original growth speed.
Fixed some overlong description texts in world map screen
Fixed lots of typos
Fixed overburden status was not properly updated after putting items into stash
Fixed character unlocks were not checked when using hot air balloon during final expedition
Fixed sometimes unreachable villages were spawned in tutorial
Fixed additional trek members not shown in side bar when trek was already at regular maximum size

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training