Some names exists in both '(non)trad' and 'missing'
Couldn`t see any. I`ve redone that page now but if you can see some duplicates still let me know.
and you didn't put info about obtained and required versions so probably Berserk!, LDC and MetroidRL are duplicates... Anyway, there are Rayel, Sagittarius and Solstice in my archive. I'm hurry now, but I would check my rl directory tomorrow.
Yep, the info is in the doc. I realize just a Missing list without comments can be too confusing so I removed it from the webpage... Anyway thanks for these three (though Sagittarius I also had, think my problem was with if it`s an alpha or beta)
I'm not sure I understand. Does the list at consist of just stable and beta games (because it has some alpha games like URR, and 7DRLs like TraumaRL)?
It does, yes. Glad you brought these two up though, because that`s the inherent problem with classifying these games. So, TraumaRL was updated with new features after the contest and this is the updated version. Now, that`s what I need feedback on - I was wondering if such games should be just grouped with other 7DRLs. But then, some of them evolved way beyond that. So where is the cut-off point? For now I just treated them as separate (beta) games...though sometime it`s just a post 7DRL bugfix, so the game is technically a 7DRL...headache

URR on the other hand is classified as "beta" in the Temple database, which was the basis for my operation. It also says "alpha" on the wiki page...which might mean the very first release or the whole project....and in the thread there`s only mention that 0.8 will be a "beta", other were just called "releases". Again, it`s a judgement call, and I went with "beta".
How is the webpage related to the spreadsheets in Both collections seem to have games that aren't in the other.
That page was a mirror of BETA+STABLE / (Lite) / MISSING docs. In theory there shouldn`t be any errors or duplicates. However the Missing doc was not updated with the latest finds, and the page was....this should be the only discrepancy. For now I revised this page anyway: merged trad and non-trad, added DOS and removed the Missing list (feel it`s necessary to read the doc to help with that, otherwise too unclear. The comments in the doc are still a cryptic mess, I know, but that`s how it is for now)
If you see any other errors please let me know. The other docs from the zip are just for the curious - it`s what was left after the crawl through Temple db talkie/beta/stable/major/defunct/unknown tags (400+ entries). They will be expanded in due time.