Development > Incubator

Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure(Steam)


I've posted about the old mobile version of Auro on here before. But now the game is coming to Steam with a massive, massive update. Almost all of the art has been replaced, there are new rules, and basically a revamped main gameplay mode. We also got rid of the annoying tutorials, but other than that, everything that got us a 91% on metacritic is still there. Would love to hear what you guys think of the game.

Some stuff to know:

- Basic premise is that the game is all about pushing monsters into the water. It gets extremely complex though, with slippery ice floes, air vortices that bounce actors, and monster abilities that all synergize with your own to create huge combos.
- The game is played on a "win/loss" basis. So it's not just "get a 'high' score" but, get exactly X points. The game dynamically adjusts the difficulty as you win/lose more games.
- Combat is 100% deterministic, there's no dicerolls involved.
- It took us 6 years (and counting) to balance and polish this game
- Extremely deep and tactical. Don't let the cutesy art fool you.

It'll be coming out on the 12th! I'll post about it here again once it's out.


Good news - the game is now out on Steam:

Let me know what you think!

I like the art style since it's not really the most common ones out there. Unfortunately I'm not able to purchase the game at this time. Is there a free demo somewhere? Would like to try it :)


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