Thanks for response

So, Rogue with Purple Heart is almost done. I should improve level generation (there is one, 'all-time-straight' path from left side of the map to the right side of the map; I tried to make level 100% passable by drunkard's walk, but it works weird; some new tries will be tested tomorrow), there are some issue about last level and I would like to make simple 'perk' system, but that's all and it should be done tomorrow (or even today). One thing which affraids me it's lack of playtesting -> lack of balance. This is reason why I ask for 'date compartment' clarification - one day more would be ideal, it would be day only for polishing. Ouh, probably I will do special 'post campo' release.
Interesting things which are implemented already:
- simple 'speed system'
- simple-but-significant differences between player's classes (infrantryman/rifleman, scout marksman, reconnesaince man, machine gunner, sniper)
- balance and historical related differences between player (US Soldier) and enemies (Vietcong partizans), so player has better weapons, but enemies are just *better* in jungle fights
There are few design choices which I'm not sure. In most cases it's about 'relistic' / 'immersive' choice. For example, word 'sniper' is associated (as 'reminds') with long range units, which are very dangerous. Machine guns usually link with weapons which are very dangerous due to 'high dps' / 'high damage-for-bullet' rate, but not necessarily as long range units. So, I think that more immersive gameplay is if sniper has longer effective range than machine gunner.
But, for example, as a matter of fact, M60 machine gun have (it depends, but let us assume that *a lot*) longer effective range than M40 sniper rifle.
Another choice is about M1 Garand reloading.
Some screenshots: