I'm currently about 33 hours into my 7DRL entry, Crashsight*. To be honest, this was my third choice. I was set on a abstract, street fighter type game.. but got concerned that the scope would be too much to make it fun. Then there was the regular dungeon crawler... but meh... This idea was the one I first came up with, but thought the scope would be a little too big. I had a few ideas to tone it down a few notches.. so yeah... we'll see.
The basics are, you are a probe that has landed on an alien planet. Crash landed, to be precise. Communications back home have been lost, and it's up to the backup AI to put itself back together and phone home.
Oh.. and lasers and stuff... lots of lasers.
I'm drawing inspiration from the Creeper World series, as well as the power utility industry as well. You lay down wires to connect the various pieces that have been strewn about, and hope you've built in enough redundancy for when the random careless beast, or hostile alien, or alien rat that wants to gnaw on your power cable happens by.

Good luck to all those participating! The games I've seen look awesome!