I'm sure the first reply to this post (unless I wrote this first line perhaps
) would be "Ahh, this old topic again.. *SIGH!*"
I'm sorry if it's been up for debate before, and I'm sure there are reasons for things being as they are..
Anyway, I've noticed that it seems like there's only a handful of people active on the forum. And by "active" I mean they drop by every 2/3 days and reply here and there. Yet, when you make a post and refresh the page 20 minutes later, you can be sure it's gotten 5 more views.
I remember when I found this forum 2 weeks ago, I thought it looked awesome and I found an interesting thread where I wanted to reply right away! I pushed "Register" turned in information, and found out I had to wait to the next day for my account to be -manually- approved of. Sucked bigtime.
I know roguelikes generally are for the patient of the most patient gamers, and that we already are a small niche..but aren't you afraid that having such a "slow" way of joining in to participate on the forum is disencouraging for many and make them go "Ah screw it, I read what I wanted. I wanted to reply something but.. meh *Goes back to sufing/playing favorite RL*"
I don't know, perhaps it's been up for debate before, what do you regulars think?
(I'm a newcomer, don't take my post the wrong way and think I'm critisizing or something, just struck me as odd how slow replies are on here, when it's such a great and wide forum)