Author Topic: Professional Adventurers' League v0.2.6  (Read 4708 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Professional Adventurers' League v0.2.6
« on: February 29, 2016, 05:12:02 PM »
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RogueBasin page:

New this release:
Ghouls eat corpses for a buff
New enemy: revenants.  Disembodied spirits who posses corpses
New enemy: exploding zombies!
The mummy's curse . . .
The audience gets excited when you're about to die
Simulacrum scroll.  Inspired by the inflatable clown in Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Inappropriate enemies can no longer be promoted to elites
New forest map variant (swamp)
New sponsor
Squashed a crash bug
Minor interface changes (labels for map screen, preferences accessible from splash screen)
Charms can have additional bonuses
Adjustments for some status effects, unique items, and elite types