Development > Incubator

My Rogue Like Pixel Art

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Hello everyone, I am new to the rogue-like community but have been in the game developing community's for sometime now. I am a 2d pixel artist and have been creating art for many years. I specialize in rpgs, adventure games, platformers and now rogue-like graphics.

Im here to show off a new tile set, and set of game assets I have simply titled rogue realms for now. I was hoping to get your opinions of my artwork since you are all rogue-like experts. I was also wondering if any of you purchased or licensed artwork for commercial projects? Or if you just used free art for these types of games. What do you think a fair price would be on a graphics set like this? It would include many tile-sets, many characters, many item icons, paper-dolls, animations ex. I'm simply curious.

Here is a preview of my art.

Please note as far as houses and dungeons and things go, I have many floor, wall and decoration tiles. I Cannot use them all in every screenshot so don't think what is being shown is all there is. There are so many more!

These look really good!
I'm not in the market for tiles.
I do know how much work goes into this, I've done quite a bit of pixel art over the years.

I would suggest looking into selling this on the Unity Asset Store.

Maybe do a two tier system.

1- A small set of tiles just grass, 2 trees, one set of wall pieces 3 characters.
Give for free or $5 -$10, so people have something to prototype with.

2- Full Set Pro version, whatever price, no idea really. ( $20 - $50 ? )

They are not as red as I thought they would be, mon ami  ;)

Well it is bleu where it is spelled correctly.

Not as red as you thought it would be?


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