's the official list. Of course, that's just a general overview. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to add in the long term that doesn't appear there, but since it's so far away I figure best to leave it out for now.
It would be nice in Dreamhack if things could happen to your limbs. Like, falling off, getting cut off, shot off, blown off, regrowing, healing, all sorts of fun things. Currently, I just don't have any system for handling damage to different body parts. But that should probably be included in the issues list, it's a feature I've always liked. Banannas are another thing I need to add to Dreamhack, for that matter.
Say, what are your guys favorite foods? Or foods you'd like to see in Dreamhack? It'd be awesome to get some community feedback on food to be included in Dreamhack. Thanks again guys!