Author Topic: The Rogues Fable [Released]  (Read 8913 times)


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The Rogues Fable [Released]
« on: January 14, 2016, 08:38:24 AM »
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Hi everyone, I'm getting pretty close to finishing my second attempt at a rogue-like and I'm looking for some feedback from fellow developers. There are no in game instructions yet but I hope its intuitive enough that experienced rogue-like players like yourself can figure most of it out. The game is entirely mouse driven. Clicking your character will wait a turn. Clicking any item in your inventory will either use it (potions, food, scrolls etc.) or equip it. Spell casting is a little different in that each scroll has a mana cost, if you have sufficient mana, the scroll is not consumed. Clicking the character portrait in the bottom right of the screen lets you select skills each time you level up.

  • 16 main dungeon levels.
  • 2 themed branches with 4 levels each (not required to win game).
  • Melee weapons, ranged weapons, armor, amulets, potions and scrolls.
  • Spell casting system based on scrolls.
  • Classless, skill based advancement.
  • Shops to spend gold.

Some of my thoughts that went into designing this:

The game is almost completely deterministic. Weapons always hit, all damage is constant (though mitigated by armor and resistances), healing recovers a set amount of hit points etc. I placed both the remaining hit points and damage directly on enemy sprites as I want players to know exactly what will happen in the next turn. In general I've tried to make the game as tactical as possible with the player given perfect information regarding the state of the game and the results of his actions.

No Health or Mana Regeneration
The player either needs to consume items in his inventory or consume resources in the level to regenerate mana and health.

Character Development
I've tried to strike a balance between allowing the player to define his character build and allowing the RNG to define it for him. The items in you find are the major way in which your character build is defined with skills playing a lesser role. Furthermore I included shops so that the player has some control over which items he carries. I intentionally made the inventory small in order to force players to drop items.

No Useless Items
Even though players will generally be specializing in some variation of melee, ranged, caster or stealth build, I wanted all items to always be useful. For example when a scroll is used, if the player has sufficient mana, then only mana is consumed, otherwise the scroll is consumed. In this way I hope that non caster characters will still feel it useful to carry around scrolls for emergencies.

Multiple Effects
I tried to make most items and spells have multiple effects. Healing potions can be drunk at full hp to increase maximum hit points, food also restores health, fire spells can ignite vines, ice spells also freeze enemies in place. There is generally no best weapon type: swords hit multiple enemies, pole arms have increased range, daggers can back stab unaware enemies. Heavier armor reduces maximum mana.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I'm particularly interested in the difficulty level as I'm afraid to admit I haven't beaten the game yet (my friend has though so its definitely possible).
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 09:21:38 AM by Justin_Wang123 »


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Re: The Rogues Tale
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 09:42:34 AM »
My tea-break sized feedback: slick gameplay, nice tiles, monsters affected by environment, mouse control isn`t a chore. Not bad!

However, there`s already a roguelike named Rogue`s Tale:

Hope you will release standalone as well...


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Re: The Rogues Tale
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2016, 10:33:25 AM »
Thanks for the feedback, good thing we haven't drawn up a title screen yet. Will need to think up a new title now.


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Re: The Rogues Tale
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2016, 06:22:26 PM »
I played your game for  a while. It's great!!

things i would like to see:
- minimap navigation.
- another option to get food besides the shop (maybe i had bad luck and didn't found any)
- monster drops.- i spent my skill points for throwing weapons and found about 30 darts.
- sell items!!. - that plate armor was looking at me.
- a way to disable traps.. a stick or something for those bear traps at least!! XD

i found a bug:

The shop here is invisible, i found it using the minimap after a round trip to second level to get some food.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 06:36:47 PM by Lachnaddar »


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Re: The Rogues Tale
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2016, 06:52:07 AM »
Hey Lachnadder, thanks for the feedback!

- The minimap navigation is a great idea, I always find myself descending to lower levels with half hp because I can't be bother to manually click my way back to some distant healing mushrooms.

- I think you may have just been very unlucky on food drops, when my friends and I have tested the game we've never had a problem with food unless we ate most of it to heal. There is actually a guaranteed food drop every couple of levels, and of course food can spawn on the floor or in chests.

- The number of items that drop is pretty carefully balanced right now to guarantee that the player doesn't wander around with a full inventory. What I'm thinking of doing for throwing items is slightly reducing their damage but increasing the chance for the throwing skill to 'recover' a thrown weapon. Right now its 5% per level of throwing, I'm going to try reducing the damage of darts by 1 point and increasing this to something like 8% so that characters who have specialized in throwing have less trouble with finding ammunition. I want people to still conserve ammo, treating it as a limited resource, so this will have to be something carefully balanced.

- Another possibility is forcing the shops to always stock at least 1 throwing item, 1 potion, 1 food etc. just in case the RNG isn't playing nicely.

- Yeah selling items is definitely something I'll add. At first I was influenced by the crawl philosophy of not having players vacuum the entire dungeon for items to sell, but I don't think that applies here since items are relatively rare. This will also contribute to the idea of every item having a use to every player even if its just to sell it for a bit of gold. I'll probably have to increase item prices a little bit to compensate so that plate armor may continue to 'look at you' hehe.

- I'm pretty late in development now so I'm not sure if I want to go through the trouble of adding an item to disarm traps, since this item would not be guaranteed to drop every time. In future games I'd like to have a more complex trap system with more types of traps, the ability to disarm them and the ability to place them, but that will have to wait for the next iteration.

- Thanks for the bug report, I think I've fixed it now.

Thanks again for the feedback, glad you enjoyed the game.


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Re: The Rogues Tale
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2016, 05:01:28 PM »
Hello Again!! I made another trip to the dungeon.

- One thing i noticed is that after an enemy spot the character. No matter how much you run, monsters will chase to the end.
   even if get out of sight. Or maybe is bad luck again.
- This time i used some strategies with the items, the cold arrows, nets, darts and the spear. Offer a nice chance to create "combo attacks".

Keep it up!!

I made it to the "nexus". ^^


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Re: The Rogues Tale
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2016, 08:51:56 PM »
January 16 Update:
First, thanks everyone for your feedback! It's been extremely helpful. Lachnadder, enemies should stop chasing you if you break LoS and get far enough away, I'll test it to make sure its actually working. Congrats on reach level 8 :)

- Auto path around traps
- Fixed map boarders not generating.
- Click minimap to auto travel.
- Spells can destroy fire mushrooms and bear traps
- Darts can destroy fire mushrooms and bear traps.
- Reduce food tick slightly.
- Make effects of dart recovery more noticeable.

Still got lots of stuff on my todo list, should have more updates in the coming days.