Heyho, I created a
Star Rogue Gameplay Video with Commentary! Sorry about the microphone quality!

And I also released a new version, which you can
download here:
-added back button in all menus
-added exit button in main menu
-new animation for ground enemy
-new item with unlock, doubles credit coins collected
-some enemies now create an explosion when getting destroyed
-removed change position item and
made it an ability with a 1 second cooldown
-stages now spawn shop or slotmachiner room and not both
-added more different rooms
-added hint for wall/double jump and controller support
-code cleanup
-reduced and removed random movement from several enemies
and made it more predictable
-made exploding enemies with projectiles easier
-made attack speed item weaker
-enemies and bosses gain more health per stage
-slow item now has 50% chance of slowing
fixed bugs:
-fullscreen option saves now between sessions
-laser endboss now gets knocked back correctly
-watch ability doesnt teleport you out of the room
anymore when used in transfer room between stages
-corrected typo in options
-small fixes