Game Discussion > Early Dev

Star Rogue :: Sci-Fi Roguelite Platformer

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I'm very excited to announce, that there is a new trailer:
Star Rogue Alpha Greenlight Trailer
and the game is now on Steam Greenlight! Please consider supporting us! :)

Star Rogue on Steam Greenlight

Heyho, I created a Star Rogue Gameplay Video with Commentary! Sorry about the microphone quality! :)

And I also released a new version, which you can download here:


-added back button in all menus
-added exit button in main menu
-new animation for ground enemy
-new item with unlock, doubles credit coins collected
-some enemies now create an explosion when getting destroyed
-removed change position item and
 made it an ability with a 1 second cooldown
-stages now spawn shop or slotmachiner room and not both
-added more different rooms
-added hint for wall/double jump and controller support
-code cleanup

-reduced and removed random movement from several enemies
 and made it more predictable
-made exploding enemies with projectiles easier
-made attack speed item weaker
-enemies and bosses gain more health per stage
-slow item now has 50% chance of slowing

fixed bugs:
-fullscreen option saves now between sessions
-laser endboss now gets knocked back correctly
-watch ability doesnt teleport you out of the room
 anymore when used in transfer room between stages
-corrected typo in options
-small fixes

I'm very happy no announce, that Star Rogue is now available on Steam in Early Access.
If you're interested you can click on the image below or use this direct link

There is a new alpha version v0.35 which improves the overall uniqueness of the different rooms you encounter in this game. It adds several new objects to interact to make each room more diversified. The game is available in Early Access on Steam and there is currently a 40% discount!

First of all we have jump pads, which push you up in the air and help you get faster to the higher platforms. Next are moving platforms. There are two different ones: horizontal and vertical moving platforms. They act like ground, so you can also walljump on them. Also jump through platforms shouldn't be left out in this game. You can jump through them when you are below them and land right on them. Also if you stand on them and press down, you can let yourself fall down.

Then we have two new enemies. The first one teleports around and is quite hard to get, the next one spawns a shield around him from time to time, making him immune to laser projectiles.

Most of the existing rooms were modified and have now some of the new objects listed above to make them more unique. I also added many new rooms with completely new layouts.

Here is the complete changelog of v0.35:

- new enemy with laser shield
- new enemy which can teleport
- more unique rooms for each stage
- horizontal and vertical moving platforms
- jump through platforms
- jump pad

- added moving and jump through platforms and jump pads to existing rooms
- adapted ground enemy animation speed
- code cleanup

fixed bugs:
- ground saws were moving in wrong direction after pause
- minor fixes

I returned to developement and want to share this new version with you. It's an effort to streamline the game and make characters more unique.

- three more playable characters with own graphic/sprite
- names for each character (may change)
- a unique personality for each character
- after clearing a room based your character has a chance to say something based on his personality

- each character has a fixed weapon, ability and stats modifier now
- abilites have no a cooldown instead of one time use per room
- removed active items from the game and made the existing ones a one time effect when picking them up

fixed bugs:
- vertical text alignment problems
- minor fixes


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