TomeNet ( — online multiplayer roguelike or just MMORPG-rogulike game.
Its wild mix of oldschool singleplayer ultrahardcore roguelike and modern MMORPG setting. So its the very best place to enjoy roguelike with a friends (better, then World of Warcraft, I can say).

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Roguelike features:-
Random levels generation (btw TomeNet has a lot of advanced technologies for rogulike games - Day/night changes, four seasons, weather, sound and music, powerful macro system & etc)
Permadeath (but also you could also play "everlasting" character if you wish)
- Huge amount of
game actions (kick, throw, search, dig & etc)
Freedom. Not linear walkthrough of the game. There is even no walkthrough - gameplay is almost endless!
Hack’n’Slash, great amount of items, monsters.. and other roguelike features. HUGE amounts of situations. For example,
at my first day in-game I weared cursed ring of teleportation and several kind players gathered to help me to remove it. It was awesome adventure :lol: I even got that on
video, but its in Russian.
MMORPG features:-
real-time. Don't worry - time passes slower on deeper levels keeping the real-time experience at an optimum.
PvE in group. Fight with your friends back to back! If you are solo player (as me) its very challenging (hard, but possible) to go alone in the dark.
PvP - dueling and even PK (full-loot) and stealing! If you don't like PvP - you are not forced to do it. You have to create special character for PvP mode

Economy. Trade, barter, create your own shop or even shop empire!
Communication. Find friends there! Build your own house or even create village with your friends!
- ...and much, MUCH more

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TomeNet is totally free game with open-source for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
TomeNet information and history @ roguebasin wikiBtw I making live stream videos of my adventures @ TomeNet almost every day (it starts 22:00 or 23:00.. or sometimes 00:00 +3 UTC) at my
youtube channelAnd as a final word - I've made my video compilation of my deaths @ TomeNet