Author Topic: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch  (Read 15413 times)

Virtua Sinner

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Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« on: February 24, 2016, 12:33:14 AM »
Another big release with some cool new content, new ways of using existing content and plenty of bug fixes.

If you're new to Caverns of Xaskazien II, you can download the latest version (0.67.17) here:

If you've already got at least version 0.66.12 installed, you can patch it to the latest with this download:
PATCH INSTRUCTIONS: Put the zip file in the root folder of your game and unzip it.  Click "Yes to All" when it prompts you.  Feel free to delete the zip file afterwards.

Although the details will be discussed below, I want to point out the new READ ME file in the root folder.  I'm trying to make the game as user friendly as possible - hopefully the READ ME is more digestible than the full manual, for those who want a quick briefing on how to play.  Please let me know how clear/unclear it is.

As per usual, here's a brief description of the game for newcomers followed by the changelog for the current release.  Enjoy!

Game Features:
- A rich, graphical game, with loads of animation and dynamic, coloured per pixel lighting.
- An exclusive orchestral soundtrack created for the game by professional film scorer, Dave Coleman.
- A full sound environment with close to 1000 unique sound effects, volume keyed to the source’s distance from your character.
- An intuitive keyboard and mouse interface.
- An easy to understand UI that ensures all information any player could want on any topic is only a mouse hover away.
- 300 visually distinct monsters, each with a dozen+ variants (including named boss types), and robust AI that differs by monster intelligence level.  Summoning and Charm methods allow you to raise your own monstrous army to fight for you, too.
- Merchants and NPCs to deal with, as well, each of which can run afoul of the monsters, just like you.
- More than a hundred unique booby traps for the unwary, most of which may be set by players to ensnare monsters, too.
- 125 base weapons and 75 base armour pieces, each with thousands of possible enchantment combinations and legendary variants.
- Hundreds of unique magic items, mundane items, potions, scrolls, staves, wands, rods, food items, etc.
- Nearly a hundred unique spells.
- Play as either sex in any combination of 38 Classes and 13 Races, and customize your character as you see fit through the upgrading of both Attributes and Skills.
- Procedurally generated dungeons utilizing multiple methods of generation to create caves, structured areas, labyrinths and even forests, supplemented by occasional pre-generated dungeons called Legendary Lands.
- Hundreds of unique environmental features to interact with and use to your tactical advantage (or detriment).
- Both random and scheduled special Events to mix up gameplay.
- A comprehensive user's manual in the docs folder.
- All for the low, low price of free :)

A few screenshots from my most recent playthrough:

A Precarious Crossing:

A Widely Branching River on the Map

Upgrades to Ver 0.67.17 since last release (Ver. 0.66.12):

Major Improvements:
- New Mundane Items: Spell Drain Trap Kit, Honeycomb, Tamaran Coffee, Vorduvian Tea.
- New Terrains: Blast Craters (non-linear chasms), Bee Hive.
- Made it possible (though uncommon) for there to be more than one River, Frozen River, Acid River, Lava Flow or Chasm on a map.
- Made it possible (though uncommon) for any of the above to be more than 1 square wide (theoretically up to 38 squares, though the odds of this are astronomically low).
- Made it possible (though uncommon) for each of the above to fork.
- Made it possible (though uncommon) for each of the above to link up with lake types (so lakes can empty into rivers, etc.)
- Made it possible for the map generator to create Bridges and Rope Bridges that are more than just 1 square in length over Water, Lava, Acid or Chasms.
- Game now checks whether your current save is playable or if the character is dead and grays out the option to load game accordingly.  It won’t highlight the option if you point at it and the save is not viable, nor will it try to load the game if you click it.  This should save time for players waiting for a game to load, only to have it fail at the end because the character is dead.

Minor Improvements:
- Added a READ ME to the root directory of the game, giving a brief overview of the rules.
- Made Wishing Wells grant Attribute Points on success, instead of randomly picking an Attribute to increase, so that the player actually CAN get their wish instead of a random reward.
- Made it so that while a Psychic Fear spell is ongoing, monsters in your square will try to move in a random direction, rather than standing and fighting.
- Standardized many more Situation Panel text outputs for Basic and Intermediate Text Prompt modes.
- Made text output red during combat if your Text Prompts are set to Basic and the game is communicating why you didn’t get to attack this turn.
- Once you’ve discovered the contents of a Cauldron, the game will now prompt you with the Cauldron’s title (i.e. “Drink from Healing Broth Cauldron?” instead of just “Drink from Cauldron?”)
- Added clarification to query of Poison Immunity icon that Poison Immunity will not cure you of existing Poison.
- Added clarification to query of Nausea icon that while you can’t cast Spells, you can still use Objects that produce spell effects, like Scrolls and Wands.
- Allowed space bar, enter or keypad enter to dismiss an Event screen.
- Allowed any button press to dismiss a Situation Panel prompt, (with anything except “y” standing in for a “No” or “OK” answer).
- Allowed left clicking anywhere to dismiss any Situation Panel prompt, too (with anything except clicking “Yes” standing in for a “No” or “OK” answer).
- Made Lakes, Frozen Lakes, Acid Lakes, Lava Lakes and Lakes of Mud less chaotic (and more visually appealing) by disallowing diagonal connection of parts.  This has a side effect of tending to make them smaller, which also makes the game more survivable.
- Made it so Events, outside of Holidays or post-Warning Events, will not get generated on the first map of any game, to let players get their feet before throwing new things at them.
- Made it so Book of Legends cannot be used in a Legendary Land, to prevent a potential loop of hopping from one Legendary Land back to a reset version of the same Legendary Land.
- Gave Improvised Weapons and Armour a low resale value, rather than flatly saying they’re worth 0 gold.
- Made Energons and Lightning Elementals glow blue, lighting their own squares.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed error not outputting any reference to Cartography if you cast a Clairvoyance spell.
- Fixed typo telling you you’d “recieved” a map.
- Fixed error not properly displaying Counterspell graphic.
- Fixed error occasionally generating doors in odd places during the design of certain styles of labyrinths.
- Fixed several typos in text output from eating Mushrooms from a Mushroom Patch.
- Fixed several instances of missing text output from eating Mushrooms from a Mushroom Patch.
- Fixed error that, with Text Prompts set to Basic, wouldn’t output anything in the Situation Panel if you jumped in an Acidic Pool but nothing melted.
- Fixed error that, with Text Prompts set to Basic, would tell you that a Giant Centipede had Poisoned you, when they, in fact, only Mildly Poison you.
- Fixed errors not enacting certain types of Insanity or Confusion if you passed your turn by left clicking your own square.
- Fixed errors not allowing the “left click to move into adjacent square” function to work if you were Confused.
- Fixed pluralization error in Temple output which could reference “1 gold pieces worth of Treasure”.
- Fixed error mislabeling a Blink Trap as a Teleport Trap when you disarm it.
- Fixed error not immediately re-rendering lighting after a Blink Trap teleports you.
- Fixed error not immediately re-rendering lighting after a Magic Archway teleports you.
- Fixed rare error that, with Text Prompts set to Basic, would tell you “Something is blocking the Hellhound from entry” if you failed in conducting a ritual at a Small Pentagram and there were already too many monsters on the level to allow another, even though it’s now a Lesser Demon that should appear.
- Fixed error that would, with Text Prompts set to Basic, output the successful results of conducting a ritual at any Pentagram four times instead of just once.
- Fixed error not setting NPC intelligence high enough to have them avoid wandering into some dangerous areas.
- Fixed errors with Scrolls of Summon Vermin, Summon Knight, Summon Minor Fiend, Summon Monstrosity and Animate Dead, sometimes misinterpreting the level of Runic Lore required to identify them which could allow an improperly trained character to try to use the Scroll and be warned that it won’t work where they are (because the square is occupied, say), rather than having the scroll fizzle away or, conversely, might NOT warn the player of such a circumstance and just waste the scroll, even though they had sufficient skill to merit being warned.
- Fixed erroneous info in query of Temple claiming that characters with Advanced Piety can pray once per level to regain Health equal to the Dungeon Level (when they actually regain twice that amount).
- Fixed error not always properly re-rendering lighting when you’re carried along by a mine cart.
- Fixed typo in Level Up text output for Mage class characters.
- Fixed error occasionally (but not always) pasting red square beneath graphic that accompanies the text output of a Monster Attitude shift in the Situation Panel.
- Fixed error that would lower the base resale value of the highest end weapons to 0.
- Fixed text output error switching the lines “you’ve released a” and “you’ve disturbed a” when you disturb a monstrous plant by searching a Lush Plant.
- Fixed error making it impossible to find Whiskey.
- Fixed error that, with Text Prompts set to Basic, was posting the wrong image when you interact with an Air Shaft.
- Fixed error not properly setting the gradient for the chasm beneath Rope Bridges over Chasms.
- Fixed error scrolling “Strength Too Low” instead of “Dexterity Too Low” if you try to learn Secret Detection skill but can’t because your Dexterity is too low.
- Fixed error not lowering the printed odds of a monster hitting if that monster was standing in Mist (though it did ACTUALLY lower the odds during combat).
- Fixed error dropping the “an” or “a” article in the text output if you found a Chilly/Frosty/Icy Weapon.
- Fixed text spacing error in text output of accidentally setting off your own trap.
- Fixed error still showing Dig Sites, even in territory that’s no longer known.
- Fixed outdated queries of multiple side screens advocating you “click Done” to leave the screen, when the Done button was replaced with an OK button long ago.
- Fixed error allowing you to gain more than your maximum Spell Points on Sacrificial Pits.
- Fixed multiple errors not initializing Counterspell, Air Shield, and sometimes even Mage Helm, Mage Shield or Mage Armour on monsters, either when they’re first placed, or when they’re summoned/raised from the dead.
- Fixed errors not lowering the turns remaining on active Counterspell or Air Shield spells for monsters, meaning they would be permanent once cast.
- Fixed error that, with Text Prompts set to Basic, would display the wrong graphic when you drink a Potion of Skill.
- Fixed error asking a second time if you wanted to ring a Brass Gong, after you’d already rung it (although the second answer was moot, as nothing would happen).

Hope people are enjoying the game!  I'm definitely enjoying continuing to work on it.  Next update when time permits (probably a couple weeks).


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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2016, 12:41:32 PM »
My sanity thanks you for the patch file!

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2016, 01:09:57 PM »
My sanity thanks you for the patch file!

It was a good call.  I'm glad you spurred me to it :)


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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2016, 05:36:57 PM »
Doesn't work for me.

No idea what any of that means, or how to fix it.

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2016, 10:40:17 PM »
Just to confirm - did you also mention this today on Reddit (under a different name)?  If not, then you're the second person to encounter this bug today.

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2016, 11:17:20 PM »
Doesn't work for me.

No idea what any of that means, or how to fix it.

OKAY - took some internet sleuthing and the use of a nifty tool to view the manifest for the Caverns .exe.  But I know what's going on, at least.

There's this folder:  C:\Windows\winsxs  It contains a bunch of files that help Windows co-ordinate dlls.  In particular, you need to have the MSVCR90.dll version 9.0.21022.8 files in order to run Caverns (apparently - not sure why this is, but probably has something to do with the Microsoft Studios 2008 I compile in).  It's contained in one of Microsofts many SP packages they've been releasing over the years.  If you have a newer machine, it may assume substitute dlls rather than 2008 versions.  BUT, you can download from Microsoft 2008 SP1 right here: 

If you give it a go, please let me know if it solves the problem so I can spread the word should this arise for anyone else.



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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2016, 12:10:01 AM »
Just to confirm - did you also mention this today on Reddit (under a different name)?  If not, then you're the second person to encounter this bug today.

I did. It occurred to me after posting here that you might spot it more easily on Reddit.

I'll try this solution and see what happens.

EDIT: Success! That solved it. Thanks for the help!


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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2016, 12:04:54 PM »
I've been search for a graphical roguelike for some time so pleased to find this.

A few things:
- how can I run it in Windowed mode? I've got a big monitor. I don't want it to fill the screen.
- I have to run it from the command line. If I double click on it in explorer, it crashes instantly.

PS. I'm using Windows 10
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 12:21:17 PM by harcile »

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2016, 01:19:07 PM »
Hi, harcile!

Ok, first things first.  There's actually a more recent update than version 0.67.17.  You can download the most recent (0.67.91) here:

If you've already downloaded 0.67.17, there's a small patch file you can download there and just unzip into your game's root directory.

As for the crash on start, you may be just the guinea pig I've been looking for!  There were a couple others who had the game crash on start with a message saying something about a side-by-side error.  They solved it by downloading the Microsoft Service Pack 1, and the instructions for how to do that are at the link I provided above.  However, after they repaired the error on their end, I believe I repaired it in game - just need someone to test it.  SO - if your crash is giving you the side-by-side error, if you could patch the game to the latest, then grab this newer executable here:  Paste that over your current executable, and let me know if that fixed the crash, I'd be very much in your debt.

If your crash on start isn't giving you a side-by-side error, then you're the first to report this and I'd need more details.

In the event that the error is repaired and you can play the game, you can switch to Windowed mode by starting a new game, then going to the options menu and clicking the option that toggles between full screen and windowed.  There's no way to do it from outside the game right now, but if you do it once, provided you save your game, your preferences will save too, so it should always start in windowed mode thereafter.  The options menu can be found by clicking the little brown button with the wrench on it beside the main game view screen.

Hopefully that helped!  Please let me know if it works!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 01:23:18 PM by Virtua Sinner »


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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2016, 02:25:27 PM »
Yes, that worked! Don't know if it was the 'side by side' issue reported above because there was no feedback/warning whatsoever, it just flashed an opening window that immediately disappeared yet it worked when run from the command line. However the updated EXE worked a treat.

Having the options available from the main menu would be handy although I'm sure you have your reasons?

Anyway, I will let you know how I get on when I get around to playing it a bit. :)

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2016, 02:36:09 PM »
Excellent!  Thank you so much for testing that.

You are the second person to request having the options available from the main menu, so it's something I should probably look at eventually.  I don't consider it a top priority since any adjustment made once will stick forever, but the main reason I'm reticent is that I use After Effects to animate the title screen, so anything I add to the title screen (a new option, for instance) necessitates creating new assets in photoshop, messing with the AE file and re-rendering the whole thing.  Big chore for minimal payoff.  I'll shunt it low on the to do list, but as the tasks there are already many years long, it could take a while :)


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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2016, 03:50:23 PM »
What about some sort of little mini-launcher apparatus instead ahead of the full on game's launch?  A few (often older) games have managed something of this sort to useful ends, though my memory fails to come up with any in the Roguelike sphere per se...
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2016, 05:23:54 PM »
Possible.  But again, given it's something the occasional player will get use out of once and once only, it seems prudent to keep the concentration on general game improvements for the time being.  The immediate horizon includes a lot more bug fixes, the addition of a few important skills, followed by the massive addition of a detailed religion system, then the massive addition of keyed racial and class specific level benefits, doubling the number of monsters, adding steeds and a small party system that lets you travel with NPCs for a while, etc., etc., etc., all to be implemented hand in hand with ongoing general improvements of content and UI/AI, while working a day job, auditioning, shooting on the odd project, trying to keep in shape, trying to keep on top of family responsibilities, and the massive chore of completing the visual effects on a feature film I directed, so...  it will definitely be a bit before I can get to it :P


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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2016, 08:47:50 PM »
This is fair/awesome stuff to come---I was mainly just trying to think of a way to outright avoid that After Effects sinkhole of time you mentioned for this aspect.   :P
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.67.17 release and patch
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2016, 09:55:13 PM »
 :) I know.  And it's definitely a good idea for when I finally get around to it.