Author Topic: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.12 Closed Beta) semi $  (Read 21118 times)


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Re: MidBoss beta release (v0.9.2!) semi $
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2017, 07:50:40 PM »

(savegame compatible with previous version)

    Bug Fixes
        Double clicking an empty equipment slot will no longer crash the game (thanks to Tactless).
        Equipment tooltips were sometimes showing unidentified min or max damage modifiers as identified even though they weren't. This no longer happens (thanks to Tactless).
        Equipment which has both cursed and non-cursed damage modifiers should now correctly apply both (thanks to Tactless).
        Fixed a bug where potions would have their inventory slot reselected after use.
        Fixed an incorrect loop point in the floor 5-6 background music (thanks to Tactless).
        Gore's status effect should no longer have increased intensity upon switching equipment (thanks to Tactless). This did not affect Gore's actual gameplay effects.
        Mid's rarity tutorial message now mentions unique items as well.
        The status menu's damage and crit values/tooltips, as well as ability tooltips now no longer factor in unidentified damage bonuses or penalties (thanks to Tactless).

    Command Line
        Added -debugstatics command line option which will be useful to nobody in the history of forever.

        A sound effect now plays when the gods bless you.
        Devyn now appreciates the virtues of holy water.
        Sacrificing epic, unique or legendary items to the gods now gives a small bonus to the roll.
        Shrine outcomes are now less random.
        The gods' favored items have been updated to include the new unique items.

        Added borderless windowed fullscreen mode.
        Better support for resolutions over 1080 pixels high.
        FNA has been updated to the latest version. This has increased performance and enabled multi monitor support, as well as fixed the vsync option not doing anything.
        Multiple monitors are now properly supported, the game will remember which monitor the game was last played on between sessions, and should fullscreen on the monitor it is currently on rather than the primary monitor.
        Static level geometry is now cached in buffers on the GPU. Offloading floors and walls to the GPU in this fashion means rendering speed and framerate are drastically increased.
        The game window should no longer jump back to the primary monitor when opening or closing the options menu.

        Added an option to enable a high contrast version of the default font.
        Clicking Mid's reminder speech bubble now falls through to the next message instead of merely closing the current one, which is the same behavior as when you click on his face instead.
        When changing options which require a restart the game now notifies you of this upon closing the options menu.

    Bug Fixes
        Fixed version number bug causing the game to perpetually indicate a new version was available.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v0.9.3!) semi $
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2017, 02:40:54 AM »

(savegame compatible with previous version)

Added 6 new abilities total used by Megataur and Wraith monsters.
Burn status effect damage per stack has been reduced from 5% to 2%.
Gore bonuses reduced to 30% and 35% for large and huge creatures (down from 40% and 50%).
Infection and Body Slam abilities now have icons.
Rust and Gravelord abilities now have icons.

Bladed weapons now have separate hit and critical sounds.
Chests now play a sound when opened.
Magic missiles now make a sound when they miss.

Bug Fixes
After a helpful bug report by Lynith the poison freeze bug has finally been fixed and after 10 thousand years I'm free.
Dead creatures should no longer execute on hit or damage procs.
Fixed a bug causing custom game experience multipliers not set to auto to be floored to the nearest integer.
Fixed a bug causing mobs to not properly path around altars.
Fixed a bug where the custom game menu's seed edit box would get 'stuck' and could not be edited after starting a custom game while it was focused.
Fixed a bug which caused attacks to never critical.
Fixed a bug which could cause mobs to take turns in between another mob dying and the possession window popping up if the cause of death was an AoE attack.
Fixed a bug which could in rare circumstances cause graphical glitches in walls while the player was moving.
Fixed a bug which was causing armor stands and weapon racks to be trapped far too often on lower floors.
Fixed a bug which was causing bone spear to deal regular melee damage, instead of the halved piercing damage it was supposed to.
Fixed issues with stats rounding to the nearest even number at the midpoint between integers. For example, 3.5 was rounding to 4, while 4.5 also rounded to 4. Now 3.5 will still round to 4, but 4.5 would round to 5.
Fixed some issues with line of sight being unreliable.
Mobs should no longer spawn on closed doors.
The player will no longer get benefit from any procs that triggered on dying creatures after possessing them.

Added missing masteries to appropriate monsters. Ghosts now have plate armor mastery, megataurs now have leather armor mastery, and warlocks have ring and staff masteries.
Added new Megataur monster.
Added new Wraith monster.
Reaper and Rot Worm rebalanced to be less powerful.

Added the pre-boss fixed layout floor on floor 13. It is currently empty because it is unimplemented, and so effectively the end of the game as it blocks progression beyond that point.
All destructible objects now play a sound when destroyed and explode into debris similar to how crates did before.
Sometimes treasure piles will now spawn as a pile of yarn balls.
Treasure piles and crates now have a consistent appearance when replaying the same seed.

Added -timecontrols command line argument, when turned on the comma ',' and period '.' keys can be used to slow down or speed up the game speed.
Added two new custom game settings which can disable traps, and possession requiring line of sight.
Implemented hitstop, this will slow the game down temporarily to give weight to hits, critical hits, and kills.
The game now slows down as your corpse flies through the air when you game over, giving you extra time to ponder where you went wrong.
The game now tracks turns taken, and a turn counter is displayed in the stats window.
The game now tracks various stats, both for the current game and globally (total and best-in-game). Custom games will not increase global stats. Global stats are kept in the files "stats_total.dat" and "stats_bestgame.dat". Deleting these files (and any files called "stats_total_old.dat" or "stats_bestgame_old.dat") will reset your global stats.
Updated stealth tooltip with more description.
You can now possess creatures that die even if you didn't kill them.

Added weapon trails and hit sparks to attacks, this should make combat look and feel more satisfying. There are 3 type of trails (stabbing/jabbing, slashing, and overhead) and 2 type of sparks (bladed and blunt).
Blink ability is now animated.
Camera now centers on target creature when prompting if the player wants to possess.
Effects that restore mana now show a blue text particle on screen.
Explosion ability is now animated.
Health and damage particles no longer overlap each other.
Inferno ability is now animated.
Mid now vanishes from the imp's tail on death.

The custom game window now tracks whether global stat tracking will be enabled or disabled for your current settings. When using settings which are the same as the default or quick play settings (with the exception of irremovable cursed items, or seed value) global stat tracking will be enabled for the custom game.

Healing potions now show a healing text particle.
Multipurpose Jewelry now says it counts as a ring, an earring, and an amulet for item masteries specifically (thanks to redshojin).

Preserved interesting glitch for speedrunners.

Added a 'GUI margin' option, to adjust the GUI to be in a TV's title safe area.
Added an option to turn hitstop on and off.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v0.9.4) semi $
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2017, 11:20:23 PM »

(savegame compatible with previous version)

Chilled and Infested debuffs (from the Chill and Carrion auras) now have particle effects.
Innate abilities for mastered forms now only apply for free in imp form if you have the mastered form in question equipped.
Nausea debuff now has a particle effect.
Respiration now has a visual effect when it triggers.
Targets below Grim's health threshold of 30% now flicker red and yellow to indicate the critical bonus is active.
Vomit is now animated.
Vomit now has a range of 1.

Bug Fixes
Ethereal's bubble will no longer appear on monsters which are not visible.
Fixed a bug causing status effect particles to disappear for effects that persist after possession such as poison.
Fixed a crash that could occur intermittently on rare system configurations during save.

Added queasy safe mode option, this disables gross animations and sounds like the vomit ability.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (~v1.0** Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2017, 06:28:56 PM »
~v1.0** Closed Beta    8)   (very nearly all the way there)

MidBoss version 1.0 is out! Get the game now, view the update instructions, or check out the full list of changes. You can also wishlist MidBoss on Steam.

The game is now playable from start to finish! Not only that, the game is now also available on Steam to a limited number of early backers by claiming your Steam key from Anyone who claims a Steam key and plays the game on Steam during the closed beta (ending after May 22nd) will receive an exclusive platinum death card border.

Death card with platinum border (mockup)
What are death cards? They look like trading cards, but they summarize your run and your death, and you can share them on Twitter. Death cards are not yet working; they’ll be in the game later in the closed beta. When they arrive, however, they’ll have embedded data that can be loaded in-game to show more information about the run, or let you replay the game with the same seed and game settings.

The special item for Steam closed beta testers can be selected in-game to give death cards a platinum border. It’s one of many borders we’ll be making available as unlockables, but the only way to get this one is to participate in the Steam closed beta!

To request a steam key:
If you made an account: Look at your purchase history and find MidBoss. The Steam key should be available from the downloads page.
If you did not make an account but you did keep the digital receipt: The email is from with a subject line of "Your purchase of 'MidBoss." Follow the download link included in that email; the Steam key should be on that page.
If you did not make an account and did not keep the digital receipt: You'll need to go to's support page and use the "Recover Games" option with the email address you used when you purchased the game.

(NOT savegame compatible with previous versions)

Carrion will no longer inflict the infested debuff on player minions if the player is the source of the aura.
Carrion's corpse explosion damage is now calculated using the stats of the creature with the carrion aura, not the creature exploding.
Carrion's corpse explosion damage no longer affects player minions if the player is the source of the aura.
Carrion's infested debuff no longer applies to rot maggots. Before this fix when creatures died and spawned rot maggots during corpse explosions, these rot maggots could also explode when killed and spawn even more maggots. This old behavior has been preserved as a custom game setting.
Carrion's tooltip now explains that if rot maggots spawn from a corpse explosion, the originating creature can no longer be possessed.
Cleave, counter attack, double strike and kick masteries will no longer proc on AoE attacks.
The player's chill aura will no longer affect minions and vice versa.
When a minion's carrion aura triggers a corpse explosion it will no longer harm the player. Additionally, rot maggots spawned by a minion's carrion aura will now also be player minions.

Cratefish king music added.
Merchant music now loops.
Remastered versions of all music added.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where changing forms or equipped abilities on a form could cause auras to not be updated properly.
Fixed a bug where tile entities such as acid tiles could flicker when moving.
Fixed a bug which was causing carrion's corpse explosions to never trigger.
Fixed a bug with auras not being properly removed on death.
Fixed a bug with auras when using various teleporting abilities.
Fixed a bug which could cause the intro sequence to freeze after skeleton and zombie leave.

Custom Game
Added a custom game setting to restore the old behavior where the imp gets all innate abilities or all mastered forms for free, not just those of equipped mastered forms.
Added a custom game setting which allows rot maggots affected by the carrion aura to explode and spawn more rot maggots.

Caster monsters like vampire bats, warlocks and aether bats now will only approach the player to a certain range. From there they will cast spells, pass their turn to regain mana, or move around randomly while staying within the range.
Fixed a bug which caused Megataurs to never use their Stomp ability.
Minions should no longer attack other minions.
Monsters now won't recast buffs like Gravelord or Ethereal before the buff runs out.
Non-aggro monsters will no longer flash step.
Warlocks are now much less likely to blow themselves up with fireballs.

Added floor 13 boss fight.
Implemented floor 14.

Basic attack animation speed increased by 10%. Additionally, wind up is reduced when attacking inanimate objects, making attacks against inanimate objects 30% faster.
You can now finish the game.

Acid reflux ability is now animated.
Bone spear is now animated.
Brood mother and carrion ability effects are now animated and have sounds.
Hitstop has been reduced for fireball and inferno AoE abilities.
Stomp ability is now animated.

Ability icons added for: ethereal, charge, explosion, blink, vomit, bone spear, shocking grasp, stomp, acid reflux, juggle, phantom strike, and conscription.
All menus in the game now have a glowing fire edge effect.
Fixed an issue with tooltips for items in the item selection window used for holy water, id scrolls, etc not being wrapped appropriately.
Status effects added for: agony/torment, carrion/infected, chill/chilled, colossus, mimisbrunnr, noatun's inventory, overpower, retro mode, void keeper, animated, and potion effects.
The meta attribute sections of the status window now have background images.

Added an option to disable the glowing menu edge effect.
You can now rebind the screenshot key.

Now supports the Steam API and overlay. Game will be paused when the Steam overlay is open.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.2 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2017, 11:56:02 AM »

(savegame compatible with previous version)

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where minitaurs that died from poison would die, giving experience, then come immediately back to life.
Fixed a bug where turn delay was being incorrectly applied to non-visible creatures and not applied to visible creatures.
Fixed a bug with Mid nagging players to equip optional forms when not appropriate.

A notification now appears on screen when a screenshot is taken.
Potentially fixed a bug where tooltips contained comparisons for non-equipment items?
You can now use or equip items in the inventory by right clicking the item.

Added pick up items/drop item key. This is bound to G and numpad 0 by default. Hover your mouse cursor over an item and press G to drop it. When the inventory screen is closed this key will pick up all items in a 3x3 tile area centered on the player in a random order.
Added use/equip item key. This is not bound by default. Hover your mouse cursor over an item and press the key after binding it to use or equip the item.

Item tomes will now have much more abilities available to spawn with early in the game.
You can now identify potions using identification scrolls.

Made soul fatigue clearer by showing the tutorial message when the first stack appears, adding an extra dialogue, and making the tooltip show the current debuff strength.
The default screenshot key on the Steam version of MidBoss is now F11.

Added an option to turn off the turn delay pause for non-aggro creatures.
Added option to disable the true color scale2x upscaling algorithm and use nearest neighbor instead.

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with Stack shrines crashing the game.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.3 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2017, 10:42:23 PM »

(savegame compatible with previous version)

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug which could cause a floor 2 crash in custom games with the floor 2 size slider set to the low end of 3.
Fixed a bug which left the game unpaused when creatures were killed by certain abilities, allowing the player to move and break the game state.
Fixed a bug with bouncing magic missiles due to Sorceror's Codex where the positive X and Y range for determining bounce targets was 1 less than it should have been.
Fixed a crashing bug related to the Item Grandmaster buff given by the deity Stack.
Fixed a shrine related crashing bug.
Fixed an item duplication bug in the inventory.

Creatures that die and aren't visible no longer trigger a death animation.
Piles of yarn balls will now always drop at least 1 yarn.

Lingering tooltips should now be fixed across the game.

Added an option to flip the left and right mouse buttons to the control section of the options menu.
MidBoss now detects left handed mouse mode in Windows automatically.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.4 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2017, 08:55:46 PM »

Contains a fix for cards shared to Twitter not containing the encoded data. This only applies to cards shared directly from the death screen, not from the gallery.

Changes in v1.0.6:
(savegame compatible with previous version)

    Bug Fixes
        Fixed a bug which was causing cards shared via the in-game Twitter share interface to not have the save's data encoded properly.
        Fixed a crashing bug relating to using items.

Version 1.0.5 is out, primarily containing a fix for crashes when opening the death cards gallery if unnamed cards are present.

Changes in v1.0.5:
(savegame compatible with previous version)

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where death cards were not listing the correct equipped forms.
Fixed a crashing bug when opening the death card gallery related to unnamed cards.
Added instructions to naming cards on the death card screen (enter to confirm, escape to revert).

MidBoss version 1.0.4 is out now, containing detailed stats, new Steam achievements, and most importantly the new death cards! These cards are generated upon death (or beating the game) and contain detailed data about your run and how it ended. They even contain your entire inventory! You can share these images with your friends or on Twitter, and import them into the game to view the detailed information and replay the game with the same seed and settings.

(NOT savegame compatible with previous versions)

Fixed weirdness involving unidentified/cursed items when the player had item appraisal via the Mimisbrunnr buff.
Poison damage now inflicts Force x0.2 damage (down from x0.25).

Bug Fixes
A bug in FNA was resolved which was causing a black screen after closing the options menu with certain settings.
The dropdown menu for equipping forms will no longer overflow off the bottom of the screen and instead will expand in width to accomodate new items.

Death Cards
Added death cards option to the titlescreen's menu, here you can view death cards and their embedded information.
Added option to import death cards. This can be done by drag & dropping a death card image file onto the game, or right clicking a death card image in your browser and selecting copy image location/address followed by focussing the game.
Beating the game will show the card screen after the credits with a special gold victory border.
Dying now takes you to the death card screen where you can customize, share, and save your card.

Monsters should no longer be able to move onto cutscene trigger tiles.
The rat in the first room will no longer use Envenom.
When sprung from traps by non-player entities, animated arsenals and animated armors will now target that entity instead of the player.

Chance of yarn ball drops increased.
When lucky yarn ball drops occur the message log now says so and notes the multiplier.

Added stat tracking for:
Tiles moved
Form equipped turns
Dropped item count by rarity and category
Consumabled used total and per type
Doors opened
Times died
Times depossessed
Times possessed
Minions created
Creatures summoned
Traps sprung
Items bought
Items dropped
Unidentified items dropped
Monsters killed total and by type
Items uncursed & blessed & identified
Cutscenes skipped
Yarn balls spent identifying and uncursing items
Containers opened total and by type
Items smashed total and by type
Altars used
Divine favors received
Minor blessings received
Major blessings received
Times cursed
Number of shrines vandalized
Times pretending to be a blacksmith
Number of lucky drops
Highest/total lucky drop multiplier
Mana/stamina spent
Damage done total and by type
Damage taken total and by type
Damage against inanimate objects
Amount healed
Mana gained
Number of critical hits
Number of mastery procs
Attacks missed
Attacks dodged
Times cheated death
Credits are now functional from the title screen menu and after you beat the game.
Skippable cutscenes now show a message explaining they can be skipped.
Your save is now deleted when you finish the game.

Nausea particle effect is now removed properly when the effect ends.
Particles that are out of line of sight should no longer be visible.

Can no longer increase meta stats after death.
Can no longer open menus when player input is not accepted.
You can now view all tracked stats via the statistics menu option.

Added Floppy Disk unique item. This item is stubbed and currently has no functionality.
Alchemist's manual now mentions its effect is currently unimplemented.
Reduced cratefish king reward potency slightly.

Added option to disable checking for death card image links in the clipboard.

Added 6 Steam achievements.
Added -resetachievements command line argument. This will launch the bundled 'ResetSteamStats.exe' command line utility which will wipe all your Steam stats and achievements.

User Files
Added -userpath command line option, when followed by a path (surrounded by double quotes if it contains spaces) the game will use the provided path to store user files.
All user files are now kept in the MidBoss subdirectory of the My Documents folder. The game should auto detect if you have older files and migrate them automatically to the new system.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 07:50:22 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.7 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2017, 12:48:19 AM »

A new game+ mode where you replay with your items, abilities, or both, has been added to victory cards obtained when beating the game. Inspect the victory card in the death cards gallery and click the 'NG+' button to start a new game+.

(savegame compatible with previous version)

    Bug Fixes
        Fixed a bug which was causing menus opened by tutorials to not be opened.
        Fixed a bug which was causing tutorials to be blocked.
        Fixed a crashing bug when using consumable items.
        Plague rat form spirit multiplier slightly increased. This lets the player cast possession or envenom after possessing their first rat without having to pass their turn or rest to regain mana, after which the mana regaining tutorial will trigger.
    Death Cards
        Added new game+ mode for victory cards, allowing you to replay with all your items, forms and abilities, or both. Inspect your victory card in the death card gallery and click the NG+ button to start a new game+.
        Death cards will now accurately display the player's level and meta attributes for cards generated in this new version.
        Victory cards now show the correct cause in the info tab.
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.8 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2017, 01:45:32 PM »
(savegame compatible with previous version)

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug causing Rust to only proc poison 10% of the time instead of the stated 20%.
Fixed a bug causing Shocking Grasp's electricity effect to be applied twice to the attacker, rather than once to the attacker and once to the victim.
Fixed a bug with statistics not saving/loading properly when using -userpath command line option.
New game+ forms that weren't mastered will no longer have negative form points.

Death Cards
Death cards gallery should no longer cause frame rate stutter when opened.
Grave goods have been added. This is a system where you can choose one item from a death card's inventory to start a new game with. Death cards can only be used in this way once, and afterwards will be marked with a clipped corner in the death card gallery. Victory cards cannot be used for grave goods.
New game+ runs will no longer generate death cards.
When starting a new game if there are cards eligible to be used for grave goods you will be asked if you wish to use grave goods or not.

Rot maggots now know the new Fester ability.

Added 7 new mobs that will sometimes spawn instead of rats and bats, to give more variety to the first floors. These monsters have 5 brand new abilities.
Bouncing magic missiles caused by having the Sorceror's Codex equipped will no longer bounce to the merchant unless the player has aggroed the merchant.
Due to grave goods you can no longer start a new game from within the game, you have to first return to the title screen.
The cat merchant now points out the stairs to go down when he greets you.
The credits no longer congratulate you on beating the game if started from the title screen.

Form window scroll buttons are no longer blurry.

Added the 5 new abilities to skill tomes.

Added an option to switch from lossy jpg screenshots to lossless png screenshots called 'High quality screenshots'.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.9 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2017, 12:01:34 PM »

Version 1.0.9 is out with drag and drop inventory, other UI improvements, and some improvements to tutorials.

Changes in v1.0.9:
(savegame compatible with previous version)

        Added an on screen button for toggling item labels on and off.
        Added clicky sounds to various menu options and on screen buttons.
        Added tool tips to the health, stamina and mana bars at the bottom of the screen. These can be disabled with the new 'Disable health/stamina/mana bar tool tips' in the gameplay section of the options menu.
        Consumable items now have a line in the tool tip explaining they can be used by double or right clicking.
        Inventory items are now drag & drop capable. All old systems for inventory management still work.
        The minimap now has a button to maximize and minimize it using the mouse.
        When left and right alt, shift or control are both bound for an on screen button, the 'L' (for left) is no longer shown.
        Added tutorials for the map, Mid's reminders, resting, damage types, and the turn order indicator.
        Tutorials should no longer trigger while being prompted to possess an enemy.
        Updated the item dropping tutorial message to mention the key binds for showing item labels.
        Updated the item rarity tutorial message to mention the key binds for showing item labels.
        Updated the loot tutorial message to mention the new on screen button for toggling item labels.
        Updated the low health tutorial message to mention that possessing requires mana, and that mana can be regained by passing the turn or resting.
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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.10 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2017, 10:32:48 PM »
Version 1.0.10 is out now, with a fix for persistent stutter/frameskip on rare system configurations related to saving the player's statistics.

Changes in v1.0.10:
(savegame compatible with previous version)

    Bug Fixes
        (Hopefully) fixed a bug causing the chimera to not flicker dramatically upon death.
        Fixed a bug which could cause menus to be open while dying causing them to be visible on death cards.
        Fixed a bug which was causing the tiles moved statistic to be incorrectly calculated.
        Fixed an issue where naming your death card more than once would not stick.
        Added '-nosave' and '-nostats' command line options.
        If the name in the name field for your death card does not match the card's current name when you save or share the card, the name will be updated.
        Statistics are now saved in a background thread unless '-nothreadsave' command line option is used. This fixes a stutter that could be experienced on rare system configurations.
        The game now highlights the tile your mouse is over with a glowing border. This can be disabled in the controls section of the options menu by unchecking "Highlight mouse tile".


(savegame compatible with previous version)

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the player wasn't prevented from buying items with a full inventory, causing the items to vanish.
Removed a one frame delay between the start of the player's turn and the start of the player's movement if the player kept moving.
The way filenames are generated for death cards is now more robust and won't crash due to invalid characters.
Zap no longer has an insane range (reduced from 10 to 1).
Acid, magic and lightning bat are no longer aggressive.
Aggressive variety monsters (cultist and flaming sword) will no longer spawn in the first room on floor 2 or the rooms directly adjacent to it.
Larva and flying shield are no longer aggressive.
Lowered cultist and magic bat cast chance.
Magic bat and cultist will now keep their distance at 2 tiles away from the player instead of 3.
The tutorial message when going down the stairs on the 2nd floor now warns the player that there may be aggressive monsters.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 07:20:18 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: MidBoss beta release (v1.0.12 Closed Beta) semi $
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2017, 11:50:33 AM »

(savegame compatible with previous version)

    Bug Fixes
        Fixed a bug causing the Animated and Noatun's Inventory buffs to not have a status effect icon until the game is reloaded.
        Fixed a bug which was preventing most potion related status effects from showing the appropriate icon.
        Magic arrow was mistakenly labeled "Magic Missile", which is in fact the name of a later, different ability. This has now been fixed.
        When using an item with an innate mastery as well as the relevant mastery ability the game was only giving the player one roll against that mastery instead of two. This has been fixed.
        Certain gods now appreciate certain potions.
        Copper chests on the 1st tutorial floor are now scaled and will give poorer loot.
        Cratefish per crate increased.
        Number of crates decreased.
        Empty drop down combo boxes in the forms and equipment menu now instruct the player to click them to select forms or abilities.
        Medium and large damage fonts now have a high contrast version.
        Message telling the player cutscenes can be skipped with the escape key now lasts twice as long.
        Bone Armor now clarifies you must have the Reanimate ability equipped to benefit from its bonus.
        Multipurpose jewelry now counts as 'Misc accessory' for the purposes of statistics.
        Skin boots, swamp boots and gore boots now count as their respective boot types for mastery purposes.
        Sorceror's Codex now says 'magic missiles and arrows' to clarify it applies to both the Magic Missile and Magic Arrow abilities.
        Added -novsync command line option to force disable vsync from the command line before the game starts.
        Added 'Reset all tutorials' option.
        All tutorials and conversations now have a short pause on the first bit of dialogue that prevents the user from accidentally skipping important information.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training