Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.8.0 "Sergio Assad"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 357287 times)


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.0 "Dalza"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #330 on: November 26, 2018, 06:00:46 PM »
Big update.
Hmm actually wanted to try this but on my linux mint both windows version don't run with WINE for some reason.

Hi Skeletor,

If the Windows builds don't work with wine, you can try building the game yourself. I'm able to do this in a Fedora VM, and others in this thread have reported success on other distros. As well, there is a well-maintained pair of Arch builds by Larzid. Hopefully one of these options works for you.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.0 "Dalza"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #331 on: November 29, 2018, 01:03:32 AM »
Funny, I'm preparing a new update for ArchiveRL (1.0 too, ha) and thought about your game, hoping it's still in development. And presto, few days later there is a new version! :) Awesome.

I must give it a go again, the game must be so much more advanced now than when I last played...gee, now I see the  last version on my HDD is 0.4.8.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.0 "Dalza"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #332 on: December 02, 2018, 01:50:03 AM »
Sweet, I was looking forward to this for a while.
I was planning on giving the godslayer ending an attempt once the game updated.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.0 "Dalza"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #333 on: December 02, 2018, 05:02:13 PM »
Hi!  I’ve spent the last week (and much of this weekend) playing SotW and wanted to give some preliminary feedback.  I’ve gotten to the endboss (and died to him), been playing roguelikes since 2003, and read this entire thread so I already have a feel for your design philosophy and goals here.  In other words, I know you’re not going for DCSS here so I’ve taken that into account in my feedback.

After lots of trial and error splats, I have a decent feel for the game.  My first character to get to the midgame (a fae warrior) cleared the gnome, wood elf, and mountain elf quests, and splatted in a random dungeon after I got stoned by a trap and didn’t notice.  My second character went on to do the dwarf quests, cleared the 3 shrines, and then died to the boss since I was a pinch undergeared.  I knew my gear wasn’t perfect but wanted to see if a less then ideal character could take the boss down.  The answer to that is probably no.

Finally, I’m going to point out a lot of things that I think need work, but don’t get me wrong – I love this game and you hope keep developing it.

UI Suggestions

I don’t have a ton of UI suggestions or complaints, mostly because my ADOM muscle memory carried over here to a large extent.  Here’s a few suggestions:

1)   It’s been mentioned before, but a w> and w< command would be very nice.  Getting back to the surface from the bottom of a level 12 dungeon can be tedious.  Alternatively, scrolls of recall that send you to the entrance of the dungeon or the surface would be nice.
2)   When you use the “w direction” command to zip down a hall, it’ll stop at objects but it won’t stop if there’s a fork in the path.  That makes getting around with the w command a bit less useful.
3)   I’d like to see a “are you sure you want to attack with that” prompt if you make a melee attack with a non-weapon item.  One time I did the black manticore quest, and was shocked by the difficulty I had killing it.  I then realized I had been beating it to death with a fishing rod, since I usually have that equipped when sailing around.  Funnily enough I was able to kill him even with the rod, since I had 2 barbarian rings equipped, but that could’ve gone south.
4)   I’d also like an option for a “are you sure you want to dig there” prompt.  One promising character was wielding a dwarf matlock that I found in an early dungeon, since it did more damage than anything else I had.  I went to a store, bumped into the wall, automatically dug through the wall, and promptly got murdered by an irate shop keeper.  Hilarious, but a sad way to lose a good character. 
5)   I wouldn’t mind an auto eat option, set to automatically eat the smallest food item in your inventory when you get hungry.  Traveling around the ocean/world map can generate a ton of hunger, and it’d be nice if you didn’t have to stop every couple of steps to hit e.
6)   Finally, it’d be nice to have a prompt for “are you sure you want to move” if you’re starving.  I wasn’t paying attention with one character and killed him by walking around the overmap.  That was one of the experiences that made me switch to playing Fae.   


I know differentiating monsters is on your priority list.  Right now fighting magic users like the guy near the goblin camp, the lichelings, or the liche king are some of the best fights in the game, and I think other late game areas like the shrines could benefit from enemy magic users and special monster abilities. 


In terms of difficulty, I feel like the barrows quest, the black manticore, Lola, Fragments of history, the black orb, and the 4 giants are well tuned (though you could argue that the manicore needs a slight buff).  I think Siriath, the goblin raiders, the ogre island, and the shrines could use an increase in difficulty.  Especially Siriath, he’s only killed me once out of dozens of encounters, and that’s including a few weaker race/class combos. 

In terms of substance, it’s hard to design quests that aren’t destroy this guy/item, or retrieve this person/item.  So it’s nice any time a game can break that paradigm.  Almost all quests in the game are kill or fetch quests, which might be worthwhile keeping in mind when adding more content.

A note about two specific quests.  One, it’d be cool if the goblin quest had an evil option, where the goblins start neutral and their captain asks you to kill elf guards or whatever in Atua-Elar, allowing them to sack the city.  You’d have to make a choice then about which side to aid.

Second, I already said this above, but you definitely need to buff the shrine guardians.  My fae warrior tackled the shrines at level 25 with some middling equipment (with the exception of Erebus, my crowning gift), and cleared all three.  This shot me to level 40 or so and gave me Heart’s Fury, trivializing everything besides the big bad.  Admittedly, one hag shrine almost killed me, but everything else (with the exception of a tarrasque) was a push over.  I’d slightly buff the shrine hag, and significantly buff the other shrine guards. 


Lots of “classic” roguelikes (ie not the roguelites you find on steam) have vestigial mechanics simply because those mechanics existed in rogue, nethack, and angband, and I think traps are the worst offender.  They rarely add much by way of emergent gameplay.  If damage traps are capable of killing the player they’re not terribly fun (ie stoneblock traps in the early levels of ADOM), and if they just do minor chip damage you stop and rest until fully healed.  Same goes for status traps like blinds or slows.  They usually go off when no monster is around, so the player just stops and rests until the effect wears off.

I think traps that do damage or inflict a status ailment are best used in hand crafted set pieces.  E.g., a corridor full of traps where as you progress ghosts attack you in the side since they can phase through walls.  That way the trap actually effects the situation in a tangible way.  Random dungeon traps will typically add nothing but tedium.  The one exception this is teleport traps, since they can sometimes send you into a bad situation or be used as an escape mechanism by a crafty player. 

One trap that I really need to single out is the stoning trap.  A trap that can kill a mid-level character is just not that fun.  It amounts to nothing more than a skill/item check (do you have detection, anti stoning potions, or scrolls of detect trap), and dying because you were out of potions just sucks.  An autokill mechanic like stoning is fine if a high level monster inflicts it, but not so fun if a random trap can apply it.  I strongly recommend removing these traps as random spawns.  Using them in set pieces is of course a different story. 


I get that you’re going to differentiate the gods more in the future; as of now, playing Aurelion felt pretty similar to playing the trickster, which feels weird.  I’m hoping in the future the gods in your game resemble those in Incursion, with very specific likes and dislikes, and impacts on gameplay besides giving you heals and a crowning gift. 

Not sure how I feel about god options being tied to race.  Why not let the player roleplay as an evil wood elf or as the rare noble goblin?

Speaking of which, one thing I have to flag is crowning.  When my fae warrior crowned (Trickster), I did it by going to an ocean tile next to a keep with a neutral altar, catching mountains of fish, and hauling it back to get sacked.  He would reject 75% of the fish, but some were accepted (I’m guessing they were generated blessed?) and I eventually had enough piety to crown.  There’s something funny about becoming a god’s champion by throwing a lot of fish at him.  This seems worth addressing, since crowning by fishing is definitely more tedious even than crowning by life saccing in ADOM.

Also, if/when you get rid of crowning by fishing, I’m not sure how you’re “supposed” to crown in SotW.  Unlike ADOM, there’s not tons of gold and live saccing doesn’t seem like an option.  Corpses spawn a lot, but they’re heavy so dragging them to altars is a pain. 


I’ve only played warriors so far (they’re the roguelike noob class after all), so my experience with magic is limited.  One reason I played a Fae was to try to get a hybrid off the ground.  However, even with 100 magic and very high literacy, my level 42 fae warrior could only learn cantrips.  He just couldn’t memorize higher spells.  I’m guessing like ADOM there’s not only a racial/skill component to spell memorization, but a class component as well?  If that’s the case, which class would you say lends itself best towards hybridization? 


I feel like the game gives you too many artifact weapons too fast.  After finishing the starting island you’re ready to do the manticore, the ogres, the goblins, which right there will net you 4 artifact weapons.  If your toon has literacy and doesn’t need it as a quest reward, you can even get an artifact basically out of the gate.  I’d consider making one of these rewards (possibly the exile’s ogre reward) something besides a weapon.  I’d also consider making the artifacts in the ruined keep be something besides weapons.  By the time you can take on the beasties guarding them, you’re probably equipped with something better. 

I’d also like to seek more benefits from artifacts besides just numbers, resists, and slaying.  Potential things include stat increases, effects immunity (I’d wear in a heartbeat something that made you immune to stoning), faster hp/mp regeneration, etc.   

I think that more or less covers my first impressions.  Again, I love this game and hope you keep fleshing it out!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.0 "Dalza"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #334 on: December 02, 2018, 06:42:01 PM »
Hi happylisk,

UI suggestions:

- #6 sounds like a good idea, and should be easy to tie into my "dangerous move" code


- I don't agree, but I understand your point.  If stoning is a huge concern, it can be mitigated not just by having the right items (or enough piety to pray for its removal), but also by having lots of resistance to Shadow.


- I'll look into the fish thing. This was reported in the past and I'd tweaked some values to try to prevent it, so I'll have to see what's causing the deities to accept fishy sacrifices.


- Any class with cantrips lends itself to hybridization, as they can cast those types of spells.  The other spells are basically limited only to certain classes (wizard, oracle, pilgrim, sage).  Right now there isn't a way to e.g. play a warrior who can also cast wizard spells.


- I like the idea of artifacts (and items in general) having more diverse effects.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.1 "Besard"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #335 on: December 23, 2018, 06:57:14 PM »
Minor update after last month's much larger release. The big changes this release would be papermaking, a new cantrip (Repel), and ancient beasts, which can appear deep in the infinite dungeon and sewer.  Other than that, it's mostly minor stability fixes.  As always, let me know if you run into any issues.  Enjoy!

Full changelog:

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.1 "Besard"
- Version declared November 23, 2018. Version finalized December 23, 2018.

- Dawn and dusk now remove 1 from LOS, and night removes 3.  The effects
  of this can be reduced or eliminated based on the Night Sight skill.
  Given that most creatures won't have this skill, a high value in Night
  Sight can allow you to see and attack a creature at range while it
  cannot see you itself.

- Artisans start with a mold and deckle in their inventory.

- Created paper pulpers.  These appear in a few set locations, as well
  as being able to be selected randomly for distribution in dungeons
  and elsewhere.  Pulpers allow you to turn scrolls and spellbooks into
  paper pulp, and having skill in Papercraft allows you to use a mold
  and deckle to turn raw paper pulp into blank scrolls.

- Updated a number of the skills to get marks towards improvement when

- Reworked the depth code so that infinite dungeons/sewers/etc are
  actually infinite.  You can still hit a maximum depth (integer max),
  but you'll still be able to descend and get another level.

- Beyond the usual maximum depths, there are creatures more dangerous
  than those found throughout the world.  These ancient beasts are strange
  holdovers from the early universe, scale in difficulty twice as fast as
  regular creatures, and have no real maximum to their power.

- The maximum depth you've reached is now tracked in the character

- Random villages now have a general proportion of their buildings marked
  as workshops.  These are buildings that can contain forges, jeweler
  workbenches, wheels and looms, etc.

- Old Town and New Town in Carcassia now allow the generation of

- More name combinations.

- Toned down Forger a bit.

- Reduced the probabilities of rooms having more than one trap, and
  being fully trapped.

- Magic trees now have a chance to grow in dungeons.

- New features: pulper.

- New items: mold and deckle, paper pulp, scroll of repelling, wand of

- New spells: repel (Cantrips), teleport (Arcane).

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - Electric Arc spellbooks were worth far too much money.

  - There was a bug in Glich's script (ironically? appopriately?) that
    prevented the player from getting an apple.

  - When there were a large number of potential creatures that could be
    generated, the generation code was overwhelmed with the probabilities
    and the probability for each was 0 instead of something arbitrarily
    low, like 1%.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.2 "de Falla" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #336 on: January 26, 2019, 05:07:50 PM »
Here's the latest monthly release. Some bug fixes (haste/slow has been broken since the first public release!), some enhancements to random villages, some quality of life changes.  Poison should be less deadly, maps will now load faster, and there are ways to warp back to the main map.

A full list of changes is below. Please let me know if you find any issues or have any suggestions.

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.2 "de Falla"
- Version declared December 23, 2018.  Version finalized January 26, 2019.

- Automatic movement will now switch or squeeze past friendly creatures
  without prompting (kraphead).

- Cleaned up a large number of magic numbers used for action costs.

- Spells previously sorted by an internal ID, which usually (but not
  always) gave reasonable behaviour.  Now spells sort first by category,
  second by name.

- More name combinations.

- Added hints to a couple of NPCs in Carcassia to help out illiterate

- Poison now does about half the damage it did before (Kyzrati).

- Deities now consider removing negative statuses like poison and
  stoning before considering whether to fully heal (Kyzrati).

- Added a new NPC, Corbett, at the very edge of town, who will teach you
  Hunting for a price.

- The character synopsis now displays carrying-related limits (Kyzrati).

- Effects that remove statuses like poison or stoning now always identify
  the item (Kyzrati).

- Turned off checkpoint_save in swyrm.ini - users were reporting that
  the delay was too much.

- Tweaked the character synopsis when you're not affected by status

- Random villages now contain wells.

- Creatures can now be specified to have a number of potential races,
  rather than always using a set race ID.

  - Maps can also have default race IDs, and when the map default race
    ID is in the creature's list, it is always used; otherwise, a random
    value from the creature's list is selected.

  - The bestiary screen now displays all the possible races when
    selecting a creature via search ('B') rather than direct selection.

- Created a number of new creatures that can appear in random villages
  next to the appropriate feature: smith (forge), weaver (wheel and loom),
  jeweler (jeweler workbench).  Houses can also have inhabitants now
  as well, and villages should generally feel more "full".

- New effect type (warping), with an associated spell (Arcane) and scroll.
  Warping takes you back to your last position on the world map, and is
  a convenient way of getting out of deep dungeons and sewers.

- Minor updates to the Guidebook, as well as an expanded magic section
  to describe the spell selection screen (Kyzrati).

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- New creatures: Calabus, Corbett, smith, weaver, jeweler.

- New items: scroll of warping.

- New spells: warp (Arcane).

- Bug fixes:

  - The bestiary would crash when trying to load a creature with an
    unspecified race ID.

  - Speed potions weren't working correctly - they were being overwritten
    immediately by a calculated value based on equipment and the base
    speed value.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.2 "de Falla"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #337 on: March 03, 2019, 07:49:15 PM »
Hey jcd748, I wanted to give this a try after a long hiatus, but I'm on a machine with crazy high resolution and it doesn't look like the UI is responsive at all. Do you have any recommendations for command shells (or what have you) that can do the heavy lifting?

Congrats and thanks for the continued development!


Well, I wasn't about to let a little thing like a tiny console window slow down my appreciation for SotW. I have to say that this is shaping up to be a legit, actual, flavorful, deep roguelike. It's really cool. The writing, though minimalist, is excellent. As a player, you definitely get that Omega feel -- like you're in a world that has plenty of room for variation, but is actually an opinionated, unique world with a history of its own rather than an algorithm that offers either [mysterious cave] or [collapsed basement] on any given playthrough.

So, I enjoyed a great deal and will continue playing. That said - dude - you gotta implement skills. Even if they are just placeholder effects, you should put them in for as many skills as you can. It's the only thing that's really taking me out of the experience, and it's unavoidable as a new player; you gain a level, sink skill points into skills, ask yourself "what does that skill actually do?", and discover that the answer is "nothing."

Anyway, thank you for continuing to build what's clearly a labor of love. It kinda feels like the top is about to pop off this sucker - inasmuch as traditional roguelikes have tops that pop off.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 11:08:56 PM by jim »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.2 "de Falla"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #338 on: March 13, 2019, 02:56:00 AM »
Hey jim.  A lot of the skills are now implemented.  There are still a number to go, though these are now marked in-game so that you can avoid sinking skill points into them.  That said, the actual documentation as to what skills do is pretty sparse.  I'm trying to find a balance between explanation and mystery.  I purposely don't do things like, "you hit Goblin for 17 damage!", and want the game to feel a bit bewildering, for things to not be immediately obvious, but for it to make sense once you kind of figure things out.

This is terribly vague and probably not super helpful, but I'm making the sort of game I've always wanted to play.  This is probably going to be at odds from what a lot of people want, and I'm okay with that.

As for the terminal, I'm not sure.  Can you just make it larger and then up the font size appropriately?


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.2 "de Falla"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #339 on: May 10, 2019, 07:39:42 AM »
Hey jcd, I just starting playing a few days ago and I'm enjoying it so far. It captures the ADOM feel well, and I particularly like the crafting mechanics. I do have some feedback if you're interested in it, mostly on the UX side of things.

  • Some actions would benefit overloaded keybindings in order to reduce hand movement. Some ones that stood out to me are: +/-/PgUp/PgDwn to change pages and spacebar to exit menus.
  • Enter on the numpad does not have full parity with the main enter key. Most notably, numpad enter cannot be used to pick up a stack of items.
  • Being able to drop more than one item at once, or a way to automatically re-open the drop menu, would be very helpful when managing stashes of items or selling things.
  • The y/n prompt when swapping places with friendly units seems unnecessary (in town, at least), or could be disabled as an option in the ini file.
  • 'w'alk improvements - it looks like you have some feedback on this already so I'll just add +1 to it, especially the issue where it auto-digs if a pickaxe is equipped.
  • 99% of the time when dealing with an item stack, I want to pick up/drop the entire stack. Partial pick-ups could be a different hotkey.

  • The game's default window size is much wider than the in-game maps. Ideally they would match so the player can more easily tell how close they are to the edges.
  • Stats seem to render one after another instead of each stat having a fixed location. This is a bit confusing as my HP seems to be the last stat on the first row but sometimes it can be bumped to the second row and it's hard to find.
  • Adding color to the message log would be nice.
  • Walking on top of an object/feature should put the examine message of that object in the message log.

  • If resting with hostiles near took 1 turn, then '5' could effectively be used as a wait command. I realize 's' and '.' can also do this, so maybe I just have to fix my muscle memory for this game.
  • If I try to sell an item but refuse the price, I almost always want that item to stay in my inventory instead of dropping it on the shop floor.
  • An option to "pause" the game after certain triggers would help people like me who play (too) quickly. When paused the game would ignore all inputs until space bar is pressed. Examples of triggers would be dropping below 15% health, taking more than 50% health in a single attack, beginning to starve, etc.
  • Ammo fired by the player should auto-pickup.

  • Separating corpses and food into separate autopickup groups would be nice. Corpses weigh too much for me to ever want autopickup for them.
  • Sometimes I have multiple stacks of ivory pieces. I'm not sure if this is a bug.
  • Auto-pickup triggers when leaving a map on the tile that you're leaving from, which seems incorrect. If you drop an item on the edge of town and then leave town, it will pick the item back up.
  • A trap generated on top of the stairs, and the tile showed the trap graphic instead of the stair graphic. I had to examine all the tiles with traps to find where the stairs were.

I might be able to submit pull requests for a few of the simpler ones if you're interested, although I remember reading on the site that you weren't quite ready for pulls yet.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.0 "Robert Dowland"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #340 on: June 10, 2019, 01:56:16 AM »
New release!  The big change this time is the item codex.  You can now look up any in-game item via 'c' on the main screen, and it's also hooked up to the inventory and equipment screens.  Use lower-case to equipment/unequip/etc items as before, and upper-case to look them up in the codex.

Adding descriptions for many hundreds of items took a very long time. I hope you enjoy.

Full change log:

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.0 "Robert Dowland"
- Version declared January 26, 2019.  Version finalized June 9, 2019.

- Added a new "item codex" command ('c'), that displays an item synopsis
  and description for a particular item (barrabus).

- Dropping items on a cross-aligned altar now generates a messages to hint
  at why the items are now cursed (introsp3ctive).

- Put some additional code in to force ivory to always stack (Kyzrati).

- Cynwise's first quest now gives some enchanting scrolls, too.

- When you've got the petrification effect, you're now periodically
  reminded of it. (Blue)

- Corpses now are not picked up by default with autopickup.  This is
  controlled by an .ini setting. (Kyzrati)

- Cursed ammunition can now be thrown/shot as if it were uncursed.  This
  is configurable by an .ini setting.

- The morgue prompt now requires the user to make a Y/N selection - it
  won't default to N as before. (Combat Eric)

- The Primordial skill now gives bonus castings to sages and witchlings
  when they gain levels.

- All the major book casters (wizards, pilgrims, mystics, sages) are
  guaranteed to start with two books.

- Uncurse and Bless, both mystic spells, have very similar effects.
  Uncurse has been toned down to be cheaper and easier to cast, and show
  up earlier.  Bless is still better in terms of its overall effect, but
  it costs 10x the AP to cast (30 instead of 3).

- Stormstaff now deals lightning damage.

- Added creatures to Carcassia to teach literacy (temple tutor) and
  cantrips (hedge wizard) (Blue, others).

- Verbena, white basil, stoneflower, and voxflower have had their symbols
  changed to 'w' (flower).

- Pick axes now break half as often.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- New creatures: sweet old dog, temple tutor, hedge wizard.

- Bug fixes:

  - Specifying a creature in the game XML with an invalid
    equipment/inventory item would cause a crash on startup.

  - Silari was not listed as an artifact.

  - The Literacy skill was incorrectly being shown as unimplemented when
    selecting it from the Skill screen (Combat Eric).  This was also
    true for Intimidation (Blue).

  - When finally petrified, the death message wasn't being displayed
    properly, making it seem like a death out of nowhere (Blue).

  - Currency now always stacks regardless of any underlying flags on the
    items, so while these flags will be lost, currency now neatly stacks,
    always (Kyzrati).

  - Inscriptions could be read when illiterate (Timo).

  - Okhoa's key should only be generated once, but there was a bug in the
    check (Timo).

  - The fortress in Carcassia B1 was diggable (Kyzrati).

  - On the inventory screen, the paging functionality could lead to
    things being added past the current page, leading to weird paging
    issues (Troubler, Kyzrati).

  - The player was being referred to as "the player" in various targetting
    messages (NoCreativeNames).

  - Inventories filtered on the ground were filtering based on the
    player's inventory, not what's on the ground.  This allowed the
    player to duplicate any item as many times as they wanted

  - The danger level in the infinite dungeon and sewer wasn't being
    handled properly, causing ascent not to reduce the new danger
    rating (Blue).


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.0.2 "de Falla"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #341 on: June 10, 2019, 02:17:20 AM »
Hi hapro,

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry I didn't see this until now.  Re: your UI items, a lot of the window-size type stuff has to do with the size of your terminal.  Officially, my answer is that you should play SotW in 80x25, as that's what's currently supported.  But there are a bunch of weird issues with larger terminal sizes, and I've added most of what you've mentioned to my suggestions file.

Hey jcd, I just starting playing a few days ago and I'm enjoying it so far. It captures the ADOM feel well, and I particularly like the crafting mechanics. I do have some feedback if you're interested in it, mostly on the UX side of things.

  • Some actions would benefit overloaded keybindings in order to reduce hand movement. Some ones that stood out to me are: +/-/PgUp/PgDwn to change pages and spacebar to exit menus.
  • Enter on the numpad does not have full parity with the main enter key. Most notably, numpad enter cannot be used to pick up a stack of items.
  • Being able to drop more than one item at once, or a way to automatically re-open the drop menu, would be very helpful when managing stashes of items or selling things.
  • The y/n prompt when swapping places with friendly units seems unnecessary (in town, at least), or could be disabled as an option in the ini file.
  • 'w'alk improvements - it looks like you have some feedback on this already so I'll just add +1 to it, especially the issue where it auto-digs if a pickaxe is equipped.
  • 99% of the time when dealing with an item stack, I want to pick up/drop the entire stack. Partial pick-ups could be a different hotkey.

  • The game's default window size is much wider than the in-game maps. Ideally they would match so the player can more easily tell how close they are to the edges.
  • Stats seem to render one after another instead of each stat having a fixed location. This is a bit confusing as my HP seems to be the last stat on the first row but sometimes it can be bumped to the second row and it's hard to find.
  • Adding color to the message log would be nice.
  • Walking on top of an object/feature should put the examine message of that object in the message log.

  • If resting with hostiles near took 1 turn, then '5' could effectively be used as a wait command. I realize 's' and '.' can also do this, so maybe I just have to fix my muscle memory for this game.
  • If I try to sell an item but refuse the price, I almost always want that item to stay in my inventory instead of dropping it on the shop floor.
  • An option to "pause" the game after certain triggers would help people like me who play (too) quickly. When paused the game would ignore all inputs until space bar is pressed. Examples of triggers would be dropping below 15% health, taking more than 50% health in a single attack, beginning to starve, etc.
  • Ammo fired by the player should auto-pickup.

  • Separating corpses and food into separate autopickup groups would be nice. Corpses weigh too much for me to ever want autopickup for them.
  • Sometimes I have multiple stacks of ivory pieces. I'm not sure if this is a bug.
  • Auto-pickup triggers when leaving a map on the tile that you're leaving from, which seems incorrect. If you drop an item on the edge of town and then leave town, it will pick the item back up.
  • A trap generated on top of the stairs, and the tile showed the trap graphic instead of the stair graphic. I had to examine all the tiles with traps to find where the stairs were.

I might be able to submit pull requests for a few of the simpler ones if you're interested, although I remember reading on the site that you weren't quite ready for pulls yet.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.1 "Campion" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #342 on: July 16, 2019, 03:41:33 AM »
July's release of SotW is here!  This is a version of minor tweaks, and a lot of bug fixes. The full list of fixes are below, and it's worth getting this version if not just for a number of crash fixes.

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.1 "Campion"
- Version declared June 12, 2019.  Version finalized July 16, 2019.

- Recharging a wand now gives a very small number of charges, with extra
  charges possible from high Wandcraft skill.

- When checking to see whether the player can eat something, the check
  is now vs. the internal numerical hunger level, and not the more
  general hungry/stuffed/etc.  This will allow you to eat food while
  stuffed as long as it doesn't take you over the maximum satiation.

- Moved Catara further up Telari.

- Intimidation now also considers opposed creature levels in its
  calculation (Nules).

- The chance to automatically score a hit has increased to 5% (was 2%).

- Reduced the maximum chance to hide when there are creatures nearby.

- Multi-map areas like Carcassia can now have NW/NE/SW/SE exits,
  accessible at the edges by using the respective direction.

- Bows made by Bowyer are a little bit better (Grond), and items can
  now be smithed/crafting-improved, on average, as much as they can
  also be enchanted.

- Dealing damage now has a chance to reveal you, if hidden (Grond).

- Tweaked the minimum danger level calculation - this used to vary
  wildly, and the minimum is now closer to the maximum, meaning you
  should get creatures closer to your level.

- Boughs can now be used to make a wand, if you don't havea a branch

- Lua errors now dump tracebacks for easier bug-chasing.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- New items: amulet of the sea.

- Bug fixes:

  - Some dead code was causing string substitution issues in the weapon
    synopsis message (Blue).

  - There were issues with the carrying capacity calculations (Rob

  - It was possible to bypass all the available options at character
    creation via the windows key, allowing for a raceless, classless,
    skill-less, godless, water-breathing, flying glitch-character

  - A number of items weren't properly classified as plants/herbs.
  - Plants and herbs weren't included in the keyboard-based filtering
    ('#') because the code was only returning the first matching item

  - When pit opponents killed themselves (e.g. via stunning), the
    player wasn't being teleported out of the arena (Grond).

  - There were some inconsistencies in quest descriptions (Yan Zhang).

  - Removed a door in the middle of the air in the tower at Wintersea
    (Yan Zhang).

  - Ancient beasts' generation wasn't considering depth, so they were
    being found far too early, in places such as wells in towns.  They
    were also being generated in places other than underworld maps,
    which was not intended (Grond).

  - Ranged weapon attack difficulty calculations were incorrectly
    using the values from a creature's melee weapons.

  - Snakeling warriors started with both a long spear and a buckler,
    despite long spears being 2H.  Snakeling warriors now start with a
    spear (Grond).

  - The definition of the shop in Isen Dun was too wide, triggering the
    message about leaving with unpaid merchandise in unexpected places

  - Scything was buggy and could lead to crashes in certain situations

  - There were some general bugs around hiding that meant that the longer
    you were hidden, the more likely you were to stay hidden permanently,
    until you went on to the world map (Grond).

  - Wands with spells that didn't require targetting were always taking
    a range of 1, and were not reflecting the range of the underlying
    spell (Grond).

  - The Lua API function for teleporting to a specific location could
    cause crashes if there was already a creature present there (Grond).

  - You can no longer switch places with creatures when it would put them
    on a dangerous tile (open air, etc) (Grond).

  - Malediction was causing the game to freeze (Grond).

  - Fixed a freeze when moving on to a map where the target tile was
    covered by a blocking feature such as a statue (Grond).

  - Ancient beasts weren't appearing properly in some types of areas due
    to some old code that kept incrementing the danger level down until
    creatures were found (Grond).

  - Fixed some script errors when attacking turtles and luring them off
    the track (Grond).

  - Cleaned up some internal code around Lua error handling.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.2 "Tarrega"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #343 on: August 11, 2019, 01:40:38 PM »
August release time!  v1.1.2 is here with improvements to Medicine (helps automatically avoid poison, stoning, etc), some minor mechanical tweaks (swamps can generate bog iron, which can be used in smithing), as well as a large number of bug fixes for issues reported by the community.

Full list of changes:

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.2 "Tarrega"
- Version declared July 16, 2019. Version finalized August 11, 2019.

- Cabers and huge rocks are now harder to hit with, and slower.

- The Medicine skill can now help automatically avoid negative statuses.

- Giants start with more initial Strength.

- Sages no longer get Brewing, but get Medicine.  Pilgrims and Gnomes
  also now start with Medicine.

- Beefed up The Smith's rewards for thrown bludgeons/rocks considerably -
  they now do double the damage, and have a considerable effect bonus.

- The prompts to continue adventuring after the regular and godslayer
  endings now default to "yes" (Grond).

- When trying to move down without an exit/shovel, the message now hints
  at the use of a shovel.

- Smiths start off with 3 iron ingots instead of 1.

- The ploughman's quest now provides additional rewards in the form of
  Herbalism and possibly magici shards (Yan Zhang).

- There is now a small chance to find an item while fishing.  How good
  it is depends on the danger of the area in which you're fishing

- There is now an option in swyrm.ini to require capitalization for
  skill selection, for those using vi keys for movement (Twelve).

- Along with difficulty, you can now get a general sense of how wounded
  a creature is when you examine it (Yan Zhang).

- Swamps have a chance to generate bog iron, which can be used like
  regular iron ingots, but are heavier and less valuable.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - The minimum danger level was being properly constrained in Telari,
    but the maximum was not, causing inappropriate creatures to be
    generated for the current floor (Grond).

  - Counter-strikes and intimidation could fire even when a creature
    was paralyzed.

  - Shops were generating over top of existing buildings in towns, leading
    to strange layouts (Grond).

  - Resistances from consumables weren't being properly carried over to
    a creature's individual resistances (Grond).

  - Cabers were listed as one-handed weapons.

  - Cross spells weren't terminating properly immediately when hitting a
    blocking tile (Grond).

  - Wands of digging weren't properly considering the tile's no-dig
    property, after the first tile in the beam (Klapaucius).

  - Resting was treating all statuses as requiring rest, rather than
    only considering only negative statuses (Grond).

  - The chaotic flag was a little too chaotic - it would change the
    damage type, display the combat message, but when calculating the
    actual damage dealt, it could cause the damage type to flip again

  - Various bestiary/codex typo fixes (Twelve and others).

  - Reading was available on the world map, which if you failed
    spectacularly could lead to summonings around you (Grond).  Wands
    could also be evoked on the world map, which was not intended.

  - Angering your deity while on the world map no longer has the
    possibility of summoning creatures (Klapaucius).

  - Death scripts could fire multiple times if multiple statuses would
    cause death (Grond).

  - An exception was being thrown when trying to select a skill from
    a subsequent page (Grond).

  - When you had Weaving > 80 and were in a position to complete Hild's
    quest, a Lua error prevented completion (Grond).

  - Capped the amount of experience that could apply to the high score

  - The inexact search for the codex wasn't properly considering whether
    the partial matches were identified items (Grond).

  - Smithing now works on a single item instead of a stack (Grond).

  - Selecting an item in the codex and then exiting the screen was
    unintentionally selecting that item for any screen that had support
    for using the codex (eat, evoke, etc) (Klapaucius).

  - Colours no long shimmer when timewalking (Grond).


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.2 "Tarrega"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #344 on: October 13, 2019, 04:49:12 AM »
I decided to play another game of SoTW a few days ago. I actually found the ultra ending, which I now wonder how I ever missed.
I ended up discovering it by accident with a pretty weak character, thinking I was just in for some side quest. That was a surprise!
I later got to the end but really underestimated how beefy those final bosses were going to be, and got wrecked by the first of them in 2 hits.
It looks like my stats and armor were about half of what they were supposed to be based on some other posts here.
I'm gonna give it another shot, but dive deep into that infinite dungeon for better gear and stats this time.

I enjoyed exploring all of the new content. The codex was a good addition and it's descriptions were fun to read. I always wanted to know how some of the armors worked.
The world is also feeling more "full" now, particularly with Carcassia. Anyway, I took a few notes while playing. It's good to see a lot of the old bugs have been fixed.
I would post my character dump, but I forgot to get it before I died. Oh well, I will get it next time. Though in my opinion it should automatically save any victories.

v 1.1.2

1.It would be nice if the codex said what material each type of item is made of.
 For example there is no way to tell with ethereal armor until you are already at the forge.
2.Some characters, like Scamander, give quests where you do something like kill uniques and then they give you a reward.
 Sometimes though you already complete all of the requirements before meeting them for the first time.
 It would be nice if they gave the mission info anyway or had unique dialogue explaining why they are rewarding you when this is the case.
3.The default key for the item codex 'c' is annoying because the 'C' chat function is used so often.
 I kept mixing them up initially. I eventually just switched the key to be F5. Not a big deal, but I thought I would mention it.
4.The guidebook says Charisma effects if enemies are spawned initially hostile or not.
 But if I recall correctly, you removed this function in an earlier update.
5.The key for the item codex is not listed on the keybinding screen yet.
6.I accidentally converted the altar in Isen Dun but nobody seemed to care or notice.

1.Occasionally the doors in the dungeon get spawned in a big long line.
 I also once saw a line of elven brandy spawned in a shop the same way. Don't know if these are related.
 Really I don't know if the elven brandy was a glitch at all or just unlikely, but the doors are definitely not right.
2.I remapped the bestiary to KEY_F6. But using it does not work normally, with the game still accepting 'B'.
 However when I use 'x' to look around, the game now accepts F6 for monster descriptions. Here it does not respond to 'B' anymore.

1.Senators do not talk at all.
2.The steel helm description says "Steel, being harden than iron" instead of harder.
3.Small lumps of gold do not sell, even though they still appear to have value according to the lore.
 Or is it that all the shop-keepers I have found are just not interested in them? I don't know.