Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.8.0 "Sergio Assad"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 360496 times)


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Shadow of the Wyrm v1.8.0 "Sergio Assad"(formerly Savage Lands)
« on: September 01, 2015, 06:17:57 PM »


I've released a new version of Shadow of the Wyrm - formerly Savage Lands - due to a naming collision with another fantasy game.

Windows binary is at:

There are no functional differences from 0.3.9.  The build process has been updated to include a couple of DLLs I missed adding originally.

My aim is regular, monthly releases, so I expect to release 0.4.1 around the end of September.

Happy hacking!
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2015, 09:02:11 PM »
Fantastic and good luck on hitting the roughly monthly release target.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2015, 01:37:57 AM »
Thanks!  Regular commits and I'll make it.  Even a few features and fixes a month is better than nothing!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2015, 06:55:06 AM »
Intriguing. With the new DLLs included, it seems to work fine with Linux/wine. And anyone in their right mind adores the work of LeGuin.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2015, 11:14:29 AM »
First impressions. I played through a couple of characters, managed past the first island with two adventurers (both got themselves killed at the first opportunity upon arriving new land, but what the heck). First off, I got to say the game is pretty rich, with abundance of items and monsters, consistent theme and feel, etc. The interface is quite easy to pick up for someone who played ADOM or similar. Comments, nitpicks:

* Character creation: I personally like to assign a name after I've assigned gender, class, and race. Not a biggie, though, and probably a question of taste.
* A command to display character info in-game (without dumping it in a file) would be nice.
* On a related note, I didn't feel very connected to my skills, so a way to access/display them would be nice. I get the impression that some of them aren't fully implemented yet, but also noticed that while some characters were unable to use a spinning wheel because they had no fibres to use, others reportedly didn't know how to spin.
* I love to skin stuff and make cloaks of them! I'm guessing armoured bugs, for instance, yield better equipment than regular animals. Looking forward to discovering more crafting mechanics. But the fact that I was able to skin a skeleton is perhaps a bit over the top?
* Also, a command to display the keybindings would be nice. Ie. pressing "?" might bring up a list of commands, please?
* The "a"pply command left me confused a few times. If I'm not standing next to anything, the game tells me as much, but trying it when standing on a sarchophagus, for instance, prints nothing, as if there is a feature missing? Is there a way to open coffins, dig up graves, etc.? I had no idea how to use a shovel.
* The "w"alk command isn't very practical at the moment, IMHO. It would be better if it behaved more like typical roguelikes, ie. stopping when you pass over an object or reach a forking path.
* Kicking in doors doesn't seem to work, which is fine enough. I guess it's a simple question of balancing. On the other hand, it would be nice if evil characters had a way to rob the boathouse, for instance.
* The one thing I did manage to do with kicking, was to kick items through walls. You should probably take a look at that ;)
* Inventory behaves weird sometimes. Let's say I want to drop something, and the "d"rop command puts me in the inventory screen. Sometimes, pressing the letter corresponding to an item picks that item, other times it scrolls, seemingly at random. Items past the letter "y" are completely inaccessible, unless I choose to filter the item list. (This may be because I'm playing under Linux with wine)
* Regarding inventory, I wouldn't mind if weapon/missile damage were displayed next to the item in question. As it is now, I have to equip everything and press "W" and "R" to get at that info.
* The "f"ire command is also acting a bit wonky. Sometimes it autotargets the closest enemy, sometimes is jumps to an entirely different place in the map (the last place I shot at something), and sometimes the cursor starts out over my own avatar, seemingly at random.
* Creatures who bite: "The kestrel stabs you." That looks pretty weird. You might consider a synonym that fits all kinds of piercing/impaling attacks better. Also, hitting a mole with a blunt weapon should ideally yield the message: "You whack a mole." (Sorry about that :P)
* I noticed that archers and goblin pelters don't actually shoot anything. I'm supposing this will show up later.
* Not a big problem, actually, but I was a bit confused the first time I met a wrecker, since I thought he was a red flower at first.

All in all, not only promising, but already quite fun to play. And I have the feeling I've just been scratching the surface so far.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2015, 12:17:27 PM »
I'll co-sign at least the preference to name at the end of character creation---always somehow more fitting for the gimmick builds haphazardly or meticulously wrought to give rise to the identity at last!   ;D
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2015, 02:42:54 PM »
* Also, a command to display the keybindings would be nice. Ie. pressing "?" might bring up a list of commands, please?
* The "a"pply command left me confused a few times. If I'm not standing next to anything, the game tells me as much, but trying it when standing on a sarchophagus, for instance, prints nothing, as if there is a feature missing? Is there a way to open coffins, dig up graves, etc.? I had no idea how to use a shovel.
* Inventory behaves weird sometimes. Let's say I want to drop something, and the "d"rop command puts me in the inventory screen. Sometimes, pressing the letter corresponding to an item picks that item, other times it scrolls, seemingly at random. Items past the letter "y" are completely inaccessible, unless I choose to filter the item list.

Seconding those three observations. Aging Minotaur, I'm on Windows, so it's not Wine-related.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2015, 12:12:41 AM »
All this feedback is absolutely fantastic.  Thank you all so much for it, even though the game is in very early days.

- Wreckers will now use 'h' (human) to avoid looking like flowers.
- Pierce damage is now "X tears at Y".  If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.  Pierces always struck me as a bit awkward, but you know, familiarity and all that.

The rest I'm adding to a new file, "suggestions", verbatim, initially to look at for the next monthly release (for the more pressing ones) and for subsequent releases (for the great suggestions that don't need to go in immediately).  Some general comments:

- I can move naming afterwards.  It was just an early design decision and it seems other people would like it too.
- Skills are certainly underdeveloped.  They have a minor impact on game play (mostly in the magic/combat related skills), but as you say, you can't see them, short of dumping them.  This is something I plan to develop more in future releases - view skills, improve them on levelling up, etc.  They're part of why I was so hesitant to release - there's a lot of random stuff that I put in to please myself (you can watch the seasons change, or drink yourself to death - I track BAC!) but the game itself is really raw.
- Skinning is currently pretty basic.  Armoured bugs are no better than skeletons or kestrels.  Something to look at in future!  I also like skinning stuff.  My test case involved rampaging through Isen Dun, skinning the peasants.  Skinning as a mechanic I kinda stole from a MUD I've played on since the late 90s.  Definitely could be finer grained.
- Help command would definitely be helpful, esp. now that people are playing the game.  My goal would be to somehow automagically process the .tex file that creates the command reference, and use that somehow...
- Will look into the 'a'pply cases you mentioned.  If you want to dig up graves, wield a shovel, and descend (">" by default).  Just remember that a lot of deities don't like disturbing the dead.
- Walk command is super basic, needs fleshing out for sure, agreed.  Mostly I created it to avoid pulling my hair out in debug mode, which is a little slow.
- Kicking in doors is something I'd like to add soon-ish.  My goal was to make doors harder to kick in based on material - e.g., wooden doors are fairly easy, iron doors require massive strength.
- Will look into the items-through-walls bug for 0.4.1.
- Will look into the inventory issues.  I'm expecting it's probably to do with the inventory code, and not to do with Linux/WINE.
- Will look into including weapon damage by the weapon on the inventory screen to make it more useful.
- There are some issues with targetting.  I'll look at your case for the next release.
- Creatures currently only melee attack, so archers/pelters/etc are differentiated only by their stats, not their behaviour.  Casting/ranged combat is on my near-term to-do list.

Thanks again for your input - it's incredibly helpful.  There's also an issue a redditor found with carrying capacity for huge creatures (giants and ogres) - that'll be fixed next release, as well.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2015, 12:21:07 AM »
I'm probably more of a roguetempler than a redditor  ;)

I agree with a bunch of those interface issues. Not insurmountable stuff for people who grew up with nethack and adom but definitely a barrier for entry and most can be easily fixed. I spent a while looking for a command to check my skills and playing around with the inventory. Having said that, your inventory system is a million times better than that in incursion or omega.

From a few of the rough edges I expected a bit of a limited game world but it seems pretty deep and interesting so far. The theme is really good and consistent. And the 'q'uest log is great - it'd be a bit of a nightmare without it.

On that point, the quest to kill Siriath - I spoke to the quest giver, went and killed him and then came back and it wasn't acknowledged as being completed. The quest is still displayed in the quest log so I thought maybe it was some kind of trick and Siriath wasn't really dead. But then I checked the mortuary section of the character dump and there he is.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2015, 12:29:22 AM »
Nope, the Siriath quest is a bug.  Sorry.  I'm causing you a lot of grief, pat!  I'll get that fixed for the 0.4.1 as well.

The main thing is just to get off the island, so in the event that you don't find a coracle, the quest in Isen Dun should help.

It's interesting to hear about the classes people are trying.  I typically used warriors for playtesting (high soak), and either pugilists or witchlings (level-scaled damage/spells) when I was trying to playtest seriously.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2015, 01:07:44 AM »
haha don't stress, I've just been goofing around in the game rather than seriously playing it so not a worry at all. I've basically just been playing melee fighters because I wanted to check out the basics of the game and to see what it was like. I haven't delved into it further than that with the more complicated classes or races. I'll next probably have a go at experimenting with whatever magic using classes there are.

I haven't found it too hard to check out the entire world map and at least all the surface locations and most quests with a warrior.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2015, 01:23:25 AM »
Honestly, I'm just happy that people are playing it and reporting bugs!  It's honestly a little strange after working on the game part-time for so long.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2015, 09:42:28 AM »
The game looks really interesting, and I'm excited to see how it develops.

Am I correct in thinking that beserker's rings give +10 to damage? I found a couple of them in Siriath's dungeon with my thief, resulting in a 2-hit kill on Siriath. Do they have some sort of downside that I can't see?

Not really a bug, but... is there a more efficient way to travel over water? Having to carry a boat in my inventory seems to be a unnecessarily burden on the character. I'm afraid to ever drop it, for fear of losing it - especially in the dungeon on the island to the northeast.

As for bugs...

-In dungeon generation, I noticed that sometimes doors generate next to each other in odd formations. Groups of 4, and such.

-Holding a poisoned dagger in hand, picking up another poisoned dagger will stack them in my hand. I don't know if that's affecting my damage, but I'm assuming that's not intended. I was playing as a goblin thief, if that means anything.

- There was a fisherman in a town that I visited in the northwest, with no water on the town map. "Good fishing, today." Seems out of place.

- I've also had inventory issues - there aren't enough keys to be designated to items, I can't select some items in the drop screen, and some items (ivory pieces, to be exact) can't be picked up after they are dropped ("You cannot carry that many items.").

-Additionally, I can't leave the dungeon under the old castle northwest of the first town. To be specific, it's the northern dungeon behind the castle - I cannot ascend the < to get out. ("There is no exit in that direction.")
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 01:10:07 PM by Faladrit »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2015, 11:28:57 PM »
I experience a weird bug. It seems that whenever I create an ogre or giant character, they start out with some kind of carrying deficiency. Even if I drop all my inventory, I'm unable to pick anything up, getting the message: «You cannot carry that many items.» Other races seem to play fine.

Regarding the need to lug a boat around, I agree with Faladrit. Maybe there could be harbors allowing to park your boat, perhaps against a fee. At a later stage, there could even be ferries going between some of the islands ;)

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.0 (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2015, 12:13:30 AM »
I experience a weird bug. It seems that whenever I create an ogre or giant character, they start out with some kind of carrying deficiency. Even if I drop all my inventory, I'm unable to pick anything up, getting the message: «You cannot carry that many items.» Other races seem to play fine.

Regarding the need to lug a boat around, I agree with Faladrit. Maybe there could be harbors allowing to park your boat, perhaps against a fee. At a later stage, there could even be ferries going between some of the islands ;)

As always,

This is a bug with Huge creatures (Ogres and Giants are Huge) in the current version.  It'll be fixed in the next version (there's a missing map value in the engine).  If you want, you can fix the issue locally by editing data/ShadowOfTheWyrm.xml and changing the race details for ogre and giant to set their Size to 3 (large) instead of 4 (huge).

There's a lot of things I'd like to look at, transport-wise, for future versions.  Hiring a boat to take you to distant ports for a fee, running into pirates on the high seas, the potential of ancient portals that have a random exit point on the world map, etc.  Thanks for the suggestions!