Author Topic: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #131) $  (Read 153757 times)


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #88) $
« Reply #135 on: May 13, 2017, 02:48:58 PM »
I agree with you guys.
Once the main quest plot is developed and the game isn't anymore in pre-release stage, I guess it will officially become a major roguelike given its size and complexity. I have been having a blast so far.

Anyway, does anyone knows how exactly I recover an old version in order to play a save game from it?
In the FAQ it is mentioned that Steam stores older versions, but not sure where I can access them.
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #88) $
« Reply #136 on: May 17, 2017, 05:07:54 AM »
Minotauros, really liked the CoQ comics that you have made  :D
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #88) $
« Reply #137 on: May 17, 2017, 10:33:04 AM »
Hehe, thanks, man. I have fun making them, as well.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #88) $
« Reply #138 on: May 19, 2017, 08:41:05 PM »
Skeletor, a Steam forum scan suggests that you can revert to a previous version in the betas tab? So you might not need to locate the save files at all.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #89) $
« Reply #139 on: May 20, 2017, 01:32:25 AM »
Feature Friday #89

Gave Golgotha a small visual makeover when tiles are enabled.
Added a tile for conveyor drive units.
Added a tile for conveyor belts.
Animated conveyor belt tiles.
Added a tile and description for the Hook for Feet defect.
Added a tile and description for the Beak defect.
'Pour' is now the default action for water containers in your inventory rather than 'drink', making it less likely to accidentally drink from canteens full of acid.
Merchants no longer restock their inventories if they belong to your party.
Removed the double chat popups from most creatures.
Sultans no longer insist that cities be named after their regnal numbers (for example, 'III City').
You may no longer trade with your Temporal Fugue clones.
Items thrown by clones now immediately fade from existence in the player's dimension.
You can now properly read books that you donate to Sheba Hagadias.
Stairs should now always be properly linked between levels.
Cave systems, watervine patches, desert canyons, and historic sites are now more consistent when using the same world seed.
Made some big memory improvements.
Reduced baseline memory usage by about 25%.
Fixed several memory leaks.
Slightly reduced saved game file sizes.
Fixed some incorrect pronouns in text generation.
Fixed some rare infinite loops during history generation.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #88) $
« Reply #140 on: May 23, 2017, 05:57:47 PM »
Skeletor, a Steam forum scan suggests that you can revert to a previous version in the betas tab? So you might not need to locate the save files at all.

Thanks Jim, good to see you're still around. So many years we've been in this forum ha.
Can't find this betas tab on steam though, where is it?
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #90) $
« Reply #141 on: May 27, 2017, 01:51:07 AM »
Feature Friday #90

You can interact with the world in a few new ways.
You can sit on chairs.
You can smoke from hookahs.
You cat light fires at campfire remains.
You can put out campfires.
You can now sleep in bedrolls.
Sultans now occasionally get married, cementing alliances with various factions and guilds.
At sultan weddings, guests occasionally give gifts to the sultan.
Depending on the course of a sultan's life, you now occasionally find their wedding gifts at historic sites.
Stopsvalinn no longer shows up in dynamic encounters.
Creatures (including you) now walk over non-damaging liquids, like slime, while auto-pathing.
Creatures (including you) now try to avoid walking through acid while auto-pathing.
You should now always be able to remove two-faced helmets.
Helmets with terrifying or serene visage and gesticulating gauntlets no longer occupy multiple heads or hands slots, respectively.
Improved baseline memory usage by an additional 20%.
Fixed some rare exceptions with history text generation.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused too many zones to remain in memory.
Fixed a rare exception when find an encounter from the world map.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #90) $
« Reply #142 on: May 30, 2017, 08:23:07 PM »
Maybe it's because I still crave the occasional smoke now and again, but can't tell you how cool it is that I can finally hit the hookah.


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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #91) $
« Reply #143 on: June 03, 2017, 12:51:45 AM »
Feature Friday #91

We tightened up the logic governing which bonuses you get from equipment that's equipped on secondary appendages, such as a second head or second pair of arms.
You don't get AV or DV from equipment that's equipped on a secondary appendage, but you do get other bonuses, such as +resistances or +stats. This is the same logic as before, but it works more consistently now.
Secondary appendages are now marked with a grey 'x' on the equipment screen in the original UI (but not yet the new UI).
Almost always, a secondary appendage corresponds to a second (or third, or fourth) copy of an existing appendage, denoted with '(2)' in the appendage name. The exception is if a creature with no arms, say, gets its first set of arms; those arms will be secondary.
Hands (2) no longer appears before Hands in the new equipment screen UI.

Updated the display names of animated walls, doors, and tables.
Added the possibility of encountering legendary animated walls, doors, or tables.
Gave legendary animated furniture appropriate proper names based on whether they're walls, doors, or tables.
Newly sentient beings, such as animated walls, doors, and tables, can now remind you what it's like to be a child when you share water with them.
Found and fixed a major contributor to late-game memory issues.
If you somehow end up as a merchant, your inventory no longer restocks with merchant wares, obliterating the items in your existing inventory as a side effect.
Removed the mod tier from the display names of flaming, freezing, and electrified mods.
Clarified that flaming, freezing, and electrifying effects happen on hit, not penetration.

We fixed some issues with melee combat.
Charge now properly applies its penetration bonus.
Horns now uses its mutation level to determine its to-hit bonus instead of your Agility modifier.
When you have Helping Hands equipped and you attack with empty robo-fists, they use Helping Hands' flat Strength score of 23 instead of your own strength score.
Fixed an issue where sprinting didn't properly apply melee to-hit penalties.
Removed the vestigial HitDice property from melee weapons.
Fixed some issues causing flickering between fullscreen and windowed mode when the in-game options and the launcher options didn't match.

We made some additional changes to melee combat balance in a beta branch on Steam. If you'd like to help us test these changes, right-click on Caves of Qud in Steam, select Properties, click the Betas tab, and switch to the 'beta' branch. (Thanks!) The changes are listed below.
Some penetration bonuses on weapons were bugged, such as the +1 and +2 bonuses axes and cudgels got, respectively. We fixed these bugs, but we removed the axe and cudgel bonuses since they're part of an older design. Instead, we replaced them with different critical hit behavior for each weapon class.
Cudgels now get +1 penetration and daze on critical hits.
Axes now get +1 penetration and cleave on critical hits.
Long blades now get +3 penetration on critical hits.
Daggers now get +1 penetration and cause bleeding on critical hits.
We tweaked all melee weapon stats to account for these changes.
The sharp melee mod works again.
Gaslight kris and gaslight flyssa work properly again.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #92) $
« Reply #144 on: June 10, 2017, 01:23:31 AM »
Feature Friday #92

Added a new music track for Golgotha.
We incorporated the combat changes from the beta branch into this week's main-branch patch. Here's a summary of all the changes.
Some penetration bonuses on weapons were bugged, such as the +1 and +2 bonuses axes and cudgels got, respectively. We fixed these bugs, but we removed the axe and cudgel bonuses since they're part of an older design. Instead, we replaced them with different critical hit behavior for each weapon class.
Cudgels now get +1 penetration and daze on critical hits.
Axes now get +1 penetration and cleave on critical hits.
Long blades now get +3 penetration on critical hits.
Daggers now get +1 penetration and cause bleeding on critical hits.
We tweaked all melee weapon stats to account for these changes.
Two-handed weapons now grant a flat +1 penetration bonus instead of having a higher strength mod cap. Their damage was also shifted up a tier.
The sharp melee mod works again.
Gaslight kris and gaslight flyssa work properly again.
We also tweaked some of the melee weapon skills.
Axe: The Cleave penalty is now capped at half your strength mod, rounded up.
Short blade: Shank's cooldown is now 10 rounds if you shank from your primary hand. It's still 20 otherwise.
Short Blade Proficiency now grants +1 to hit and you make primary-hand short blade attacks as if your quickness were 25% higher. This means you make five attacks for every four that your normal-speed opponents make. These faster primary-hand attacks can trigger offhand attacks.
Long Blade: Reduced Improved Aggressive Stance's to-hit penality from -4 to -3.
New weapon mod: masterwork. Masterwork weapons score critical hits twice as often.
Added a new tile and flame animation for great magma crabs.
Glowfish can effectively bite now.
Chitinous puma can once again equip their natural claws.
If you use psychometry while confused, identified artifacts are no longer named things like 'Uhummwuhwah'.
While on the world map, you can now 'l'ook at the tile you're standing on.
Fixed a bug that caused the critical hit target to change from 20 when you were charging.
Fixed a bug that caused the critical hit target to sometimes change when using a missile weapon.
Fixed some cases where NPCs' strength modifiers were used to determine the difficulty of dodging their projectiles.
Fixed an issue where creature AI wouldn't get mad at you when you used a combat power and missed with it.
Fixed the journal getting unbound when you reset to default keybindings.
Fixed an issue that caused the system menu to pop up when you escaped the inventory screen in the new UI.
Fixed some cases where abilities allowed you to attack phased creatures.
[modding] Changed the event parameter names for PerformMeleeAttack to "Attacker" and "Defender".
[modding] Refactored the 'PenHitBonus' parameter in Combat events to use the 'PenCapBonus' and 'HitBonus' parameters instead.
[modding] Moved the chance to trigger Jab (the Short Blade power) into an attacker based event.
[modding] The AttackerGetWeaponPenModifier event now allows modification of the attack's PenBonus and CapBonus.
[modding] Refactored melee combat so that the chance to perform an offhand attack with robo-hands or the Multiple Arms mutation resides in the AttackerQueryWeaponSecondaryAttackChanceMultiplier event, allowing for similar behavior via mods.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #93) $
« Reply #145 on: June 17, 2017, 03:21:44 AM »
Feature Friday #93

Added new tiles for the following creatures and items.
elastyne skin suit
elastyne skull cap
apple farmer's daughter
Added a chronology entry for falling in love.
Shields can no longer be wooly.
Light sources no longer give off light while equipped in the thrown weapon slot.
Spring-loaded shoes now work properly when you mod them via tinkering.
Villagers of Joppa are now properly interested in secrets about all salt marsh locations.
Ironshank now has a maximum movespeed penalty of 80.
Added some new descriptions.
great saltback
great saltback corpse
honey skunk
great magma crab
Added some new functionality to the new inventory UI.
Added item weight to inventory item lines and category tabs.
Added an indicator for current weight and total carry capacity.
Scroll positions now properly stick after manipulating an item.
Ctrl+D now drops the currently selected inventory item.
Ctrl+A now eats the currently selected inventory item.
Ctrl+R now drinks the currently selected inventory item.
Ctrl+P now applies the currently selected inventory item.
Fixed the thrown weapon slot not being equippable by clicking.
Added an icon for meds.
Changed the icon for tools.
[coming soon]If you drink deeply of the psychic well, beware what may find you at the bottom...
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #94) $
« Reply #146 on: June 24, 2017, 12:08:41 PM »
Feature Friday #94

We made some tweaks and additions to tonics.
Added a new tonic: love tonic.
Currently, overdosing on a love tonic causes you to erupt into flames. This may change soon.
Added platinum as an unidentified tonic color.
You can now stab people with injectors during melee combat. You must penetrate their armor to successfully inject.
Chronology entries logged while you're in love are now much sappier.
Added a chronology entry for losing the lovesick status effect.
Autoexplore now ignores freshwater if you don't have room to carry it.
Natural missile weapons now require ammo once they're dismembered.
If you go to the worldmap and immediately return to a noted location in the same worldmap tile, you now properly appear in that location.
Fixed some severe memory usage issues during long-running games with thousands of items (mostly ammo stacks).
Fixed Temporal Fugue lag issues in long-running games when there are thousands of items in your inventory (mostly ammo stacks).
Fixed an issue when you canceled out of the pour dialog where you were still asked how many drams to pour.
Fixed an issue preventing you from escaping out of string-entry dialogs (for example, entering the amount you want to pour out of a container).
Fixed an issue causing buggy behavior in the new UI after certain direction selection dialogs.
Fixed an issue where some screens didn't display controls if the new UI was enabled but the new inventory UI wasn't enabled.
Fixed some bad interactions between zoom and panning popups in the old UI.
Fixed an issue that prevented you from clicking on items in the nearby items list.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #95) $
« Reply #147 on: June 30, 2017, 11:07:29 PM »
Feature Friday #95

Two-point mutations are now included in the mutation choices when you buy a mutation or when your genome destabilizes.
If an immobile creature gains flying, it can now move.
If an aquatic creature gains flying, it can now move over land.
Added new liquid weeps that produce much smaller puddles.
The smaller weeps now inhabit fungal biomes instead of their larger cousins. The original weeps still inhabit the Rainbow Wood.
Renamed the original weeps from "__ weep" to "giant __ weep" (for example: "giant acid weep").
When you discover a weep in a fungal biome, you now log it as a secret in your journal.
Added an overlay UI option to prevent full screen effects like scanlines from applying to the UI elements
Chests now render on top of corpses.
Domination's cooldown timer now doesn't start counting until domination is broken.
Fixed "SultanCult[n]" faction names appearing in the backstory descriptions of legendary creatures.
Fixed some autoexplore issues where you'd repeatedly try to access objects that you don't own.
Fixed a rare issue with mushroom growth.
You can no longer trade temporally unstable objects.
Added some architecture and design for longer-term feature arcs: [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted].
Mid-week patch notes:
You no longer fall in love with every sign you read.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #96) $
« Reply #148 on: July 15, 2017, 10:04:53 PM »
Feature Friday #96

Espers are now being watched.
New item mod that shows up in very particular circumstances: extradimensional.
You can choose to watch the psyches of your enemies radiate into nothingness.
New food item: humble pie. Why be full of yourself when you can just be full?
Get-item dialogs now display your total weight.
Fixed some issues while displaying some non-standard ASCII characters in the new UI.
Circuitry-obsessed sultans now wire things to other things instead of just wiring things to themselves.
Fixed an occasional exception in combat.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Caves of Qud (now at Early Access Feature Friday #97) $
« Reply #149 on: July 21, 2017, 09:16:23 PM »
Feature Friday #97

Extradimensional items now have a very small chance to appear anywhere.
Changed faction encounters with the Seekers of the Sightless Way. Instead of traveling in mind-melting esper packs, legendary seekers now travel with various kinds of psychic thralls.
Added new book: Disquisition on the Malady of the Mimic.
Added a new note on a sheet of paper, lost to its owner, gathering dust somewhere in Qud.
You can now properly learn mental mutations during certain water ritual encounters if you're an esper.
You can no longer learn mental mutations during water ritual encounters if you're a chimera.
You can no longer equip a light torch from the ground into your thrown weapon slot and have it remain lit.
Tinkering directly from a data disk now properly uses any required ingredients
Staircases and pathways between maps are now more common in cave systems.
Changed the value of the bloodstained goatskin parchment sheaf and excluded it from dynamic encounters.
Fixed some issues caused by gaining a new mutation that had already been granted to you by a relic.
Bookshelves will now be auto-looted during auto-explore.
Added a new user option to enable or disable auto-loot of bookshelves.
[modding] Added a new part, HasThralls, that can be added to a creature to give them psychic thralls of around their level.
[modding] Added a new part, UniqueWithAlternative. An object with this part only spawns once. If it would spawn again, instead another object spawns in its place. You can define the alternative object in the part property named "Alternative".
[modding] Added a new JukedObject and WasJuked events, which are fired on the juker and the jukee when juke is used to swap with combat objects.
[modding] Added a new ChargedTarget and WasCharged events, which are fired on the charger and the target
Brian Emre Jeffears
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