« on: April 21, 2015, 11:50:31 PM »
http://www.convoy-games.com/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/318230 Win/Mac $14.99About This Game
Convoy is a tactical roguelike-like inspired by Mad Max and FTL in which you cross a wasteland in search of parts for your broken ship.
Presented in pixel art and set in a future post-apocalyptic setting, Convoy is a squad based tactical roguelike-like in its core. You travel with your combat vehicles and convoy across a wasteland to find parts needed to repair your broken spaceship. During your journey you will encounter strangers in randomized scenarios by picking up radio signals.
Depending on the choices you make, signals can either lead to tactical combat, text based dialogue or chance based role-play. Whatever choice you make, you need to keep your convoy and its cargo safe from raiders, privateers and other enemies. Keep upgrading your vehicles, as death is permanent in Convoy.
-A new take on tactical combat: Combat plays out in real time as a high-speed car chase where you need to position your units and use abilities to maximise their effectiveness.
-Exploration pays: You will encounter many different radio signals, each with a text based event. What doesn’t kill you may reward you with loot.
-Fully customizable units: Each unit can be upgraded and outfitted with different weapons and abilities, allowing you to customize them to your needs.
-A randomized planet: Each play-through features different main and side objectives, events, choices, and different consequences to your actions.
-A cold war turning hot: Three factions vie for control over the planet, your actions tip the scales of balance making you an enemy to everyone. As each faction grows in strength, you need to keep up.
-Permadeath at the core: Knowing one wrong move could lead to certain death puts you constantly on edge.
v1.0.1 in the big release fanfare~

Defeating the dragon will now award an achievement!
The unlock with T3 raider units now also have an A.I.D. equipped.
Low Tech achievement now also unlocks if player used ramming.
Rebalanced several scenarios.
CarSwap now displays right info.
Ramming Weapons animation no longer over-extends.
Ship icon on map no longer blurry on game start.
Jackpots Won stat now tracked properly.
Saveing/loading in boss battle no longer breaks the game.
Camera should no longer offset in Main Menu after large explosions.
Scenario's causing insta-death to units have been adjusted to occur less often and feel less punishing.
Boss should no longer spawn in new game after losing or winning game.
Boss should always appear when all objectives are completed.
Privateer MCV should now have the correct decal.
Boss weapons should no longer do damage during game pause.
Camara offset issue in map screen has been resolved.
Some typos in items have been resolved.
Some typos in scenarios have been resolved.
Description of the Turbo item now shows the correct stat.
Added a rock formation obstacle that got left out in previous builds.
Added visual feedback to selected abilities on game pause.
Changed the Bobcat and Gila variant colours a little.
Changed the unlock received for defeating the boss to include a Gila.
Nerfed the Keeper unlock units.
Fixed MCV HP not displaying correctly.
Fixed clicking through item/unit swap screen.
Fixed unit sidebar not updating correctly in map.
Ramming should no longer be exploitable when target cannot move.
Attack/move marker should no longer be visible in the main menu after game over.
Fixed map offset issue causing MCV to be placed in the top-left.
Upgrade buttons now have tooltips explaining what a stat and upgrade does. - Thanks HitmanN for the suggestion!
Added AI for repair drones, these can now also be used by enemies!
Receiving random damage in a scenario is now a random percentage of unit's current HP instead of a fixed number.
Adjusted tooltip window width to make tooltips more readable.
Enemy units can now use more items
Enemies should no longer be able to equip double abilities or double passive items, preventing extremes such as double-shielded enemies, or double-mine throwers.
Adjusted map legend to be more clear.
Increased MCV shield size from 400 to 600 HP.
Increased Boss HP and AP slightly.
Adjusted the way score is calculated, and changed the GameOver/score screen to be more clear.
Saving game during boss battles (miniboss and final boss) should no longer corrupt the save file.
Bolt and fuel changes text should now appear in the correct location in all resolutions.
All buttons should now have the correct "click" sound.
Fixed dust trailes visible in fade.
Addition changes:
Added Stats to death screen and in main menu!
Fixed Laser beam animation becoming stuck on MCV stun
Mk2 Shield with 200 hp - Old Mk2 is now Mk3
Keeper units (Andy's droogs & boss units) are now more challenging.
Adjusted enemy strength to take selected difficulty into account.
Increased difficulty of high-level events
Changed fuel loot to a flat income instead of depending on event level. Fuel scarcity should now be more equally distributed throughout a play through instead of being very scarce at the start and plentiful late game.
Adjusted bolts income to be dependant on selected difficulty. It is now slightly higher on easy difficulty and a little lower on hard.
Changed intro explosion sound to a more "spacey" version
Performance issues on unpause should no longer occur.
Biome and terrain should now be correctly read near the edge of the map
Teleporting issue near map edge should no longer occur.
Combat should now always have the correct enemy faction.
UnitSwap and ItemSwap screens now disable dialoge boxes, preventing potential loss of units/items.
Fixed issue where boss music would start and immediately fade out during boss battle.
This could well wind up very successful indeed if they remain on the ball for post-release support as per the example set by FTL and other sizable crowdfunding success projects...

« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 11:01:26 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training