Rumours system - done!
...nearly done.
...ok, base of system is done. But whole mechanics was tested and works. Now I need to add little more options.
Probably I will improve it, because rumours are schematic - they are always constructed in the same manner. Ie:
1) drawn type of person from the list of social groups
2) drawn specific character from this group
3) drawn activity that caused this rumour
4) drawn details of activity
5) drawn 'last words' of rumour
6) + comment
Then, every rumour looks like, for example, [Rayla]+[obtained]+[great weapon]+[- masterwork crossbow.]+[It's make me sad...]
But I would like to say that this is NOT ONLY flavour text.
Only fool believe without proof in every rumour. However, there CAN be some truth in every rumour. So...
I made dynamic world. Actually, this works very simply, but some 'parts of the world' are changing without player involvement. And there is always a chance that rumour is true information.
I'm not adding any screens, because this isn't impressive, especially if I code terminal/curses roguelike