« Reply #75 on: September 20, 2014, 01:29:58 PM »

Stealth ARRP 2014
New features
- Extended quest line a bit; lots more quest framework coded.
- New Mindblade skill - Pyrokinesis - To address the Mindblades ineffectiveness against mindless creatures, I had to relent and add a direct damage ability which is somewhat in line with his sychic flavor, yet is effective against most creatures. Pyrokinesis allows the mindblade to start a fire with his mind, either inside the body of a creature, or somewhere in the environment (assuming there is something combustible there.)
- New Engineer skill - Smoke Bomb - An engineer can toss out a small, burning sphere that rapidly produces a large volume of smoke. The smoke spreads fairly naturally, and limits vision where densest. Enemies caught in the smoke become confused, and can attack even their allies, being unable to see very well. A side effect of a large amount of dense smoke is it makes ranged attacks nearly impossible. Finally, creatures within the smoke have improved stealth. These features make this an effective escape tool for the engineer, or allow him to approach dangerous ranged enemies without taking constant fire. (Note that confusion as a result of smoke is not magical in nature - as soon as the creature moves to an area they can see they will no longer be confused, assuming they aren't under some other form of magical confusion)
- Related to the above, some sources of fire now emit smoke.
- <Intelligent> creatures now how their own discrete pathfinding grids, limited to their perception range. If you walk around a corner, you will be followed - if an intelligent creature is set on fire and there is water in view, he will run to the water to douse his flames - if he is unarmed, he will actively search for a weapon, etc. Animals still use scent tracking where appropriate, and generally speaking, attack the nearest threat instead of intelligently targeting enemies.
- Related to the above, perception of the player no longer exclusively requires sight (some creatures can smell, or sense the player in other ways), meaning you can be tracked even though you aren't seen.
- Necklaces are finally fully implemented.
- Creatures now gain benefits from all equipment.
- Added discrete ACID and PSYCHIC damage/resistance types, with associated effects.
- Some new items and creatures (and creature abilities).
- New item enchantments (speed, stats, etc.)
Balance changes
- All basic weapon skills are unlocked for all classes; certain weapon skills (notably guns and unarmed combat) are now tied exclusively to certain classes at the start.
- Utility skills are now unlocked for all classes. Crafting skills require either starting with the skill or finding a trainer. All classes have the scavenge skill unlocked; classes which start with a crafting skill get a free point of scavenge.
- Call Lightning now always works indoors in the Infinite Dungeon. Regular game mode still requires at least level 2 for through a roof, and level 3 for underground.
- The mechanics of the Endurance meter have been changed. Previously, drinking or eating would indiscriminately fill the bar. Now, there are separate stats for thirst and hunger, but you can't see them. You have still have a general indication of fatigue/endurance with the yellow bar, and you will receive messages that you are hungry or thirsty, but its intentionally hard to tell beyond that. As a consequence, if you are extremely hungry, but bloated from drinking over and over, drinking more water will do nothing for you - your endurance meter will still reflect your hunger, so you must balance your intake. Note that water is a more pressing need than food. Currently, you can't die from dehydration/starvation, but I will likely implement it in the future when the balance gets worked out. You ARE given a clue as to being hungry, thirsty, or both.
- CTRL-TAB now only cycles through friendly targets, while TAB cycles through enemy targets (previously TAB worked the same, while CTRL-TAB would cycle through ALL targets.)
- After some consideration, Agony has been changed to Share Pain. The psychic link part works the same, the target just now takes a percentage of the damage that you do. Increased skill increases the amount of sympathetic damage the target take, eventually being amplified above your own damage taken. Smarter creatures will figure this out and try to break the link; animals generally wont figure it out.
- Minor display change to speed - higher is now better (it doesn't functionally work any different, I just wanted to be consistent in how numbers are presented so players don't think a high speed value was good when in reality it was bad).
- You may now carry weight above you max limit, but this results in an increasing penalty to speed, melee speed, and ranged speed.
- The Infinite Dungeon is now 2-way (you can go back up a level if you wish), and no longer technically 'infinite' (although I doubt anyone will reach level 999.)
- Targeting an enemy will now color the enemies name based on their threat level to you (and no longer displays the creature level) in the bottom of the right side status bar.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a variable reference bug in several skill functions.
- Fixed a bug where creatures targeting a monster that died had their target shifted to the next creature in the list (even themselves.)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 12:14:44 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training