Just a Little Update about the game
Just tried to do a 7DRL without a proper plan ... and almost failed.
In the end i will just finish a very, very basic game, created using Game Maker
Just one room with random placement for wall's and monsters. The objective is avoid the monsters that will follow you everywhere, take the GreenOrb and proceed to the exit on the corner (you start on the upper left corner).
Between yesterday and today, I only had a few hours to work on it and will have may be 2 or 3 more hours until Sunday to fix some bugs (still has a lot of them).
Hopefully i will finish a playable game just in time.
Lessons learned:
Start small, really small. My first ideas for the game were too big and i had to change everything in the game and scale it to a very simple game.
Have a plan!!! Write all the ideas before starting.
Choose the right tools before starting.
Real Life will always be a problem, so be prepared to change your plans.
Just a Screenshot to show the little progress i did until now