Author Topic: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]  (Read 17025 times)

Adam Perry

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Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:06:12 AM »

It should have been a standard patrol mission. You had wrapped up your sweep and were returning to the Leviathan when a hijacked wormhole led you to this rogue sector. The good news: the onboard nav has calculated a route back to the Leviathan. The bad news: it's going to be a long trip through six sectors filled to the brim with asteroids and bandits.

Rogue Sector is inspired by the board game Wings of War (more commonly known for the X-Wing Miniatures spinoff franchise) as well as space dogfighting games such as the Wing Commander series. This marks my second 7DRL success; if you were around last year, then you might remember Succession, which took 5th place overall. I feel like this is a somewhat weaker game overall (although there were, shall we say, mitigating factors), but I'm happy to once again put forth a finished game after seven days of development, and Rogue Sector is a solid entry on its own merits.

You can play Rogue Sector from your browser here. Let me know what you think.


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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2015, 02:40:57 AM »
Really enjoyed it. Deceptively simple gameplay leads to some deeply satisfying maneuvers and outcomes. As an added bonus it reminded me to play Renegde: Legion Interceptor again ;)

One problem is that the purple arrow disappears quite often. Don`t think this is intended?

And unless I missed it somehow it`d be nice to now what the shield/hull HP level is.

Adam Perry

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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2015, 05:47:34 AM »
Really enjoyed it. Deceptively simple gameplay leads to some deeply satisfying maneuvers and outcomes. As an added bonus it reminded me to play Renegde: Legion Interceptor again ;)

One problem is that the purple arrow disappears quite often. Don`t think this is intended?

And unless I missed it somehow it`d be nice to now what the shield/hull HP level is.

Glad you enjoyed it! You're not the first to report the indicator disappearing, but I've never had it happen in my plays. The indicator disappears on purpose when the wormhole is onscreen, even when it's only slightly onscreen. Could that be what happened to you?

The hull/shield bars are in the top left. Or did you mean the enemy's?

(edit) The indicator also disappears during the animations, of course.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 05:54:03 AM by Adam Perry »


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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2015, 12:01:50 PM »
No, the indicator was definitely gone when it shouldn`t on some levels while the HP thingy was never visible. Strange, because now it`s all fine every time I try. If not for others reporting similar behaviour I`d blame it on one of my periodic moments of daftness, but maybe it`s some occasional browser wobble after all.

Adam Perry

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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2015, 05:23:25 PM »
That's really weird. If you happen into it again, could you post a screenshot?


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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2015, 08:15:38 PM »
Hey Adam, I really enjoy the maneuvering in this. It reminds me a bit of the old Car Wars tabletop game and it's movement key. Congratulations on finishing your 7drl!

Adam Perry

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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 09:39:22 PM »
Thanks! I've seen Car Wars, but I can't say I've played it. I'm really satisfied with how the maneuvering feels, which is good, since it's pretty much the entire game :)


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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2015, 02:07:09 PM »
Neat game. Could you please give me some tips?

One of the reviewers of your game says it is "too easy (I mean *really* easy)."

This statement makes me want to go crawl in a corner and die because I'm awful at the game. On the 2nd level, I often get swarmed by 4 enemies.

The big ships run right over me and kill me instantly or, if I'm able to get behind them, just shoot me with their rear weapons. I feel like I'm missing something here.
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Adam Perry

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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2015, 12:36:09 AM »

I really suspect that the reviewer played the first sector with all three ships and called it a day, not realizing there was more to the game. It's certainly not easy, although I've won with all three ships. Wish I could contact him and figure out what happened.

I recommend Blade as an introductory ship. It has most of the Dart's movement, but managing your tension becomes more important, and there's more room for error due to the added defense. The key to surviving past the first couple sectors (which you can easily win by beelining to the exit) is to use evasive maneuvering to avoid enemy fire. Don't travel in a straight line if you can help it: the enemies are decent at tracking you, but they have trouble with a moving target.

In sector 6, the enemies are overwhelming, and you basically want to fly in circles until you can make them crash into each other. Here's a shot of my most recent winning run:

By all accounts, it looks like I should die there. There are five ships on the screen between me and the exit, plus an elite Cobra coming from the other direction. The previous turn probably looked a little worse.

The Dart largely plays like the Blade, except you can outrun everything and can't take a hit. The Cobra is a little more interesting, although it tends to be trickier due to your limited options. It does afford you the option of ramming straight through enemy Darts, which is fun. Collision damage is based on remaining health, so you can easily ram through an enemy Blade if you shoot it first.

Thanks again for playing. Hope you get this message -- I know I'm a couple of weeks late in replying.


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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2015, 01:13:33 AM »
Thanks for the response. I only really needed one if I was missing something, which I don't believe I was. It's good to know it's not actually super easy. I was one of your reviewers by the way, in case it wasn't obvious.

I get the idea of maneuvering. The fact that you should do it seems obvious, but I can't seem to make headway against enemies unless they happen to fly into asteroids on their own.

I played the game a few more times now and one of the things I did as a test was try to outmaneuver a single enemy. I was a blade and the enemy was a cobra, so I should be able to easily get around them. And yet.... we circled around each 20+ times and I was never able to get behind them. If I divert from the circle and try anything else, they get to shoot me. I'm willing to accept that I'm just bad at the game, but dang.

Either way, you have an interesting game here. Congrats on another successful entry!
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Adam Perry

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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2015, 03:03:21 AM »
In general, you aren't meant to defeat the enemies. You should be aiming for the wormhole; it's pretty rare for me to get a kill except as the Cobra.

So the general strategic maneuver is to go as far forward as you can go while still turning just a little bit. This lets you get closer to the wormhole while minimizing your chances of taking a hit.

The reason this is so effective is that the AI is mindnumbingly simple -- it always goes for (SPOILER ALERT) the spot closest to the hex three tiles in front of you, regardless of anything that's in the way, with a 60% chance to use a tension move if it's available. This makes it really good at tailing you and less good at predicting your movement. (The only difference between the regular ships and the blue "elites" is that the elites get full hull/shields whereas the regular ships have half the health of a player in the same ship.)

Since the AI won't always use its tension move, you can usually just outrun it, especially in the Dart. Just don't stay directly in front of it. If it's got a one-tile offset, it won't move to correct that unless it's already very close to you, and you can exploit that to keep on going.

Oh, and one more thing... you should play on minimum zoom. Default zoom is a bit of a trap.


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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2015, 12:51:37 PM »
Ok that makes a little more sense. That's a very cool approach to take.

Oh, and one more thing... you should play on minimum zoom. Default zoom is a bit of a trap.
Yup. I mentioned this in my review. Normally zooms are within the sight radius, but there isn't a sight radius here.
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Re: Rogue Sector [7DRL 2015 - SUCCESS]
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2015, 07:32:00 AM »
really nice game, do u plan to work for an improved version ?
for example: new ships, more graphics, levels and so on ?
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