I have more time finally, so I can check latest beta now

Crew skills and activation levels, wooow!
One minor issue. When I choose skill, prompt for confirmation appears. This y/N looks like case-sensitive and... yes, it is case sensitive, but 'N' reacts when 'n' is pressed, not 'N'. I think this capitalized n is for indication that options is 'default' as in many games.
After one moment I relized that crew skills are awesome, but some of them are un-flavourish, rather for fantasy or just action setting than for tan commander game.
[alt] in Main Gun Ammunition Menu is a bit counter-intuitive for me. It would be more comfortable if
clicking [alt] would
switch between un/loading ammo.
On campaign map... One more interface issue. Switching areas by [tab] is a bit weird. For example, I started 'surrounded' by 4 areas.
s - starting area
1 - first area
2 - second
3 - third
4 - fourth
In which order they switches? 2-3-1-4. Maybe would be better using arrows (left/right) instead of [tab]?
And last thing for now - it's strange for me if area-under-mouse is descripted instead selected, highlighted area. I know advantages of this solution, but seriously, I ever thought that this description in left-down panel is about highlighted area