Armoured Commander: The WWII Tank Commander RoguelikeAlpha 4: "Time on Target"Dropbox download link:
Changelog for Alpha 4:
Note: Savegame files from previous alphas will not work with this version, although if you keep your old high scores file they should still be displayed as normal
- Beginnings of a help interface
- Basic artillery strikes, to be developed further in future
- Labels on campaign and encounter map
- Animations for when units move around the battle map
- Narrower campaign map, slight changes to its appearance but no effect on gameplay
- Pop-up notification if no target is available for main gun or machine gun attack
- If tank pivots, Hull Down is lost and tank is Moving; if pivot order given but player does not actually change tank facing, tank is Stopped
- Minefield attack random event
- For crew who are limited to spotting in any one sector, you can now select which sector they should attempt to spot in. Before it had defaulted to in front of your tank.
- Friendly advance random event, sector control gained is random but must be empty of enemy units
- Changed selected crew to a pointer rather than an index number, things work more smoothly and should not have any visible impact on the game itself, but there was a problem where the pointer didn't seem to work after reloading, so reloaded games start with the commander selected by default. Also required a little work to get replaced crewmen put back into the list properly
- Smoke now affects spotting checks properly
- Selected area in campaign day map stays after action is performed, unless you move into a new area; easier now to check an area and then move into it
- Can now rotate turret and fire co-ax MG; +10 penalty applies if either Sherman moved or turret was rotated before co-ax MG attack
- Can use Space Bar or End to advance phase
- WASD and Arrow Keys should both be available for input where appropriate
I think the next logical step is to start working on the Combat Calendar, which would mean that campaigns can span over several months. As always, let me know any bugs or suggestions for changes.