Author Topic: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release  (Read 10607 times)


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New release of Dungeon Bash available, with much functionality added:

* some creatures can now fly
* added rough terrain (bones, mud and rocks) that slow down non-flying creatures entering that tile
* added holes - impassable to non-flying creatures. Lethal to get knocked or fall stunned into.
* added charge effect that allows some creatures to move and attack on the same turn (in a straight line)
* added knock back effect that pushes back a creatures 1 tile when hit.  If a non-flying creature is pushed into a hole, they die!
* creatures knocked back into a wall take damage.  If knocked into a creature, they both take damage.
* effects of equipping items on character stats is shown on screen without having to look at the effects tab.
* new items based on flight, knock back, charging and resisting knockback abilities.
* have adjusted all creatures stats to reflect new abilities and revamped their abilities for more diversity.
* have added some  new creatures and removed some that were too similar to each other.
* made character illumination fade smoothly while moving.
* modified guaranteed starting creatures, including guaranteed swarm of crazed minions on level 5.
* fixed numerous bugs (thanks testers!)

Q) Would it aid the number of test players significantly if I offered this game as a HTML5 version too?  Im getting very little feedback, and I would really like some from experienced roguelike players - but perhaps the majority of those are PC-based?  I could go to that effort, but the mouse control feels a little clunky (it is designed specifically for touchscreen), so it would need a control system revamp using keys and mouse.

If you already played a previous version, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the improvement.  Let me know!
Join the testing at

In the next release, I will add:

2) DASH ability
4) additional UI functionality to improve game->player info transfer.

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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2015, 09:46:37 PM »
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd definitely try this out if it had a PC version. :) I've been curious about it for awhile since it sounds similar in nature to my own game, but my phone is prehistoric so mobile games are a no-go for me. :(


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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2015, 11:25:07 PM »
Hi Ferret, whats your game?
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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 11:50:30 PM »
I suppose it would have been helpful to mention that detail. :P My game is Demon, a monster-collection roguelike. Like in Dungeon Bash, you run around with a party of monsters helping you out. That's already a pretty major and relatively rare feature our games have in common. :) I'm more than a little curious about what we do differently and what we do similarly.

If you want to check it out, I've got a thread here in the Early Dev section ( and I also have a website of my own ( The website's got downloadable builds for PC, Mac, and Linux if you want to give it a try. :)

Definitely let me know if you make a PC build, I'd be first in line for trying it out. :) Reading about what we do alike and differently isn't nearly as nice as actually seeing it. :D (Not to mention I love monster collection / monster party type games to begin with and would love playing another even if I wasn't making my own. :) )


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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 02:58:02 AM »
Demon is similar in concept to Dungeon Bash - I am at work so I just gave Demon one combat (which is how many it took to get me killed).
Ill give it a better go when I get home.

Looks like Demon is much more advanced in the number of abilities the creatures have.  At the moment, the number of abilities in dungeonbash is a bit thin, but the latest release improves that, and I will continue to add more in future releases.  It was 3 months between the latest release, and a lot of that was spent doing the ground work to be able to add more abilities quicker, so I should be able to crank them out over the next couple of months!

My aim with Dungeon Bash is to concentrate on tactics primarily.  The Dungeon itself is just there to provide an interesting tactical environment, rather than something to explore as such.  A large part of the tactics is how you position your party members in relation to each other and the monsters. 

What would you say the primary gameplay is for Demon?
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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 04:55:32 AM »
The first floor can be a bit rough. :) I'm still trying to tweak the early balance a bit. I want Demon to be a challenge even early on since with permadeath you'll be seeing it often: I'd rather it be a bit too rough the first 3 or 4 games than be boring and easy the next 30 or 40 after. But, I'm still polishing this up, sometimes T:1 is slightly too mean right now.

Ability count is definitely high in Demon, but on the other hand, abilities also stand in for equipment for me in the form of passive/reactive abilities. Demon doesn't just have the main character + 3 monsters, it also has the 5 extra monsters you can have in your stable to swap in and out. I was worried asking the player to manage 9 sets of abilities + 9 different equipment sets would be too much. I could see equipment being much more feasible if it was 4 characters though. I may still go back and add 1 equipment slot each (trinket or something) for each monster, that might work out okay. :) Haven't decided yet on that. How many equipment slots can your monsters have in DB? I remember reading some don't have any, but is it always 0 or 1, or do some allies have multiple slots sort of like the usual RPG character (i.e. helmet, weapon, armor, two hands, ring, etc?)

Re: Dungeon Art, it hasn't been an early priority, but I do want the dungeons to become interesting places to explore. I've mostly been dodging it for now because I was more worried getting the more unique parts working and feeling right: recruiting monsters, permadeath combat with a group of AIs the player has to depend on to act properly, the various mechanics for customizing the main character and his monster allies. Once I feel completely solid on those fronts, I'll move on to trying to get my dungeons a bit more interesting. If nothing else, I'd like something to break up the cycle of combat and progression management just a little... some other sort of encounter. Maybe various objects that ask you to make some sort of choice? For example, a statue that lets you interact with it in various ways (ignore it, pray to it, remove a gem from its forehead, or sacrifice a monster to it, all with different potential results), or a ritual circle that's holding some powerful demon trapped... do you free it and try to recruit it, or leave what others locked away alone? This sort of thing would only be a small % of the encounters though, combat is the meat of Demon for sure, but I feel like if these are done right, they would be interesting and exciting to find and spice things up a little more.

The primary gameplay for Demon? I'd say it is fighting your way through the dungeon, recruiting new monster allies and new abilities, incorporating the ones you like into your strategy, then moving further in to face greater challenges and more new, more powerful allies and abilities. Combat is definitely a big part of it, but that process of recruiting new monsters and abilities and customizing them is important too. People I've watched play often spend a surprising amount of time planning out which monsters to try and recruit and what abilities to pass around. One of my favorite types of feedback is when people have sent me screenshots of crazy monsters they've made over the course of the game. I feel like people wanting to do that tells me the customization and progression elements are fun. :D

Oh, hey, there was something else I wanted to ask: how much direct control do you give players over the monster allies behavior in Dungeon Bash? Is it almost totally AI-driven like Demon, or do you offer more options/ability to directly control your monster teammates?


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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 09:49:37 AM »
You dont have a primary character and allies as such in DB, you have a team of three equals that you manually control individually.  There are options to 1) control one character while the others skip turns or 2) designate a leader and have the others follow it just for quick movement, but whenever a monster is onscreen, the 'leader mode' is disabled and it automatically drops back to individual control.

I have considered swapping team members in and out, and having more than three characters, but the aim of my game is to devise tactics to survive with the particular mix of abilities you get with a random small team.   In DB, half the starting creatures have hands and half dont, and the ones with hands have the ability to use weapons, wands and potions which makes them much more adaptable than the ones that cant do this.  Creatures without hands have limited ability to change their basic nature, so you have to plan around that.  If I was to allow swapping creatures in and out, or having more than three creatures, the team would quickly become very adaptable to any situation by virtue of being able to carry and use heaps of items.  I think it would diminish the primary challenge of DB, which is to devise tactics.
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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2015, 01:35:53 AM »
Oh, I see, I misunderstood then, so it's just the 3 monsters. :D And you allow more or less complete player control of the monsters too, that's another interesting difference. I can see how that makes sense with a focus on tactics though. :)

3 randomly selected guys is definitely a different style of play than having a stable of monsters you recruit into and swap in and out as you go, but I think both will turn out pretty fun. :) Reminds me a bit of the differences between sealed deck and constructed in Magic: the Gathering. That analogy isn't perfect, but it captures a fair bit of the differences I think. :D


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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2015, 10:46:54 PM »
Just for fun I tried it with 12 creatures in the players team.  Was pretty funny - in leader mode, when the leader wants to go to a destination tile, all the other characters shuffle about and to move out of the way, and with 12 creature it was like watching someone fart in a crowded elevator :)
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Re: [DUNGON BASH] squad-based tactical roguelike major new alpha release
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2015, 10:57:28 PM »
There is a new release of Dungeon Bash available.  This release concentrated on giving the team more options to interact with the environment by making TERRAIN not only slow down non-flyers, but offer some benefit in the form of a missile defence bonus and extra protection from burst damage.

I also concentrated on giving smaller creatures more options and survivability by giving some of them a Dash ability, which is a cooldown ability that allows them to move twice in a straight  line.  Smaller creatures also get more missile defence and burst damage protection whilst in cover than larger creatures do (and huge creatures dont get any).

- ‘pass turn’ button is now ‘DEFEND’.  Character skips a turn and takes a slow penalty, but temporarily gets a significant defence boost.
- added COVER.  (when in rocks and bones).  creatures get significant missile defence and burst damage protection bonuses while in cover.
- creatures are designated, SMALL, MEDIUM or HUGEHUGE creatures dont get bonuses for cover.  SMALL creatures get extra bonus!
- gave some (mostly smaller) creatures a DASH ability: imp, web shooter, giant sewer rat, wolf, phoenix, vampire bat, bat, spawn, crazed minion, hell hound , vampire
- you can DASH into and out of terrain, but you can’t DASH through terrain (unless you can fly)
- modified the way experience is awarded.  Now a team-based score rather than an individual stat.  Creatures non-humanoid characters (particularly without hands) increase stats quicker due to experience.
- added extra rock terrain and added boulders to break up large spaces.

The next release will concentrate entirely on STEALTH - i.e. party characters will be able to sneak around, scout, backstab etc...
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