Author Topic: Ultima Ratio Regum (0.8 released after five years!)  (Read 303024 times)


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #120 on: November 29, 2015, 05:21:44 PM »
Cities and towns really need one of those,man:

Big open markets full of cheap and bootleg stuff for you to buy when you're short on money.Also a great place for you to get easy food.

Also, for curiosity, are NPCs and maybe the player going to be able to have some sort of disability?Like a disease or a physical thing like dwarfism?Really think that there should be a town suffering with a plague or something.


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #121 on: November 29, 2015, 10:27:45 PM »
Markets: ah, I have two solutions to this. Firstly, nomads tend to have open-air markets, but I wanted to keep markets in feudal nations more "closed". I recognize this is a slightly arbitrary distinction, but I've found that procedural generation becomes far more memorable when you draw clear lines between things instead of allowing things to merge and blur into one another. Secondly, there will be black markets in feudal nations, which will probably be more like the picture you've sent, but I haven't actually decided how these will work yet! That's probably for 0.9 (working frantically on 0.8 now)

Disability/disease/etc: oh yeah, I definitely want to implement diseases and plagues, and various biological differences, and in some nations assign these (dwarfism, leprosy, eunuchs, etc) particular social noteworthiness in some way.


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #122 on: November 30, 2015, 05:09:53 PM »
Sorry for this 'it's just a question', but... Can we expect URR 0.8 in this year, or 2016 is more likely?


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #123 on: December 01, 2015, 08:53:10 PM »
Sorry for this 'it's just a question', but... Can we expect URR 0.8 in this year, or 2016 is more likely?

Sadly, it's going to be 2016. I hope to have NPCs completely finished in December (a tall order, but I think it can be done), but I don't want to release a world full of NPCs you can't do anything with, so I'm going to save it up for a huge release and add in the conversation system as well. I've pondered this long and hard and taken opinions from fans, and I'm now confident that this is the right choice.


This week's update!

This week I’ve been continuing my plan of trying to finish Everything Else in the lead-up to finishing NPC scheduling and the like, so there have been four major developments. Firstly, a significant change to how delegates are represented in democratic nations, which is far more interesting and far more distinctive; secondly more progress on generating castles, which I will probably unveil in a fortnight, though conceivably in just a week, depending on how things play out; thirdly I’ve redone the sigils for lesser houses, and they look vastly better; and lastly a range of other general bug fixes, optimizations and general improvements which continue to clear out my list of unresolved problems, hopefully resulting in a stable game in which I can then return to working on NPCs. My goal remains to have Everything Except Conversations done by the end of December – it’s a big target, but I think it can just about be reached. Read on!


I decided to return to what I mentioned last week about giving delegates special homes and make this a little bit more detailed and a bit more interesting. I’m always looking for things that make each civilization distinctive, and doing this for democratic nations in a little more detail was something that quite appealed. Therefore, in each possible delegate location, there is a different kind of housing. The diagram below shows this – the top row are for “district” delegates, and the bottom row for “other” kinds of delegates (who might of course be resident within a district, but the game counts them differently). Middle-class districts use standard middle-class district houses (but gives them flags outside) just as upper-class districts use standard upper-class houses (again, with flags outside to denote that they are special), whilst aside from those every other area does something slightly special to denote the housing assigned to democratic delegates (all have flags outside). Here’s the full set:

Huge image, so linked it instead:

These are, I think, pretty identifiable, and are another way to mark out differences between nations. It will also make it clear where delegates live, which might have use a little further down the line. The most challenging of these was for the “Bank” delegates who might live within the mint, and the “Religion” delegates who live within religious buildings, since those required me to return to buildings whose generation algorithms I thought I had entirely finished with, and add something new. With that said, though, I’m really happy with how all of these turned out, and they continue to add a little more depth to the more democratic of nations, and variation within democratic nations (since each nation distributes its delegates differently – one nation might have religious delegates and bank ones, another might have monastery and farm delegates, and so forth).


This week I’ve done a fair bit of preparatory work on castles. As I mentioned, I’ve been away this weekend, and will be away next weekend, but I’ve still had (and will have next week) a couple hours at the end of each day spare to get some coding done. As such I’ve tried to give myself something that doesn’t require sitting down and doing a huge amount of technical effort (since I like to focus on that kind of thing for long periods) but rather something creative which is primarily down to creating variations and having them generate correctly. As such, prior to this weekend I set up the system for the exterior generation of castles – they now generate according to national aesthetics, and of a size appropriate to the number of rooms they need to contain, and with various other things outside based on policies (severed heads on pikes, extra defences, homes for delegates, etc). This weekend and next weekend I started to work on their interior generation, which is complex and time-consuming but will look extremely exciting once concluded. I don’t think by next week’s blog entry I’ll have enough to properly show off a castle, but the week after that I suspect will be the big “castle generation” entry I’ve been working on for a while (I’m extremely pleased with how castles are coming together). In the mean time, here’s another little castle teaser:


Given that I wasn’t happy with them before – and everyone who commented seemed, generally, to agree – I’ve changed the “lesser house” sigils for nations that have them to something that looks way better than the previous set. There are now 15 unique ones for each shape aesthetic that are far superior to the previous set. Here are some examples:

Again, huge image:

Fixes, Improvements, Minor Changes

- Vases now only spawn for religions, not upper-class families; I didn’t want to allow the colour clashing between a nation’s colours and those of the vases (which have their own large set of nice-looking presets). Since I want more and more to be tethered to national flag colour-schemes in the future (armour, books, etc), I thought this potential slight ambiguity should be taken out. (Admittedly incense stands and vases both don’t match with religious colour sets, but that’s because they look terrible if I try to force that upon them, so we just have to accept that and move on, and besides, they are more “decorative” than an integral part of the religion – like altars, vestments, etc)
- Fixed a few minor problems with certain river generation possibilities in middle-class city districts.
- Fixed a problem where the orientation of Officers’ Quarters did not transfer correctly from their exterior to their interior
- Stopped servants/slaves getting stuck in gates…
- Ensured that all the new aesthetic-based road layouts still keep all relevant NPCs pathfinding correctly
- Other stuff I failed to note down whilst writing this entry!


This week I want to continue castle generation, continue working through the list of small things and required fixes, and move closer to having everything except conversations and spawned-NPC scheduling done; then do spawned-NPC scheduling; then move onto conversations. I’ve decided I am definitely going to go for a big release, so I’ll be moving onto the conversation system as soon as January swings around. The majority of people voted in this direction, but I hope this is ok with everyone. I don’t want to release a world full of NPCs you can’t engage with, and although I don’t want people to drift away with the length of the release (hopefully constant blogging prevents this!) I do now quite strongly think it’s the right idea and will be a very impressive, and very comprehensive, release. As above, my target is to finish everything except conversations by the end of the calendar year, for which I have a month left. Yikes. See you next week!

(Next week’s update will also be a late Sunday/early morning, but after that, we’ll be back to the normal Saturday/Sunday updates)


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #124 on: December 07, 2015, 11:52:02 PM »
First, before anything else, I received some incredibly exciting news in my email inbox this week about the Secret Project I’ve mentioned a few times. Once the contract is actually signed – a phrase that itself perhaps gives a few hints – I’ll post what’s actually happening, but I’m very confident in saying it’ll be to the interest of every single URR follower. I’m hugely excited – it’s my first step into a very exciting and important area of my professional life as both a games academic and a game designer and I can’t wait to start talking about it! More soon.

Now, onto this weeks’ update. This week I’ve continued the great bug purge and I’ve dealt with a massive volume of bugs, even with most of Saturday and Sunday being lost to other commitments. At this point I’ve got through a good 70% of the bugs that have accumulated in the last few months (although new ones begin to bubble up from my quagmire of code), so by the end of the next fortnight I would expect to have them all done along with castle generation, and I can hen finish off clothing generation and conclude pathfinding and AI scheduling behaviour. I’m still aiming to have all of this done by the end of December, which remains in the category of “difficult but not impossible”, so we’ll see how it goes. Here’s a complete list of issues resolved this week:

Bugs, Glitches, Improvements

- Fixed a few minor errors with delegate generation in democratic nations and ensured they are always distributed correctly.
- The basement vaults and the upper-floor delegate quarters in Mints that have delegates present are no longer mysteriously switched around.
- Ensured that small officers’ quarters (spawning in military bases in towns) always generate correctly on the inside, and don’t sometimes appear devoid of all furniture.
- All delegate houses can now be entered, and look distinct on the inside from standard middle-class housing (they have ornate flooring instead of wooden flooring)
- A major issue where you could sometimes see through church walls has been fixed!
- A minor issue with rivers in middle-class districts sometimes being smaller than they should be depending on the placement of district gates has been resolved.
- Castle generation is now appropriately affected if a river goes through the district.
- Sometimes closed doors were not opaque and sometimes open doors were; this has now been permanently fixed.
- In lower-class districts buildings can only be placed either in areas without road tiles, or on standard rather than special road tiles, in order to prevent some weird AI behaviour when roads surrounding buildings meshed with special road tiles.
- A minor issue in middle-class districts where special roads were given priority over standard roads (it would take a while to explain what this meant) at certain points, and was producing weird AI behaviour; again, as above, this is now resolved.
- When you load the game, it no longer mysteriously advances one turn.
- Religious symbols actually blend correctly on prayer mats instead of blending in a slightly peculiar way.
- People who spawn in groups now actually have clothes…
- Doors to delegate homes no longer glitch out weirdly.
- Fixed a weird issue where mountains that spawn rivers could no longer spawn them correctly; I think this was a result of some under-the-hood changes to storing world data a little while back.
- Fixed a weird issue with religious buildings that have additional corner branches instead of “side” branches, wherein they were not generating perfectly on the inside (this was a small error I suspect nobody else even spotted, but it was bothering me).
- Fixed a bug where a few orientations of delegate housing in city centres spawned houses that were actually too small to correctly generate an interior!
- Sorted out an issue where town walls in isolationist nations would sometimes stretch to the map edge and make it impossible to enter without leaving the map grid and then going back inside at the right “angle”.
- Ensured that smaller middle-class houses have more room partitions on the inside and look rather less empty and bleak.
- Dealt with a final remaining issue with middle-class houses where the interiors were, STILL, sometimes slightly too large.
- Resolved the final few issues with Mints re: the number of guards that spawn inside them, thereby making sure there are never now too many guards or too few and spawned guards can always match up correctly with their abstract counterparts.

Next Time

This coming fortnight I’ll be handling all remaining accumulated bugs from the last ~6 months of development (that weren’t dealt with in the past fortnight) and finishing off castle generation. My expectation is that the update on the 12th/13th will be castle generation, then 19th/20th will be the final bugfixing/improvement entry, then 26th/27th will be clothing, and then 2nd/3rd of January should be the conclusion of all remaining pathfinding/scheduling developments. After that we’ll be moving towards the conversation system, which is beginning to take quite a solid form in my mind. See you all next week for, I hope, castle generation! It’s looking extremely impressive and I think you’ll all be very happy with how it looks. You’ll even be able to walk along the battlements (if you can find your way up there)!

Also next week will have pictures. Dozens of awesome procedurally-generated castle pictures.


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #125 on: December 13, 2015, 09:03:50 PM »

At long last, castles are generating, and you will be able to visit them in this release!

So get some food and drink, relax, put your feet up, and sit back for a detailed exploration of how castles are going to generate, what you’re going to find inside them, what the player will be able to do there, how you’ll gain access, who you’ll find living there, and so on.

Firstly – castles are one of the only two districts which are barred to player entry in the current version of the game (the other being dockyard districts). I tried a few early models of castle generation in the present release but just couldn’t find something which worked relatively quickly, generated them in the detail I wanted, and ensured that they were aesthetically consistent with the rest of the nation – not to mention that I was redoing how all the ideologies work and I wasn’t quite sure how these were going to tie in (more on this below). So I decided to leave them until this release, and now that NPCs are almost “done” and the majority of the bugs created over the last few months have dealt with, I realized the time had come to implement castles.

What goes into a castle? Castles are located in cities and take up a full district in that city. As I’ve talked about before, policies/ideologies have been completely reworked to provide physical and structural changes to each nation, rather than more abstract things. Therefore, the “Zealotry” ideology has religious buildings spawn in all city districts; the “Conscription” ideology places a barracks in every town; the “Isolationist” ideology creates city walls; “Theocracy” always ensures a crypt beneath a cathedral; and so on. I’ve now extended this system to castles, meaning that the rooms you find inside each castle (aside from the standard halls, guard quarters, etc) are entirely dependent on the ideologies of that nation, and forms a kind of microcosm which reflects the city around it (and all the people in that nation, and its towns and settlements, and its citizens, and so forth).

So, a Monastic nation will have some monks resident in the castle, a Vassalage nation will have a hallway depicting the banners and armour of all its important houses and families, an Imperialist nation will have a room filled with trophies from past conquests, a nation which cares about Aesthetics will have an art gallery within the castle, one which believes in a Penitentiary justice system will have a dungeon, and so on. This therefore means that each castle can have a range of special rooms, from the smallest possible number of two (I think!) for a nation where almost none of its polices necessitate special rooms, to a grand total of sixteen rooms for a nation which happens to have chosen ideologies which necessitate something special (and everything in-between). As ever I wanted castles to reflect the aesthetic/geometric preferences of each nation (square, octagon, circle, diamond, cross) and also, of course, to actually look like a castle on the outside with walls, moats, and so forth. This leaves us with a “two part” castle system – generating the outside of the castle which is the “district” of the city, so to speak, and then generating the inside of the castle.

Here we have an example of a “castle district”. In the design of this generator I wanted to accomplish several things. Firstly it should look defended, aside from the city walls which interpenetrate each city and delimit one district from another. This means walls and/or moats depending on the particular policies of that nation. Secondly, it should fit with the rest of the nation: this obviously means the usual consistency in brick colour, but also in shape, so we see here the castle for a octagon nation (and there will be others shown elsewhere in this entry), and the moat and the walls both clearly reflect this aesthetic preference. Thirdly, of course, it needs to fill up the district – splitting cities into square districts is an acquiescence to various gameplay and technical requirements or decisions, and trying to get a singe building to fill up an entire district just wouldn’t work (cathedrals in city centres, for example, are massive, but only take up around 1/4 of the district at most). Therefore, what else do castles often have? Well, castles (and stately homes/mansions/manors more generally) often have expansive gardens, so I decided to take a leaf from the mansion generation system and add some rather snazzy gardens into the mix as well, behind the walls (these will have more detail once I redo plants in some later release). Some more of the district is then “taken up” by adding small shape-appropriate towers into the external wall of the district as well as the internal; I think this makes quite a nice visual effect, and helps the districts with smaller castles (as castles can vary in size depending on how many ideology-dependent rooms spawn within them) feel a little less empty and devoid. Ultimately it is tricky making the entire district full via a single building, and there is more variation I want to add in the future, but I think it’s working well enough for the time being (as there will also have guards on patrol and so forth to add more detail). Here’s another example for a cross nation:

We then come to handling the inside of a castle. As above, there is a significant range of possible rooms, *and* each possible room has its own layout, and these need to somehow be shoved correctly into a castle of a particular shape and size. Suffice to say, this is no easy programming task, but the game can now select from a range of preset “starting points” for castles, and then split and subdivide rooms in a number of ways, and then add in the special rooms (and the ordinarily rooms) in sensible locations, and do this for any number of shapes, sizes and permutations of important rooms. Like most of the most complex generators in the game this is a mix of PCG, handmade regions, and large databases of areas that are somewhere between the handmade and the procedural. This system took the best part of a week’s coding to complete, but now it works (I think!) for any value (within the scope of possible values). Castles always contain a great hall and guard quarters (and/or soldier quarters depending on ideologies) which are positioned in the parapets/towers surrounding the castle. All castles then contain a range of studies, dining rooms, bedrooms on their upper floors, and so forth, and then a throne room situated somewhere on the ground floor, although the precise nature and position of this throne room varies for democratic/ theocratic/ stratocratic/ monarchic nations. Alongside these are all the ideology-determined rooms, of which there are dozens. Rooms that might otherwise be similar – like quarters for monks, servants, soldiers, etc (how many ways can you make a room with a bunch of bed distinct??) – always have some variations, so they might have different floors, or different extra furniture, and so forth, so every kind of room will be distinctive. Also – you see those rooms below with just tables in? Those will soon contain books, maps, trophies of battle, tributes from weaker nations, etc, but for now,they’re just tables! So, here are two examples of what the bottom-floor interior of a castle might look like, taken from an octagonal castle and a cross castle:

Naturally, not all castles have an “open” interior section that leads back outside, it just so happened that the two I generated for this entry did! More important rooms means a larger castle and a lower chance of an open inside. Similarly, there are various things that can appear in corridors – banners showing the coats of arms of vassal houses, holy books on pedastals, placards noting arena champions, and various other things – but I haven’t quite got around to adding those in yet at time of writing (but they won’t take more than a few hours at most). Similarly, see the odd empty room? Those will be money caches soon. Also, if you see some unknown symbols… well, you’ll have to explore some castles to find out what those are! Next we also have some top floors, containing the master bedroom for the ruler (and potential space for a harem, or consorts, or multiple partners, if the civilization in question goes in for that), then various bedrooms for the various offspring of the ruler, guests, and so forth, again with a nice lot of variation for different shapes and sizes of castle – these are of course rather similar to the ornate quarters in mansions in officer quarters in military districts, but there is only so much variation one can give to a bedroom. There are also the upper floors of each tower on each side, which lead out onto the roof! I’ll get pictures of these up at a later date as I’m still finishing them off, but you’ve no doubt seen the bedrooms in URR’s mansions, for instance, so you get the basic idea. There are also various rooms that spawn underground too, and various secret rooms as well…

What about the castle’s inhabitants? Well, naturally we’ll have the ruler; we’ll have any assistants, clerks, eunuchs, partners/consorts, and so forth; potentially priests and monks if the ideologies suit it; lots of guards and soldiers, though again their number and placement vary for various reasons; servants and/or slaves; and any guests, though I’m not quite sure what guests we’ll have visiting rulers. The rulers will of course sometimes leave the castle to preside over parliament, meet foreign dignitaries, and that kind of thing, but that’s in the future. What about access? I’m not going to implement the key/permission system in this release, since most of the things that will be later required to gain access to areas aren’t implemented yet anyway! You’ll remain free to wander around the world for the time being and meet the people there and talk to them, but it won’t be too long until you’ll need the appropriate keys and permissions to gain access to the most important areas; for now, therefore, guards will let you wander.

So there we have it. Castles are now, I would say, as detailed and interesting as cathedrals, which certainly makes a lot of sense – these should be the two most impressive structures in the world (although I have an idea for some special massive buildings in the future, like rare one-off huge prisons, or asylums, or arenas, and so forth). Here’s a comparison pic of a generated castle and a generated cathedral (the two largest structures you can find) to give you a good idea of the similarities and differences. I’m immensely pleased with how these now look and I hope you like them too!

Next week I’ll probably post about the final removal of (hopefully) all remaining bugs, at which point I would hope that the game will be stable, or at least as stable as a massive release of this sort can possibly be because major wide-ranging playtesting by a community rather than an individual. Then, hopefully, I can finish off AI/pathfinding and clothing stuff before the end of the year. It remains a hugely audacious goal – I need to get all nomadic clothing and tribal clothing generated, and get every single NPC scheduling and pathfinding correctly on the “human” rather than abstract scale – but I… think it can be done before the end of December. See you all in seven days!


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #126 on: December 14, 2015, 12:50:20 AM »
So. Fucking. Awesome. I know that URR is closed source, but can you please write more detailed technical info? Not as what did you do, rather how did you do this. I'm very interested in this topic, because... I just see it and I can't imagine how is possible that these castles are not premades.


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #127 on: December 14, 2015, 09:20:59 PM »
So. Fucking. Awesome. I know that URR is closed source, but can you please write more detailed technical info? Not as what did you do, rather how did you do this. I'm very interested in this topic, because... I just see it and I can't imagine how is possible that these castles are not premades.

Haha, why thank you. More technical info... sure, I'll add a tad, cross-posted from my blog where I just answered a similar question. The corridor placement is the most handmade part of it; there is a little procedurality, but most of the corridor layout system draws upon a large database. Then there are many many layers which offer various rooms, various walls, various items/structures/features, various layouts, and these are interposed and combined and spawned and ignored based on both the generator per se, and the inputs (the national culture) put into the generator. I’ve spoken before about things on URR being on a scale from “lots of handmade versions with small PCG elements” (e.g. mansions or hunter-gatherer encampments) to “almost total PCG with minor handmade aspects” (e.g. cathedrals or city districts); if the former is 0, and the latter 10, castles are somewhere around…. 7 or 8? So very PCG heavy but also with some combining of huge databases of elements I made myself. And - this will sound trite, but it is true - never underestimate the power of inverting or rotating things to add variety, especially where the shapes and structures are so complex (and vary in so many other ways) that the player is never going to notice!


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #128 on: December 15, 2015, 10:07:01 PM »
Thank you for response :) It means that every of your handmade elements fits to each other (in range of type of site)? Or just list of elements are filtered by compatibility?


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #129 on: December 16, 2015, 10:15:18 AM »
Thank you for response :) It means that every of your handmade elements fits to each other (in range of type of site)? Or just list of elements are filtered by compatibility?

Er... a combination! Each handmade element also varies in each generation, so there might be an element with a particular kind of room, but the parts that do spawn, don't spawn, and how they spawn, will vary. They are fitted into each other, and filtered, and then varies in each iteration.


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #130 on: December 16, 2015, 12:15:06 PM »
These look more like table napkins than castles to me, but still your procedural generation skills are truly impressive :).
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #131 on: December 16, 2015, 08:04:33 PM »
These look more like table napkins than castles to me, but still your procedural generation skills are truly impressive :).

Ha! That made me laugh. But thanks anyway :)


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #132 on: December 16, 2015, 11:43:10 PM »
The first 4 at the top.
I saw them, then immediately thought, Oh nice rugs!   :)


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #133 on: December 17, 2015, 10:37:29 AM »
The first 4 at the top.
I saw them, then immediately thought, Oh nice rugs!   :)

Rugs, napkins, whatever next?!


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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.7 released, 18th April!)
« Reply #134 on: December 17, 2015, 05:54:41 PM »