Author Topic: How big is your Level class/file?  (Read 89930 times)


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #75 on: December 11, 2014, 01:39:22 PM »
Should probably release a current, stable build and see how that goes.

It's probably not a bad idea once there is a playable version. It would certainly follow the roguelike tradition where player feedback helps developers balance the game. I don't need actual ideas, because I have them already. I'm extremely creative person, a fact that you will find out.


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #76 on: December 11, 2014, 01:42:44 PM »
Kirce, what makes your program "next-gen" and (hopefully) better than those others?

I'm in a odd position that I know what it is, but no one else doesn't seem to have an idea. Funny thing is that I knew it even back when I started programming Kaduria. Just imagine how strange it is that people have had all this time to make it first, but until now I haven't seen anything exactly like it. Developers still like to keep the traditional gameplay and feel of roguelikes. I guess it's ok, but it's not next gen.

I think Leonardo must have felt the same way. He must have been thinking "why no one else is doing what I do?"
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 01:44:42 PM by Krice »


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #77 on: December 11, 2014, 02:09:30 PM »
So, you have no idea how your game is different from currently popular games, you just know that it is, somehow? If you don't know in what way it's different, then on what are you basing the conclusion that it's different?

mushroom patch

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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #78 on: December 11, 2014, 02:26:27 PM »
Kirce, what makes your program "next-gen" and (hopefully) better than those others?

I'm in a odd position that I know what it is, but no one else doesn't seem to have an idea. Funny thing is that I knew it even back when I started programming Kaduria. Just imagine how strange it is that people have had all this time to make it first, but until now I haven't seen anything exactly like it. Developers still like to keep the traditional gameplay and feel of roguelikes. I guess it's ok, but it's not next gen.

I think Leonardo must have felt the same way. He must have been thinking "why no one else is doing what I do?"

I doubt that. People who actually do new and original work have a pretty good idea of where their work fits into the grand scheme of things, how it relates to other work that's been done and is being done by other people, and why and how their approach differs from everyone else's.

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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #79 on: December 11, 2014, 07:46:04 PM »
I give this thread 100 out of a possible 10.


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #80 on: December 11, 2014, 09:40:52 PM »
So, you have no idea how your game is different from currently popular games, you just know that it is, somehow? If you don't know in what way it's different, then on what are you basing the conclusion that it's different?
At least he is making his idea.  There are too many who sit on the sidelines and criticise, or post about how great their idea is and expect others to line up (without being told all the special details so they can't steal it) and work on it.

Krice you're bragging about stuff you can't or won't substantiate, which isn't a good characteristic, but good on you for making something.


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #81 on: December 11, 2014, 10:28:56 PM »
So, you have no idea how your game is different from currently popular games, you just know that it is, somehow?

I think something was lost in translation. Of course I know the difference. I know everything.

mushroom patch

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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2014, 12:21:38 AM »
So, you have no idea how your game is different from currently popular games, you just know that it is, somehow? If you don't know in what way it's different, then on what are you basing the conclusion that it's different?
At least he is making his idea.  There are too many who sit on the sidelines and criticise, or post about how great their idea is and expect others to line up (without being told all the special details so they can't steal it) and work on it.

Krice you're bragging about stuff you can't or won't substantiate, which isn't a good characteristic, but good on you for making something.

I'm baffled by your Krice boosting. The obvious interpretation of his interaction here is that his game is a hoax, hence complete lack of specifics, lack of intelligent things to say about game design, lack of the usual indicators of active development, e.g. video, etc. etc. He contributes zero to threads about algorithms, beyond complaints about things being "too complicated" and telling confessions of being unable to get basic things right (e.g. not being able to keep rooms from colliding in dungeon generation). You would think someone who worked on these games for 20 years would have thought enough about these kinds of things that he'd have something to say about them.

What he does post is rather unsophisticated criticism (e.g. "crawl and tome are too big and do it wrong") and self-aggrandisement, such as this thread. He shows no interest in producing anything at all. He's interested in making comparisons between his probably nonexistent game and everything else, comparisons between himself and renaissance masters, etc. For whatever reason, he is constantly indulged here and in the predecessor newsgroups in spite of ample evidence that he's just some kind of obsessed troll.

I appreciate your perspective re: development and I totally agree Krice is under no obligation to release anything even if he does have a real game. But, if he does not want to release anything, then he has an obligation not to post constant, obnoxious comparisons between everything ever under discussion and his alleged game and creative genius. It's just pure trolling.


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #83 on: December 12, 2014, 04:28:48 AM »
So, you have no idea how your game is different from currently popular games, you just know that it is, somehow?

I think something was lost in translation. Of course I know the difference. I know everything.

OK, I'll ask again then. What is it about your game that's different from currently popular rougelikes?


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #84 on: December 12, 2014, 11:15:03 PM »
What is it about your game that's different from currently popular rougelikes?

I'm not going to reveal it, but if you have followed Kaduria's blog you may get some idea of it I guess.


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #85 on: December 12, 2014, 11:17:41 PM »
It's just pure trolling.

How do you know that for sure? I find your lack of faith disturbing.

mushroom patch

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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #86 on: December 12, 2014, 11:22:58 PM »
It's just pure trolling.

How do you know that for sure? I find your lack of faith disturbing.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #87 on: December 12, 2014, 11:43:49 PM »
Your previous trolls were way more fun krice, you are becoming too blunt and obvious (more than you were I mean). Please up your game a bit, keep me entertained!


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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #88 on: December 13, 2014, 04:07:29 AM »
What is it about your game that's different from currently popular rougelikes?

I'm not going to reveal it, but if you have followed Kaduria's blog you may get some idea of it I guess.

From what I remember, the only gameplay related posts were about cave and dungeon generation algorithms not working how you wanted, several posts - many years apart - about bridge building algorithms that don't work, females can't be warriors, and some vague things about farming or plant growth.

So caves, dungeon rooms that can't be reached, bridges to nowhere, weak females, and possibly interesting plant growth.

Anything else?

mushroom patch

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Re: How big is your Level class/file?
« Reply #89 on: December 13, 2014, 01:11:18 PM »
I believe it was originally billed as "a roguelike with irregularly shaped rooms." Deep thinking from the beginning.