Author Topic: Demon: A monster collection roguelike 3/31!  (Read 156255 times)


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #120 on: October 07, 2015, 04:50:49 PM »
Hey. :) I'm glad you like it better now. :D But, I'm curious, what were you skeptical about before?
Ouh, man, I'm not sure if I remember correctly. First - I'm skeptical about EVERY Unity-based roguelike. After 7DRL 2015 I think that Unity is often used in not 'proper' way. I know, this is 7DRL, so seven days... but - such an impression. As I recall your roguelike had some aestethics problems - primarily pixeled, eye-tiring font. This + my prejudices + less content (earlier than now) -> I has no desire to check Demon thoroughly.


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #121 on: October 07, 2015, 05:40:44 PM »
Yeah, the one downside of adding the mini map is that it has revealed/underlined the fact I haven't spent much time working on dungeon generation yet. :P I wasn't worried about it initially because it's a fairly solved problem in the roguelike space compared to some of the unique, trickier parts of Demon (party mechanics, AI, etc.) I wanted to focus on those unknowns, since they were core to Demon, before I spent time treading well-trodden ground, algorithm-wise.

Don't worry about it too much, you can't do everything at once. As long as it's on your radar!


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #122 on: October 07, 2015, 07:35:06 PM »
Ouh, man, I'm not sure if I remember correctly. First - I'm skeptical about EVERY Unity-based roguelike. After 7DRL 2015 I think that Unity is often used in not 'proper' way. I know, this is 7DRL, so seven days... but - such an impression. As I recall your roguelike had some aestethics problems - primarily pixeled, eye-tiring font. This + my prejudices + less content (earlier than now) -> I has no desire to check Demon thoroughly.

I'm not familiar enough with the other Unity roguelikes as a group to be aware of any problems they had collectively, so I can't speak to that. I can't argue I had a fair bit less content back when I started though. :) Even now, while there's plenty more, but still nowhere near complete on that front.

As far as the font goes: is it any better in the current versions? It is actually the same font file I've always used, but depending on how far back you started looking, I've fixed some rendering/resolution issues that may have improved the font's appearance, particularly on some types of laptops (though I still have troubles with some of the more esoteric resolutions in full screen mode.)


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #123 on: October 07, 2015, 07:46:28 PM »
As far as the font goes: is it any better in the current versions?

A lot better. First version which I check (probably first published) has awfully pixeled font which makes reading harder. Now, letters are rather smooth.


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #124 on: October 08, 2015, 01:28:09 PM »
Pushed a new build with a fix for a rare hang condition. :) As always, builds are available here:


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #125 on: October 08, 2015, 01:50:57 PM »
You are updating Demon frequent. What's about save compatibility?


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #126 on: October 08, 2015, 02:13:00 PM »
These days, saves are generally compatible between versions, unless something in the following groups occurs:
1) The layout or mechanics of the dungeon changes significantly. (For example, 10/6 did this by changing how stairs work.)
2) A significant game system change occurs. (This is getting rarer as things get further along.)
3) A demon or ability's name is changed. (This almost never happens, and is usually the only type of content change that usually causes incompatibility.)

I'm in a funny place on save compatibility. On the one hand, I like to maintain it. On the other, I'm in alpha and I also suspect that the number of in-progress games at any given time is very, very low. So, when I can maintain compatibility cheaply, I do so. But if it starts to get in the way, I am still willing to break it, particularly for major updates. Ideally, as Demon progresses, save compatibility will continue to get more and more reliable, but even now it does at least pretty good on that score.


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #127 on: October 08, 2015, 05:29:45 PM »
Might be a good idea to tell players whether their save will be compatible so they can choose whether or not to update. I went to a major/minor version numbering system for this reason. The game will also tell the player which version of the game they need to be running to continue with their save.


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #128 on: October 17, 2015, 04:05:05 PM »
Stopping by with a small update. :)

I've begun a polish pass on capture mechanics, starting with negotiation. :D The negotiation one is probably going to be the biggest of these, including both a UI component and new negotiation content. The UI component is complete, and here's a couple of screenshots. :D

First, a screenshot showing the new mouse support adding to the negotiation window. Negotiation was left out of the original mouse support pass due to reasons best described as "FerretDev isn't a great UI programmer." :P But, it has it now: the blue highlight indicates the option the mouse is hovering over. :)

This screenshot shows some of the smaller improvements: an approval display to give you some idea how you're doing, and one of the messages I added to give better feedback about how a demon is responding to your choices. Don't worry, the new feedback messages are in addition to, not replacing, the actual dialogue. :)

Next up for negotiation is adding in the new demand types I've been working on. I'll post more about those soon. :D

Also, one other awesome announcement: Demon passed 2500 reported games played this morning. :D I started tracking this mid May, and hit 1000 back around the start of September, so I'm pretty happy with the trajectory. :) High volume of repeat players in the mix too (or so I assume, I only track players by summoner names, and those aren't forced to be unique.. but I suspect in at least most cases that they are.) which is a good sign.

Onward to 5000. :)


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #129 on: October 22, 2015, 04:15:51 PM »
About two months ago, geminimax, one of Demon's fans, volunteered to do a character sprite set for Demon. :D They're nearly complete, and will be going out in a build soon. :) But, until then, here's some screenshots showing off the new art. :D

Also, if you want to see more of geminimax's work, you can check out his DeviantArt page here:

On with the screenshots. :)


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike ARRP 2015 Edition
« Reply #130 on: November 03, 2015, 10:25:01 PM »
11/3 build is released. :D You can grab them here:

The two major features of 11/3 are:
* New character sprites by Geminimax (
* Revamped negotiation: 150% more types of interactions, full mouse support, and better feedback on how the talks are going.

Screenshots of the new sprite art and negotiation UI improvements are in the post right above this one, but here's a few examples of some of the new negotiation interactions. :)

I plan to do a little more polish on capture mechanics (and maybe AI), then finally switch gears to level generation and content development. :) The Tower's been "stuck" at 17 floors for awhile now, but the time has been well spent: a lot of new features have been added, and those 17 floors have a lot more content variety than they did back when the were added. :)

I hope everyone enjoys the new build, and good luck in the Tower. :)


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike
« Reply #131 on: November 18, 2015, 06:12:31 PM »
Hey. :) Figured it's time for an update over here. :D

Released the 11/9 build last week. :) You can grab the builds from here:

This was actually a pretty important build that added a rudimentary encounter management system to Demon, the main purpose of which is to largely eliminate the dreaded (and often overwhelming) "two encounters at once" issue. It is still expected/acceptable that a second group will sometimes join a fight already in progress, but players should find they almost never run into two groups that have pre-merged anymore (and even these rare occurrences should be weeded out, with a bit more polish.)

So what is this encounter management anyway? Basically, enemy groups are forced to spawn a certain distance from all other enemy groups already spawend, and when each enemy group is deciding how to "wander" the map, it prioritizes avoidance of other enemy groups (reflecting a certain distrust between the various groups roaming each floor.) The exception is when an enemy group is in combat... in-combat groups are ignored by the system, this allows for a 2nd group to wander up to a fight already in progress if it runs too long. :)

This also allowed me to trim the size of the levels greatly since a big factor in their original size was a hacky attempt to prevent this issue simply by giving demons more room to roam. The new levels are roughly 60-75% smaller than the old ones despite containing the same amount of content.

Here's a side by side of an example new map on the left, and an older map on the right.

Much smaller and neaer looking over on the left. :D An unexpected but pleasant side-effect of encounter management is that the chances of running into enemies even in previously explored territory is much higher than before.

Since the 11/9 release, I've been working on the remaining capture polish I wanted to do before switching over to content. This has been aimed at two capture types in particular: "Defeat X enemies in Y turns" and "Protect the target for Y turns".

For "Defeat X enemies in Y turns", two important changes. Most of these types of demons can now follow you to other levels, eliminating the frustrating scenario of encountering them when there are no longer enough enemies present on the level to be able to meet the conditions. Also, when one of these capture attempts is in progress, the nearest enemy will be indicated on the map (both the full view and the mini map), moving the challenge away from "correctly guess where there are remaining enemies" to "properly balance the need to go fight the required enemies within the time limit with the need to rest and recover between those fgihts", which is where it belongs.

Here's a screenshot of the "nearest enemy" detection in effect on the full and mini maps both:

For "Protect target for Y turns", I've finally finished implementing the full mechanic... which involves spawning additional enemies specifically for the purpose of attacking the target. The new enemies can, depending on what's appropriate for the enemy type in question, spawn at the edge of LoS, or simply warp in somewhere in sight. This makes this capture type much more challenging and interesting, rather than just being an odd variant of the "wait X turns" capture type. Here's a screenshot of an Asrai being harassed by a large group of peasants:

Once I finish the capture polish discussed here, I'll finally be moving onto what I hope will be a major, lengthy content push. The Tower's been at 17 floors for way, way longer than I ever wanted. It's true that a lot of depth and important systems have been added/improved during this period... but, it's still long past time to expand the amount of content available. :)  We'll see how long I can plow away at it before the weight of bug reports/feature requests gets too heavy to ignore. :D


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike
« Reply #132 on: November 26, 2015, 04:40:53 AM »
Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the states, the 11/24 build is out:

This build completes the review of capture mechanics and makes the following changes, some of which I discussed in my last update:
* The "Kill X in Y turns" capture mechanic now allows the demon to follow you to another level in many cases.
* The "Kill X in Y turns" capture mechanic also shows you the location of the nearest enemy on your mini map and full map.
* The "Protect for X turns" capture mechanic now supports spawning waves of enemies specifically to attack the protect target. Beware, as these are much more challenging capture attempts than they used to be.
* Capture mechanics that require you to have unsummoned your party now give you 2 bonus turns when they end to give you a head start on re-summoning your allies, since being alone in the tower for even a single turn is very dangerous. That said, this effect does NOT override Stun, Sleep, etc. so you will still need to be careful in the presence of these effects.
* Added 4 new unique demons to the tower: Two appear on Tower:3, two appear on Tower:13
* Support for a new, smaller resolution setting: 980x720. As before, Demon will continue to automatically run at the biggest resolution that can fit your desktop "comfortably", so you will only see this new resolution if you are playing on 1024x768 or similar/smaller resolutions.

With the release of this build, it is my intent to finally switch to significant content development for awhile. There are players with 4-5 consecutive clears of the Tower recorded, so it's pretty clear I need to get to work on adding more to do. :) I recognize there is still plenty of system and polish style work to do, but I feel it is necessary to try and balance these needs, and I've been on the system/polish side for a fair bit now. :D I'll be taking a short break for Thanksgiving, but I'll be back to full time development early next week. :D

Good luck in the tower, and as always, I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who's playing. :)


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike
« Reply #133 on: December 11, 2015, 02:14:18 PM »
Hey. :) Been a bit longer than usual since I checked in, I've been busy happily buried in new content land. :D

Latest build ( ) doesn't include any of that yet, but it does include what was probably a long overdue feature: character dumping! (Well, party dumping, since this is Demon.) Pressing F10 in game, or automatically at the end of any game, will create a text file of containing details about your current party and their progress. The file is, at least in some ways, remarkably through: it even includes the descriptions of each ability every party member has.

Here's a brief sample of the sort of output it gives:

Code: [Select]
Demon Party Dump File
Version 12/3/2015, Scoring Model: 8/22/2015
Dump file created at: 12/3/2015 12:15:50 PM
Summoner Tremane...
was chosen by the Eye of the Dragon,
selected Fire and Mind as their starting elements,
is currently at Tower:1,
and is quite dead!
--==== Main Character ===--
Name : Tremane
Level: 1
MaxHP: 42
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 9
Magic   : 18
Vitality: 11
Agility : 7
Cunning : 10
Resist: Fire
Weak  : Ice
Abilities Known:
1) Heat Wave (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 85 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Fire Breath (Type: Fire, 30 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 33% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
3) Terrifying Cry (Type: Mind, 35 SP. 50% chance to inflict Panic on enemies, causing their actions to sometimes be randomized. Cooldown: Presence (12))
4) ------------
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------
1 Heal stone
--==== Current Party ===--
Name : Gandayah
Level: 1
MaxHP: 35
MaxSP: 125
Strength: 9
Magic   : 14
Vitality: 18
Agility : 7
Cunning : 7
Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Fire
Abilities Known:
1) Cleanse (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
2) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 20 SP from the user to the target.)
3) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
4) ------------
5) ------------

As for the new content, that is coming along well. :) The terrain set is pretty close to done:

The new content for the first content push will be in Demon's first multi-floor side dungeon: the Anomaly: a part of the Tower that seems ... not quite right, to say the least. :) Though hints of Demon's not strictly fantasy nature are and have been available from the beginning (one need look no further than the death/summoning/unsummoning VFX used for demons), the Anomaly will be the first completely overt demonstration of it. The Anomaly, damaged in some way, is occupied largely by 'incomplete' demons... raw elemental forces (the building blocks other demons are made from, perhaps?), various demons without shape or form, etc. It will be encountered relatively early in the Tower, around Tower:5 or so, and is currently planned to have 3 floors, taking the game's total length in floors from 19 to 22. It's only a nudge, but it's a beginning, and I hope to be in full or mostly full content mode for quite awhile. :D

Next time, I should have some sprites of the Anomaly demons themselves to show. :) Until then, good luck in the Tower. :D


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Re: Demon: A monster collection roguelike
« Reply #134 on: December 22, 2015, 06:40:24 PM »
Getting closer to being finished with the new Anomaly branch and its content. :) Here's an art preview of the new characters (11 demons, 1 summoner) being added, and the 14 new abilities they will possess.

Characters from Top Left to Bottom Right (in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order): Gi, Ruhin, Fotia, Python, Fetch, Gremlin, Nero, Paracelsus, Aeras, Aithir, Blob, Chaos

Abilities (same ordering): Lifegiver, Twilight, Galvanize, Tackle, Void Touch, Winterkill, Flesh Rot, Light Dart, Lob Stone, Stone Stance, Bask, Blessweaver, Emit Spark, and Fan Flames.