Author Topic: Copyright and Licensing: Nothing to fear but fear itself?  (Read 76516 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Copyright and Licensing: Nothing to fear but fear itself?
« Reply #60 on: August 18, 2014, 12:57:53 AM »
Please don't be confused by the earlier explanations of holes in the GPL, while they exist, they must either be designed in, or consume quite a bit of time to implement, or both.
Please stop pushing the GPL and tellling people it's their solution, and not to worry, because things will be okay.  It's wrong.  Because you are not offering a guarantee that your claims are correct, just assurances.
You have a serious case of reading comprehension failure.

Aukustus, if you want to be sure the GPL offers you the protections you want for your code, ignore all of Omnivore's posts.  He has continually been giving flawed advice.  Read the GPL.  Consider how you could use someone else's code, in different ways, were it licensed that way.  Consider how you don't want your code used, and how the license prevents or allows that.  It should be very clear that it either protects you enough, or it doesn't.  If it isn't clear enough, then GPL is not for you.  Anyone who offers any other advice, likely has an agenda like Omnivore.
Yes I have an agenda, I want to see more open source roguelikes, don't particularly care what open source license is used.  But since you can't read English you just don't get it.

Read the license, decide for yourself.
Which is exactly the advice I gave... repeatedly.. with links.


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Re: Copyright and Licensing: Nothing to fear but fear itself?
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2014, 05:56:30 AM »
It's clear that GPL does not fit my needs as I explained no commercial use. I think I'll stay for now with being closed source at the expense of no linux version.


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Re: Copyright and Licensing: Nothing to fear but fear itself?
« Reply #62 on: August 18, 2014, 09:39:54 AM »
Closed source won't prevent you from making a linux version.  You can make a binaries that will run on over 90% of  linuxes if you compile for AMD64 and IA32 with the current kernel. 


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Re: Copyright and Licensing: Nothing to fear but fear itself?
« Reply #63 on: August 18, 2014, 11:07:02 AM »
Closed source won't prevent you from making a linux version.  You can make a binaries that will run on over 90% of  linuxes if you compile for AMD64 and IA32 with the current kernel.

It's true. However I have problems with paths when making freezes.


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Re: Copyright and Licensing: Nothing to fear but fear itself?
« Reply #64 on: August 19, 2014, 03:07:27 PM »
It's clear that GPL does not fit my needs as I explained no commercial use.

I think you overestimate the danger of commercial abuse. It most probably wont happen to a roguelike game. Actually often existing source code is more difficult to use in another game project especially if you need to add lots of stuff. It's probably easier to start from scratch (or with basic framework that are quite rarely seen in roguelike project source codes I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong)).