I'll try not to be too redundant/trollish

I'm saying that using the minimal, most flexible method of interfacing with game logic is a huge part of what makes roguelikes great. And you wildly underrate the importance of university mainframe and later multiuser (both university and public) UNIX systems in popularizing and sustaining interest in roguelike games from the beginning to this very day. DCSS grew out of this environment and seems to be the only big new thing in roguelike games other than indie games trying to be even more retro. (Or so survey says.) <snip relevant arguments>
I'm not really underestimating the importance (current, as well as historic) of this, just saying telnet play doesn't particularly interest me, personally. And I definitely agree that as a format/api/whatever, something that fits into terminal output is extremely portable. For my part, though, I just like running my applications locally, and fiddling with my little game projects from time to time. Terminal support is on my current project's wishlist (also because it's a mode I'd use myself), but for now I'm just plugging away with pygame, even having fun experimenting with tiny animations and stuff

re: "the only big new thing", consider that making a major RL takes a decade, as well as immense skill and luck, and also that these kinds of polls will always be flooded with ignoramuses voting for stuff like
The Binding of Isaac.
Tarn realized graphics were holding him back and looked to the roguelike approach for a solution. So to answer your question, I don't think Dwarf Fortress would have been made at all by a developer who spends his time on tiles.
This almost becomes a tautology: If Tarn hadn't had the time to design DF, there would be no DF

I see your point that opting for a terminal(like) interface leaves more time and room for game development. There's also the argument that there are no fancy graphics to lead attention away from bad gameplay. If your aesthetically awesome game sucks underneath, people might still get fooled by the graphics, but a game with very basic UI just needs to be well designed to raise any positive attention at all. All of this has been discussed to death already, perhaps.
At the end of the day, UI is mostly just look and feel, though. Earlier, you're talking about how "the internet has brought more people into its social aspect," and one effect of this is that the cost of game art also goes down. Why shouldn't a designer team up with a graphical artist or tap into
game-icons.net or
opengameart.org, if s/he so wishes? And for one-person teams, finishing a relatively fleshed-out RL takes years. If a few weeks or more is spent by the developer making crappy (or awesome) art, it probably just amounts to a drop in the ocean. Terminal output of RLs are almost inherently beautiful and pleasant UIs, I'll grant you that, but if someone wants a more specialized GUI for their game, I see no fundamental problem in
@bear: I think there's room to experiment with graphical UIs that extrapolate on the abstractness you're talking about. For instance, my current game is (going to be) using footprints for critters (atm, they're mostly bitmap fonts). Too bad it's a pseudorealistic setting, with most opponents/NPCs being represented by shoe/boot prints. It would probably work better for a setting with humanoids (represented by a pair of barefoot prints), or even furries (DuckburgRL, based on Carl Barks)! Anyway, footprints can for instance be colorcoded to distinguish types (yellow feline paws for lion, red feline paws for tiger). In comparison, take something like Gearhead, with lots of NPCs to keep track of, and it's a hassle to find the one you're looking for. In a GUI, they could have name tags with their initials, or attached icons to indicate they are questgivers, or whatever. Using a GUI also makes it easier to put more tactical info directly in the map (health bars, animated hits/misses), relieving the player of having to glance over at the message log every turn. Although CoQ is
one example of a game that cramps a lot of info into a terminal, I think that in itself represents a lot of work. And I'm sure something based on cave paintings might be awesome, or lifting some ideas from Oryx (artist for Brogue and Infra Arcana, amongst others) and abstracting them even further, or someone finally making the ultimate
3D typography RL.
tl;dr: I wouldn't dismiss GUIs out of hand

As always,