I think there is an explanation to why you haven't received any feedback yet but this is just my theory anyways. The main problem with your project is that it doesn't look like a roguelike at all having into consideration both visuals and game play mechanics. Going in a procedural generated maze, killing stuff and looking just for an exit so you can "replay" the whole mechanics again, reminds me more of a puzzle game. It is like having Pacman with random generated mazes and with slightly distorted merchanics to include an inventory with items Pacman itself can pick up during his feeding frenzy.
For I (IMHO) to acknowledge your game as a roguelike it would need to have an at least simplistic character generation screen with a some classes / or different creatures to choose from, a way bigger sight range, definitely higher resolution tiles (preferably non-cute looking ones) and a way deeper combat mechanics with detailed information describing the result of your actions; having also a story line wouldn't hurt. I would classify your game as a survival roguelike if it included these modifications.
Sorry if my feedback is not what you expected. Maybe someone else has anything better to say. I just didn't want your thread to go about ignored with 0 posts when I had an opinion on it.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
I suppose I should have explained the #lowrezjam at the beginning of my post first.
You have to make a game that only has a screen size of 32x32 pixels that's only a total of 1024 viewable pixels, it's obviously scaled so the player can see what's going on. Now maybe you can see and understand why certain design choices have been made.
It's quite difficult to have high resolution tiles, a bigger field of view and "You hit the zombie for 8 hit points" on a screen so small.
It's 32x32

Again thanks for the reply and I hope you take into account
(it doesn't have to change your opinion) the restrictions the #lowrezjam placed on myself and the game that I have been working on for about 2 weeks.