Author Topic: Incursion (open source) 0.6.9Y6  (Read 4960 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Incursion (open source) 0.6.9Y6
« on: April 14, 2014, 11:07:28 PM »
An updated download is available on bitbucket: 0.6.9Y6.

The primary reasons for this update is the reduction in CPU use, and crash bug fixes. Thanks to everyone who reported bugs.

  • Issue 43: In past libtcod builds at least, when the game was waiting for input, the CPU would be at full usage.  Now, the idle input loop only checks for input when it has to.  From 100% to 2% CPU usage.
  • Issue 48: The cursor blinking support was not implemented for libtcod.  Now it is, and the wonderous thing that it is can be viewed at various places like where you choose your gender in character creation.
  • Issue 26: Fix crash where missiles land on terrain where they cannot be placed (e.g. magma, slime, deep water) and it was assumed they were placed successfully, and subsequent logic failed.  Reported with reproduction data by Frumple from Bay12 forums.
  • Issue 49: Fix crash where monster moves over chasm or similar terrain where they fall, then die through damage acquired in doing so.  The logic did not check that the falling damage had killed the monster, and the logic crashed as a result.  Reported with reproduction data by Frumple from Bay12 forums.
  • Issue 51: Fix use of control and alt in UI like the inventory.  The fixes for non-US keyboards broke this use case by accident.
  • Issue 54: Casting a spell at a deep water tile was treated as casting a spell when standing on a deep water tile.
  • Issue 52: Chests were not autolootable, because chests are a type of container, but chests are not specifically containers.  The scripting language only recognised containers as containers.  Now, anything checked to be a container, will be considered a container even if it is a chest.  This may introduce problems where only specifically containers are intended to be included, and now chests are also.


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Re: Incursion (open source) 0.6.9Y6
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2014, 12:19:37 AM »
Quite some gains on performance and major fixes---well done.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Incursion (open source) 0.6.9Y6
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 06:02:05 AM »
Quite some gains on performance and major fixes---well done.   8)
It's interesting, without Incursion's game saving ability, I wouldn't have fixed half of these.  It's very invaluable that someone can provide a save file and say, case a summoning spell at the deep water (where their character in the save game has the summoning spell, and is standing beside the deep water).  This means I can immediately reproduce the bugs and fix them.

If anyone wants to get involved in roguelike development, personally I find that Incursion's source code is very easy to work with.  There is of course no documentation, and you'll need to be self reliant...  There's lots of things throughout the source code which are marked "unimplemented" and which can easily be found with a search.  Or bugs in the bug tracker on bitbucket.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Incursion (open source) 0.6.9Y6
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2014, 06:34:31 AM »
I would poke around Incursion's code if only I knew some C. Alas, even though I've tried to dabble in it in the past, I find it difficult, I prefer Lua.
Still, I can draw great ideas forth from here and put them into Veins :)

Grabbed the new release, obviously! You're doing a great thing, rmtew...