Author Topic: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.08) $  (Read 21622 times)


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Rogue's Tale (now at v1.08) $
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:56:40 PM »
Sometimes insane projects pop up out from nowhere----this looks to be another of those times, quirks and all!   8)  $9.99

Rogue's Tale is a fantasy roguelike that comes with graphics as well as professional music and sound effects.

The game has entered open beta that lasts from November 26th through December 31st, 2012.

The game takes place in a place called Frostmourne Keep and its underlying dungeons located in the World's End Mountains. The goal is to overthrow the current king of the Frostmourne Keep and become the new king. Rogue's Tale does not have predefined player classes, but instead, the player plays the game as a rogue and the class is determined by the talents, spells and equipment the player learns and finds along the way.

 The Roots

Rogue's Tale follows the Berlin Interpretation very closely and the only value that is violated is that it doesn't come with ASCII graphics.
Game System

Rogue's Tale uses a game system where the game rolls 2D6 and compares it to a number, usually 7, to determine whether an action is succesful. The rolls are often modified by the player's abilities as follows: ability value of 2 equals a -5 modifier, 7 equals 0, and 12 equals +5.

ASCII graphics and keyboard?

    No worries, there will also be a mouse driven interface as well as some graphics.

Where does the game take place?

    The game takes place in a place called Frostmourne Keep and its underlying dungeons in the World's End Mountains.

What is the ultimate goal of the game?

    The goal is to overthrow the King of the Frostmourne Keep and become the new King.

Is it going to be a multiplayer game?

    No, single player only.

What character classes will it have?

    There will be only one character class and that is the rogue. What kind of character the rogue will be depends on the choices the player makes along the way.

What choices might those be?

    At certain levels your character gains ability points as well as talent points that will greatly affect his or hers chances of survival in the hostile world.

What is the maximum level cap, if any?

    Level 20, during which the character will receive 6 talent gains, 7 ability gains and 6 health gains.

So do I need to register or something?

    Yes and no. The game requires account and password to login in both offline and online modes. There is, however, no need to pass along any personally identifiable information but then there is no way to reset a lost password in the online mode.

    You may, if you want to, register an online account with an email address. Registered accounts are never removed for as long as the server exists and their passwords can be reset with the help of the registered email address.

How long has it been in development?

    On and off since Autumn 2009.

When will it be released?


What are the system requirements?

    The game will be released as a Windows executable. Some kind of hardware acceleration is required though (mini laptops will do fine).

I'm poor and I like to steal games, will this game be free so I don't get bad karma?

    It's too early to say anything about pricing, if there will be any.

Lastly, notes on the beta:

The beta is almost the same as the full version of the game with the exception that it has a character level cap of 10 instead of 20 and timewise it takes about one quarter to reach the final battle. About one third of the heritages cannot be completed in the beta but they have been tested out otherwise so it's not a problem.

As for the difficulty level, it's somewhere between insane and masochistic and for fairness sake it can't be lowered. Just before uploading the game I checked the final battle one more time to make sure it works with the lowered level cap, gave the toon pretty much the best items obtainable and got my ass kicked due to a little bit of bad luck.

Site is quite loaded with screens, demo videos, and breakdowns of the various systems, skills, items and whatnot as it all rounds out to----pretty clear that a lot of effort has been thrown into this to shake things up a bit.   8)
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 12:08:08 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v0.9 open beta Part 2)
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, 08:43:35 PM »
Open Beta Part 2

Lots of bugs were tackled, some new content was introduced and all heritages can now be unlocked in the beta making it otherwise a 100% full game except that the level cap is 10 instead of 20. The in-game tooltips of the heritages have not been changed so refer to the change log on how to unlock them and please don't report the tooltips as a bug =)

This beta will run until the end of January 2013.

Client Changes

    -Having 7 enchanted items equipped on the secondary item set should now correctly give The Silver Spoon heritage.
    -NPC's using Shield Bash should now print their own name instead of the target's name on the log.
    -Status effect handling should now work properly instead of making the player immune to everything in some cases due to someone forgetting breaks from a switch case...
    -Player shot arrows and thrown items should now play a sound when they land more than 6 tiles away.
    -Player shouldn't be flagged as "Evil Cheater" anymore due to a badly timed disconnect from the server, although, it still does so when the player data is manually edited.
    -Spell window now repaints correctly when a spell learned from an amulet is forgotten.
    -There should no longer be a randomly occurring blood splatter and a -5 in the top left corner of the level on the first time the level is shown.
    -The King should now be level 10 in beta instead of level 1.
    -Dragging the King's crown in the inventory now correctly starts the win animation.
    -Scroll of Teleport shouldn't teleport you on top of other creatures anymore.
    -Items that are dropped by a dying creature should now be drawn instantly.
    -Undead familiars should now follow move orders better than before.
    -Undead familiars should no longer prevent traveling.
    -Undead familiars should now attack other undeads instead of teaming up with them and attack their master.
    -Charge actions should no longer be printed unless the player can see them.
    -Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze when two or more creatures charge at the same time and the player presses a move button to skip animations.
    -The game should no longer enter "the loop of death" where the player skips all his turns and is beaten to death or dies of hunger.
    -Knowledge entries (rings, amulets, etc.) are now randomized when a new rogue is created.
    -Enemies no longer get to go first when player descends to a new level. The player may also return to the previous level before nearby enemies make it impossible.
    -Talent gain window should now close with the press of "Esc" in addition to "Cancel" button.
    -Scroll of Aggravation now shows an animation on top of the player as well as on the affected creatures.
    -Energy regen in water pits is now much more easier than it was before.
    -Use order of traps, triggers and mushrooms has been changed when they have items on them (the tiles are disarmed or harvested first instead of looting the items).
    -Looting an item by dragging it in the inventory now makes a sound.
    -Stun effect has been nerfed in several ways. Stunned creatures become immune to stun while they are stunned. Helmets that cover the face as well as the skull will now halve the duration of stun effects (rounding down to a minimum of 1).
    -Death screen statistics and highscores can now be viewed using the keyboard.
    -Ranged creatures are less likely to flee when they're close to their enemy and the enemy's health is below maximum.
    -Female push sound doesn't sound like pushing a baby out anymore.
    -Applying poison on a weapon now makes a sound.
    -Jump action now makes a sound.
    -Charge action now makes a sound.
    -Daemons, drakes and infernals now carry gold.
    -All humanoids now have a small chance to drop "epixx" (enchanted items). Ghosts, drakes, infernals and mamalobs will now always drop one or more enchanted items.
    -AI actions should now be correctly printed in the debug mode.
    -AI reckless behaviour should now work correctly.
    -Added black soul gems. What they do is left for the players to find out.

Heritage Changes

    -Knowledge heritages now teach all knowledge entries instead of D6 at the start of the game.
    -Lightning Reflexes and Arcane Gimmickry heritages now need three successes instead of five.
    -Lightning Reflexes heritage now changes reflex checks from agility based check to agility or strength based check, whichever is higher. This makes heavily armoured rogues slightly easier to keep alive, assuming you have earned the heritage in the first place.
    -Potion of antidote is now unlocked at level 5 in the beta.
    -Potion of healing, One Strange Trip and The Pandamonium heritages can now be unlocked at level 10 in the beta.
    -Wizard's staff heritage can now be unlocked with the following talents in the beta: Literacy: Common, Literacy: Draconic, Focused Cast.
    -Bow and arrows heritage can now be unlocked with the following talents in the beta: Aimed Shot, Quick Shot, Dark Vision.
    -Sword and buckler heritage can now be unlocked with the following talents in the beta: Heroic Charge, Crushing Blow, Shield Bash.
    -Throwing knives heritage can now be unlocked with the following talents in the beta: Blade Flurry, Deadly Throw, Dual Wield.
    -Note that in-game heritage tooltips will show level 20 requirements and they will stay that way because I'm too lazy to make them "dynamic".

Server Changes

    -Server now immediately disconnects any old sessions that are active when the user logs in using the correct credentials. The new session will also be terminated while showing error message "Disconnected by the server due to another session." but the next login should now work instead of having "zombie" session(s) on the server that may prevent login for several hours or days in some cases.
    -Server chat filter defaults to level 1 instead of level 8 now.
    -Server now has a new admin command /mute that can be used to mute players.
    -Server now has a new admin command /unmute that can be used to unmute players.
    -Server now has a new admin command /mutes that lists currently muted players.
    -Admin commands starting with / are no longer printed to all players if there's a typo etc.

A hearty changelog!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.0)
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 03:57:20 AM »
Wow, v1.0 rather ahead of schedule to round out the year---I'd like to imagine a bright future for this alongside ToME 4 in v1.0 Land if each project is about as industrious the next year as they've been these past few months especially.   8)   No more expiration dates either!   :P

And I've decided that as the year comes to an end the beta might just end with it. Unfortunately it means that all your highscores, heritages and heroes have been wiped in the transition. There's now a full version of the game available on the download page that does not have an expiration date like the betas had. If you want to see what a nerd can do in 12 days, you can find the latest change log here.

Owners of registered accounts can now reach level 20. Once a player with a registered account logs on the server a license file is made in the client's directory that enables levels above 10. There are no DRM or s*it like that to prevent the file from being copied to any other player so there is only one rule: whoever sends me a license file on email can claim the account it is linked to as his own. New versions of the game may require that registered users log in once on the server to get an updated license file and if the account has been claimed by someone else, you're out of luck.

Since there is no easy way for me to set up shop anytime soon, anyone who already has or will become a King or Queen while playing on the server can send me an email that mentions their account name and I'll throw the serial for that account in a reply. Folks who don't mind making "oh my gawd, I died again" videos on teh tube can also throw me an email with a link to your channel and the name of your account. If you sent even one bug report during the beta, you can also get a serial by letting me know your account name.


Client Changes

    -Turn Undead and Banish Daemon spells now count as orb spells.
    -Scroll of Turning and Scroll of Banishment are no longer affected by the target creatures' level and will work similarly against creatures of any level.
    -Trying to create a character with an invalid name should no longer enable all heritage checkboxes.
    -Register account text fields are now twice as wide to fit longer email addresses.
    -Client now correctly exits if a connection error happens after the user attempts to close the program.
    -The name of the first King on each server is now Mercen. Primus had his chance but he failed to hold the throne. Offline mode will always be played against Mercen. Thank you John for showing it can be done.
    -Client now sends highscores to the server when the player character dies or wins the game.
    -Client now has a highscore screen that shows the top 50 highscores of the server the client is connected to. Offline mode, surprisingly, only shows the highscores of the offline "account" the player is using at the time. Your personal top 50 scores are still shown when you die just like before.
    -Mindlessly kicking walls and unbreakable things now prints "... and remember that right-click uses things." instead of "... and it seems solid.".
    -F2 now works as a shortcut for highscores when the player is in a dungeon.
    -F3 now works as a shortcut for heritages when the player is in a dungeon.
    -Abilities now have tooltips that describe what they do.
    -Resistances now have tooltips that describe what they do.
    -Effect icons now have tooltips that describe what they do.
    -Player character state is sent to the server twice as often now.
    -Player character state is now instantly sent to the server upon death.
    -Player can no longer travel back to town while snared by a trap.
    -Player can no longer be damaged by an effect while traveling back to town.
    -Ranged attacks and spells now target the nearest enemy if the player hasn't targeted something else nearby (this applies to all actions involving the targeting cursor).
    -Account data files are now protected from manual editing. Unfortunately this will result in players losing certain data such as heritages, highscores and key bindings.
    -Client now reports its version to the server before connection is fully established. If the version is not equal or newer than that of the server, you are informed to update the client.
    -Client now has a gold spent statistic that is used to calculate the amount of gold the player has spent during his time. This statistic is added to the number of gold coins in the player's possession at the time of death and it has a small effect on the highscore.
    -Modifying ability or resistance values using memory mapping tools will now result in automatic deletion of your account.
    -Modifying any string or integer value contained within any item will now result in automatic deletion of your account.
    -Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the game to crash when looting items.
    -Kings and Queens can now view their statistics before starting a new game.
    -New encounter game mechanic has been added: 2D6 is rolled whenever the player clears a dungeon, certain penalty modifiers are added to the roll and if the result critically fails, there will be a random encounter.
    -Players can now see their approximate chance of random encounter while they're in town (next to the crossed swords icon).
    -End-game encounter mechanic has been added: There will be a number of unique encounters consisting named characters wearing full sets of "epixx". These encounters can and probably should take place in regular dungeons. If they are not dealt with, they will always take place in the final battle (making it slightly more entertaining).
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Prince Altren and his personal guards. This one also comes with a "feminine" side unless you're skewered by his repeater before that...
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Master Gifin-Gif and his Blackhand assassins. These guys like to have their weapons poisoned and you may end up shouting "Effin-Eff" with them...
    -New encounter has been added containing an infernal and some daemons.
    -New encounter has been added containing a papalob and some spiders.
    -New encounter has been added containing a bandit leader and some bandits.
    -New encounter has been added containing an undead captain and some undeads.
    -New encounter has been added containing a dread wolf and its pack of wolves.
    -New encounter has been added containing an orc boss and his horde of orcs.
    -New vulnerability game mechanic has been added. See "Basics" section for more detailed description.
    -Ring of regeneration now causes its wearer to become vulnerable to fire.
    -Summoned daemons no longer drop any loot that they haven't picked up after being summoned - surely "warlocks" can't have an unlimited supply of easy loot next to the town stairs...
    -Ring of Evasion should now correctly add one point to either block, dodge parry modifier.
    -Ring of Deflection should now work correctly with Ring of Evasion.
    -Sweeping Blow talent now adds +1 minimum block modifier and +1 maximum parry modifier while a large weapon is equipped.
    -Multi Shot now correctly uses one energy instead of the number of shots.
    -The major version of the game is now 1.0 and it is the first full version without any expiration dates.

Server Changes

    -Server now correctly removes the overthrown King's or Queen's data entry from the disc as well as from the memory. This should show the latest King or Queen at server startup instead of the player with the oldest account (who has become King or Queen at some point).
    -Server now correctly removes the King or Queen whose account has been banned by the admin or deleted by the user and sets the King back to default, which is Mercen.
    -Server now has a list of top 50 highscores.
    -Server now requires that client version is equal to or newer than the server version.
    -/whois admin command can now be used to reverse lookup a rogue's current name with userid.
    -/ban admin command can now also be used with userid.
    -Server performance has been slightly increased by changing almost all data entry searches from O(n) string comparisons into O(1) pointer assignments.
    -New admin command /email has been added. It prints out an account's registered email address.
    -New admin command /serial has been added. It prints out an account's userid and serial number.
    -New admin command /decay has been added. It removes unregistered accounts that have not been active in given number of days. Minimum number of days it accepts is 30 (just in case).
-The address is nibbe at epixx dot org just in case you have missed it before.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.0)
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 06:14:51 PM »
And then some in sort of an incremental patch .130106:

Client Changes

    -Weight modifier should now work correctly if an armour is worn while climbing out of a pit.
    -Equipment menu now has a mouse tooltip at the bottom to remind what buttons do.
    -The game now takes place in Frostmourn instead of Frostmourne as there is this "indie" game that likes to use that name in its lore and I wouldn't want to piss them off. We shall all mourn for the -e.
    -Crush triggers should no longer be placed in corridors or places where they can block the path (with the exception of a very rare case where there are two or more crush triggers next to each other and in front of a door).
    -Tiles that block movement such as containers and trainers are no longer placed directly in front of doors.
    -Monsters should no longer throw you with enchanted rocks.
    -Arrow icons now show the number of arrows or bolts equipped on the tooltip.
    -Viewing previous log entries with [Shift] now works in town also.
    -Talking to a hostile creature is no longer possible right after descending to a new level or by using silent move.
    -Throwing food or any other items at creatures will now usually make them hostile.
    -Dogs can now be tamed.
    -Heritage screen now correctly shows level 10 requirements.
    -Knowledge heritages now show the number of unknown knowledge entries.
    -Enchanted vendor items now show (?) at the end of an enchant's name to indicate that the player has not yet learned that knowledge entry.
    -Merchant sold amulets, scrolls, potions, rings and wands now show (?) at the end their name if the player has not yet learned its knowledge entry.
    -Town merchants are now always stocked with one enchanted weapon, helmet, armour and shield.
    -Killing Blow and Sweeping Blow should no longer be accessible by having Blade Flurry.
    -Traps and triggers should no longer make sound and spell effects while a levitated creature wanders on them.
    -"Move it!" action has been changed to work as follows: The friend that is closest to the target location will be the leader other friends will follow him. This should allow the player to push them skeletons into rooms without going first himself.
    -Friends that are following another friend will now automatically attack anyone who attacks the friend that they are following.
   - Friends can now be ordered to disarm all other traps and triggers except pits.
    -Friends can now be ordered to use a lever.
    -Friends that block a way to the stairs no longer prevent traveling if the level is otherwise cleared.
    -Hero deletion and highscores are now sent in different order than before to prevent the client from crashing in some cases when the player becomes the new king and starts a new game.
    -Loot and inventory windows are now hidden if the player is affected by one of the effects that prevent their use.
    -Leather armour heritage now also says "Note that monsters are visibly larger than your average creature.".
    -Cave bear and Infernal now have Killing Blow after level 15. Drake is now a caster with the Frozen Orb spell. Mamalobs now have a Keen Eye after level 9. Papalobs now have Heroic Charge after level 9.
    -Blade Flurry now gives (+AGI / 2) rounding up extra attacks instead of +AGI.
    -Ring of Regeneration and Renewing Touch no longer heals the player if he has reached 0 or less health.
    -Heroes of Hallwood heritage now lists only those heroes the player hasn't found yet.
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Beartamer Gareth.
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Ice Queen Altara.
    -Searching and finding hidden friends no longer gives experience.
    -Holding down enter while standing on an entrance should no longer crash the client. It still drums your speakers but it shouldn't crash.
    -It should no longer be possible to freeze the inventory screen on the side of the screen by pressing 'E' and 'D' or 'F' while the show animation is still running.
    -The spell and talent tutorials are now correctly showb if the player's first active talent or spell is taught by an NPC.
    -Daemons that are affected by Enslave Daemon no longer give experience.
    -New game mechanic called "The Rule of Three" has been added to reduce the amount of damage higher level heroes can do. See "Basics" for more information.
    -Lightning Reflexes heritage no longer changes reflex checks from AGI to AGI or STR whichever is higher.
    -Reflex checks are now made using either AGI or STR whichever is higher.
    -Level 20 kings' and queens' highscore entries are now indicated with asterisks.
    -The following updates were made after the initial version:
    -Shields now correctly apply their enchant effects to the player.
    -Armour script is included as well to match the code changes...
    -Fixing another fix that broke something... bloodcaps now close the inventory when eaten.
    -All arcane spell amulets now have shorter cooldowns.
    -Blessed amulet of divination now removes curse when it identifies an item and has a 1/6 chance to bless a normal item and a 1/3 chance to enchant a blessed item.
    -Dropping an arcane amulet from the inventory no longer removes hotkey for another one the player has equipped.
    -Throwing an arcane amulet from the neck now removes the hotkey bound to it.
    -Shield Bash talent description now mentions about deflect modifier.
    -It is now possible to loot items on broken tiles from adjacent tiles.
    -Player now learn the effect of Release Soul's enchant.
    -Player's friends now clear their other friends when they are ordered to attack so that the order is actually received.
    -Merchant sold tomes now show (?) at the end their name if the player has not yet learned its knowledge entry.
    -Animating corpses now destroys all items on the target tile before the undead is created and the undead now generates new equipment instead of looting what's on the ground. Note that if you cast it on the king, you can no longer loot the crown and win the game.

Server Changes

    -Hero deletion and highscores are now received in different order than before to prevent the client from crashing in some cases when the player becomes the new king and starts a new game.
    -Server now places new kings and queens on top of the highscore list.
    -Due to message changes, server now requires client version 1.0 (130106) or newer
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.01)
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 09:05:17 PM »

Client Changes

    -Chat console now has three different channels: Common, Orcish and Demonic. The channel names roughly translate to English, Europeons and Everyone.
    -Chat console now filters typed text according to the selected channel. Common channel is limited to characters ranging from 32..127. Orcish channel is limited to characters ranging from 32..255 plus the Cyrillic Unicode characters. Demonic channel allows all Unicode characters ranging from 32..65534.
    -King's undead family should now behave more rationally again.
    -Dogs should now be neutral to most creatures.
    -Heroic Charge now has correct in-game description.
    -Amulet of Ghost Form now has correct in-game description.
    -Player can't no longer chat with others while he is silenced unless he has Silent Cast talent.
    -Resistance enchants placed on helmets and armour now give 2 points of resistance instead of 1 and shows +2/+0 or +0/+2 depending on the type.
    -Scroll of Amnesia now works as intended.
    -Scroll of Knowledge now works as intended and it also prints out the name of the knowledge entry.
    -Melee creatures will now equip shields if possible.
    -Most of the important values are now checked in memory for any external changes such as creatures' abilities, health, energy, etc. heritages, knowledges, statistics, you name it. If any of them should change on their own (as in using memory mapping tools and cheats), your account goes poof automatically.
    -Arcane spells contained in amulets can now damage the amulet when cast.
    -Devourer has been nerfed after the release:

Server Changes

    -Due to message changes, server now requires client version 1.0 (130109) or newer.
    -/whois admin command now also lists the account name.
    -/email admin command now also lists the account id.
   - /serial admin command now also lists the account id.

Client Changes

    -Hunger and thirst statuses now have icons to distinguish them better from each other.
    -It should no longer be possible to accidentally delete your account by creating a new character.
    -King and his archmages now dispel magical invisibility effects upon arrival and prevent you from gaining one by using a scroll of invisibility. Other forms of becoming invisible still work.
    -Enchant knowledge now gives a 20% discount when enchanting items at the Wizards' Guild.
    -Melee, ranged and spell attacks made while invisible now halve the duration of the invisibility effect.
    -Creatures now have a chance of attacking the player even while he is invisible.
    -Creatures now have dodge and deflect modifier of 5 if they are invisible.
    -Death screen should no longer show "Invisible creature" if you happened to die while invisible.
    -Dispel, enchant and identify scrolls are now 20-25% cheaper than the same services provided in town.
    -Polymorphed targets are now beasts and they lose all their normal properties such as fear, haste and size bonuses.
    -Polymorphed monsters no longer look like half-rat-half-monsters.
    -Friends no longer try to kill a null pointer when they are following the player and the player steps on a trap or is damaged by a mushroom.
    -Hotkeyed talents and spells that are forgotten now also remove their respected hotkeys.
    -Since there is some way to duplicate items the following measures are taken: Player's items are now checked every turn for duplicates. If the same item is equipped and/or in the inventory more than once, a warning is shown: "You have X turns remaining to throw away your duplicated items.". Failure to throw away duplicated items in the given time leads to death The 10 turn duplicate counter is used for the entire game and if another duplicated item appears at some point, the counter resumes from where it was.
    -Client now has a new -login command line parameter that attempts to automatically login one time at program startup.
    -Account name text field now prevents wrong letters to be typed and only shows a dialog if there is no name or the name given as command line parameter is not allowed.
    -Mage armour now has correct in-game description.
    -If the player's cause of death is null for whatever reason, the message now shows that nobody knows what happened instead of "null".
    -Heroes of hallwood chance to spawn is now stored in the player data and disconnects no longer drop it down to 0.
    -Scroll of Amnesia now updates the player's effect icons when a talent is forgotten and shows that the player has talent points remaining.
    -Symbol of Luck's in-game tooltip now shows its most important effect which is that it lowers the critical hit threshold by 1 and thus increases the chance to crit.
    -Creatures should now receive experience if their weapon enchant poisons, diseases or sets a target on fire and subsequently kills it.
    -Silent move now works with automatic search of Keen Eye and Ring of Searching. Manual search still breaks stealth.
    -Finding hidden friendly or neutral targets using the search button no longer gives experience.
    -Status effects that are caused by the player to other creatures are now printed to the console.
    -Creatures' health values are now correctly adjusted when health boosting items are removed.
    -There is now a secret way to tame tame a cave bear and no, you don't throw meat at one to do it.
    -Throwing items at a fear causing enemies and becoming afraid now drops the item once instead of twice.
    -Player can now swap places with his friends by walking towards them and by spending one energy.
    -Healing Wave now has slightly more accurate in-game description.
    -Player character's progress is now saved much much more often to the server.
    -Moving mouse over the dungeon screen or the town screen now hides those tooltips that may have been left visible when the mouse has exited the game window.
    -Items that are blessed by the player are now also repaired and their curses are removed.
    -F1, F2 and F3 keys now show their respective menus in town as well.
    -Transmuting no longer stacks the gold coins with the ones on the ground and should now show the correct number of coins picked up in all other cases except when there is not enough space in the inventory.
    -Blessed amulet of free action now correctly grants the free action.
    -Graves should now always become defiled when they spawn something.
    -Breaking or using a grave containing one of the heroes of Hallwood now counts for the heritage instead of only using.
    -Heroes of Hallwood now spawn from their graves and have their respective names "Ghost of [Hero]".
    -Heroes of Hallwood are now summoned by the king unless they have been killed at their graves. Surely there's still room for up to 9 ghosts in the final battle, no?
    -Mirror images now start with CHA(D3) health or 1.
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Archmage Gyffendal.
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Ryan the Trickster.
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Swordmaster Logar.
    -Health bar now turns transparent while the targeting cursor is under it.
    -Buttons that advance the game's state and sends a message to the server are now immediately disabled when the event is fired in order to prevent badly timed multiple events from taking place.
    -Amulet that breaks when used now correctly removes its hotkey.
    -Tutorial dog now shows the travel button tip when the first dungeon is cleared instead of when the first level is cleared.
    -Clearing a dungeon now gives experience and makes some noise even if the reset dungeon button is enabled already.
    -Blessed Ring of Accuracy now also gives +1 Agility.
    -Blessed Ring of Brutality now also gives +1 Strength.
    -Blessed Ring of Clarity now also gives +1 Stamina.
    -Blessed Ring of Control now also gives +1 Charisma.
    -Blessed Ring of Freedom now also gives +1 Fire, Frost & Shock Resistance.
    -Blessed Ring of Resilience now also gives +1 Poison & Disease Resistance.
    -Blessed Ring of Outcasts can now contain 6 different enchants and it cannot be broken by enchanting.
    -Blessed Ring of Scholars now also identifies wands.
    -All heritages except The Interface Dog are now reset when a player registers the game for the first time (or any other time after that).
    -The game now automatically logs out when the player's account is successfully registered so that the player may finish the registration by pressing login.
    -Random creature creation method now has a known bug in it. When the player's experience level is 1, there is a 50% chance that random creatures end up being giant snails in addition to most of them being snails to begin with. This probably increases the average newbie life span from 2 turns to 5 turns.
    -All other actions now skip animations except rest and search.
    -License file now includes the server version it is compatible with.
    -Client no longer accepts a license file that does not include the version it is compatible with.
    -Client now prevents entering the game in offline mode and private servers if the character's experience exceeds 450 (10 level cap) and the client has not yet retrieved a new license file from's server. This is to prevent the anti-cheat methods from nuking the offline/private server accounts when the character suddenly has too much experience and too many abilities =)
    -Player cast enchants are now much less likely to break an item.
    -It is now possible for players to obtain a ring that makes them invincible, or maybe it was invisible.
    -Dungeon view can now be scaled by up to 50%. The keys to zoom are Ctrl+ and Ctrl-.
    -Amulet of necromancy now turns all your undead friends into enemies if you remove the amulet for whatever reason.
    -Chat text field now has separate histories for each channel. History entries can be accessed with up and down keys while the text field is focused.
    -There is now a two second cooldown after sending a chat message that prevents you from sending another one.
    -Chat window now has a 200 line buffer and it can be scrolled back and forth using movement keys while shift is pressed.
    -Charisma based item sell cost multipliers have been nerfed and the maximum is now 2x instead of 3x at charisma 12.
    -Daemons, orcs and undead now have higher natural resistances against spells. Daemons also have higher natural physical resistances.
    -Heroes of Hallwood now have a permanent +2 mage armour unless it is dispelled by the player.
    -All other monsters except drake now gain heroic charge at level 9 and crushing blow at level 12 to give them a proper chance to show their inner beauty.
    -King now has +2 mage armour, divine might and divine grace unless they are dispelled by the player.
    -Every king's lackey in the keep now has some sort of buff on them set by the umpteen mages that reside there - seriously, like 5 new kings in one day, it must stop! =)
    -All unique characters and the king now have a very high chance of carrying a potent potion of healing.
    -All unique characters except the king have found the hidden bit that makes them naturally fast. If the king still dies too many times this might change though.
    -All human casters now have some buff at the time they are created.
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Ranger Satyr'Dae.
    -New unique encounter has been added containing Dawid the Paladin.
    -Bestow Curse now applies Curse of Agony unless a random curse is applied.
    -If the player is affected by one or more curse effects, his chance to fail increases by 1 in all other checks except in those where curse effects might cause the player to lose control of his character.

Server Changes

    -Server now has checks for invisible kings and it should not let the highscores show the "Invisible creature" anymore.
    -Server now opens a new log file every hour to prevent them from becoming too massive in size.
    -Server should no longer crash when a king is replaced by a queen and the queen by another king or vice versa.
    -Server now also sends its version when client requests for a new license file.
    -Server now has a new admin command /reset that can be used to reset the password of a given account.

The trend of enormous changelogs post v1.0 continues indeed.   :o
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.02)
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2013, 05:43:07 PM »

Client Changes

    Killing mamalobs or any other monsters that are spawned after the level has been created should now correctly unlock leather armour heritage.
    Hero creation screen now has three new input fields: Cloak Style, Cloak Color and Select Title. They are initially disabled but they can be enabled by completing certain challenges.
    New challenge screen has been added. It can be reached through the main menu or by pressing F4. All challenges are listed below:
    Bottled Rage
    One Stray Shot
    The Curve Ball
    Itch Be Slapped
    The Ghostbuster
    Against the Odds
    Dark Passenger
    The Loose Knot
    True Devotion
    Control Freak
    Meticulous One
    Feel the Power
    Peaceful Hippie
    The Bubble Boy
    The Prodigal Son
    Merchant's Tale
    Bigger They Are
    That's Cheating
    The Epic Splat
    One Nasty Flu
    Just a Scratch
    Idle Bookworm
    Bad Romance
    Undead Party
    The Red Mist
    Poison Blade
    Frosty Touch
    My Precious
    Dark Shroud
    Fully Buffed
    Amulet of Nine Lives now saves you twice as often but half of the times it restores you to half health instead of full health and it no longer restores energy.
    Amulet of Reflection now reflects twice as often but half of the times it only reflects half of the damage and it also reflects orb spell damage.
    Mage armour should now have spell and effect descriptions that match what is written on the website.
    Player's targeting cursor is now reset if he manages to tame a dog so that the next shot or spell or whatever wouldn't end up killing the dog by accident.
    Silent Move talent now uses energy just like any talent just so that people wouldn't ask for automatic hide options (or maybe it's to tune it down I don't know).
    Silent Move should now work while already invisible through other means and there's creatures nearby.
    Player should now be able to silently stab them unique encounter bosses even when they haven't yet seen the player.
    Newly created armours and helmets now have chromatic resistance (fire, frost, shock, poison and disease) in addition to physical resistance. Due to this, the resistance heritages now require resistance values of 16 and 10 instead of 14 and 8.
    Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison and Disease enchants now cause D6 points of damage instead of D3 to compensate the armour change.
    Venomous, virulent and vampiric bite used by several creatures have received a minor buff to compensate the armour change.
    Mushrooms and any other items that are looted straight from the map without using the loot interface should now be correctly identified while under the effect of Potion of Insight.
    Those thrown weapons that cannot be equipped can no longer have enchants that only work while equipped.
    Client now has a chat command /search [1..6] that sets the number of times a single press of search button searches while there are no visible enemies nearby. Any chat message that starts with /search is no longer sent to the server.
    Jumping is no longer possible while having 0 energy.
    Trap master should no longer be damaged while resting on a trap he is immune to. He still cannot gain health while resting on a trap though.
    Demonic Visage and fear effects have received two separate nerfs: The duration is now D3 turns instead of D6 and all creatures gain +1 bonus modifier to mental checks at 7 level and at level 14.
    Player set magic traps now always cause magic damage instead of the usual damage types of fire, frost, shock, poison, disease and teleport that are used on randomly generated magic traps.
    Random merchants no longer move around and their inventory should no longer become empty due to them moving out of range.
    Retire button is now disabled until the player has spent 100 turns in the game. This is to discourage the play style where you start a new character over and over again and either wait for "that enchant" or check that the shops have all the items you need or both. You can still deliberately get killed faster than 100 turns if you want or you can try to survive with what you got.
    Most weapon enchants that apply an effect on hit now does it twice as often.
    Max range of ranged attacks and spells is now 8 spaces instead of 12 and with thrown attacks 5 spaces instead of 6.
    Players can now encounter friendly rangers who can teach dark vision.
    Players can now encounter friendly paladins who can teach turn undead.
    Dawid the Paladin now has new talents and spells and hopefully behaves more rationally than before.
    Celestial spells' minimum max cast modifier is now 2 instead of 0 even if armour or other effects would normally take it lower than that. Celestial spells also ignore the penalties shields would normally impose.
    A nasty bug that made items seem like they were duped has been found and fixed while trying to find the actual dupe bug - when you compare unique item ids to determine if some of them has been duped it would work better if they were unique to begin with...
    Randomly generated dungeons can no longer contain gates before the player is at least level 5. This is to make sure that the evil gods of misery get more pleasure when you get trapped behind them with no way out. Bwahahahha!
    Alt, ctrl and shift can now be bound but there is no guarantee doing so doesn't break something else.
    Melee healer AI has received minor tweaks that should make them approach their enemies more often.
    Retiring while having Divine Shield effect now properly kills you.
    STEAMINGLY HOT FIX 130127 -> 130128
    The nasty bug mentioned earlier should be fixed now instead of made more apparent. That's what you get for poking a few year old code without fully reading it when making changes =)
    A visual glitch that leaves an item on the mouse cursor when selling it by using drag and drop (and possibly one way to dupe it) should no longer happen.
    A bug in buying an item by dragging it with mouse over an existing item and tossing the purchased item into the void should now inform the player that he can't place the item there instead.

Server Changes

    Server now passes along the player's challenge titles in chat messages.

Client Changes

    Cave bear no longer has killing blow and therefore only infernals and knights can chop your head off.
    Fire, frost and shock resistant heritages now require 15 instead of 16. Poison and disease heritages are still at 10 because I don't like the number 9.
    Friends can no longer be ordered while silenced.
    Dark Passenger challenge is no longer doable at level 10.
    Anti-cheat methods now delete the player character instead of the player's account when character data has a memory error for whatever reason. Heritage and challenge data errors still lead to account deletion. The client will close without any notification in both cases.
    Rule of Three is now checked in both character creation and after every game turn. This means that any character created before the implementation of the rule will be automagically deleted if it has wrong ability values.
    Sound playing now has additional checks to reduce the number of clips being played at the same time. This should reduce the "lag" quite a bit as the sound player no longer tries to play dozens of clips when you hold down a button.
    Dungeon generation has changed so that the maximum size of a dungeon is half of what it was but bigger rooms appear slightly more often than before. This is both to increase the graphics performance on low end machines as well as to reduce the amount of data being sent to the server.
    The Bubble Boy challenge can now be done with a blessed amulet of abjuration.
    Ring of Familiar is now much cheaper than before but blessed ring of familiar is slightly more expensive.
    Killing illusions no longer gives experience.
    Illusions now have primary or secondary equipment depending on the parent's selection and they no longer get duplicate rings or amulets.
    Illusions can no longer rest while they have a target because that caused them to not follow move orders while they were gaining health. Other creatures still rest even when ordered to move.
    Illusions can no longer cast heal or buff spells because that caused them to stand around and try to get maximum health and buffs when created from a player wizard.
    Illusions can no longer gain experience because they will end in a null pointer if they gain a level.
    Whenever the player enters a new level his friends are removed and added as new friends and all friends' friends and enemies are removed to make sure the transition leaves no traces behind.
    Blessed ring of familiar now has a chance of breaking when you unequip it while the blueish familiar is injured, badly hurt or almost dead. The chance is 1/6, 1/3 and 1/2 respectively. There it is, now you have a reason to spend a turn with the look button!
    Your equipped ring of familiar is now destroyed if you become enemies with the familiar it has created.
    Amulet of Illusion now has 90 turn cooldown instead of 180 and its base cost is now 150 instead of 250.
    Wand of Excavation can no longer make holes in the unbreakable walls that are supposed to protect the player from falling into the void.
    Magic traps should no longer trigger visual effects when levitating above them. It helps when the brackets cover all of the possible effects instead of only one.
    Feel the Power challenge now explains that it cannot be completed while in town.
    Ring of familiar and amulet of necromancy can no longer be equipped or unequipped while in town nor can they be sold or discarded while they are equipped at the time of entering town.
    Amulet of Necromancy now brings unique characters back as ghosts. Blessed Amulet of Necromancy now projects an aura that heals all undeads it controls for D2 points each turn.
    Female characters can now cheat and their idea of the Rule of Three is a bit different than it is for male characters.
    Resurrected humans should no longer have their enemies and friends they had before they died and they now have the caster's friends and enemies instead. They also discard their bandanas as they have received a second chance to die honorably.
    Blessed potions now fill up to a minimum potency of 3.
    Player controlled illusions are now enemies of everyone except their friends, dogs and humans without bandana.
    Mirror images and other illusions can no longer create arrows from nothing, loot items or crash the game after their arrows run out.
    Monsters now have their own allegiances and they fight between each other.
    It is no longer possible for a spell or talent to change after it has been selected with the mouse to be cast or used.
    Satyr'Dae now has Steady Shot in addition to Aimed Shot so about half of the shots will be weaker than before. He no longer has or drops Blessed Ring of Accuracy either. Can you spell N-E-R-F...
    The following issues are working as intended:
    Ring of Familiar doesn't break immediately when its familiar dies and the player has received a free turn from a haste effect. This allows the player to use the free turn to remove the ring before it is destroyed.
    Using Amulet of Illusion to create a clone of a creature is considered as a hostile action against that creature.
    Wearing 2 Blessed Rings of Sustenance makes you hungry & thirsty. It's a penalty for trying something as silly as that.

Server Changes

    Server now handles the new anti-cheat behaviours in the same way as the client.
    Server now has one less bug that can crash it due to bad timing.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.03) $
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2013, 01:03:31 PM »

Client Changes

    Right-click is now disabled in town. This may make it less likely for items to be duplicated by accident.
    Left-clicking an item no longer works in sell windows unless the Ctrl-key is pressed at the same time.
    Player can now toggle between showing and hiding null strings using /skipnull console command.
    Player can now reset the annoying user interface dog with /resetdog console command.
    Player can now get some reminders with /? and or /help console commands.
    Separate chat channels are now gone and Common, Orcish and Demonic act as chat filters instead. The filter now defaults to Demonic which means that all letters can be typed and received. If the player chooses that only Europeons and Cyrillics (and English) can be typed and received, he can select Orcish. If the player chooses that only English letters can be typed and received, he can choose Common. Players wishing total silence can achieve it by selecting offline from the login screen.
    Polymorphed creatures can no longer use active talents (green icons) but they still gain benefits from passive talents (red icons).
    Snares should no longer prevent creatures that are immune to snares from jumping or charging.
    The Curve Ball challenge can no longer be completed with thrown weapons that are also melee weapons such as spears and hatchets. The challenge description has changed accordingly.
    Pressing tab in female character creation no longer skips cloak and title fields.
    Ring of Sustenance should now work like its description says.
    /vsort now only affects the player's inventory.

Server Changes

    Server now makes logs of the most important events while it is not in debug mode to make it possible to recover from most errors while significantly reducing the total size of the logs as it is no longer necessary to run it in debug mode.
    Server now has a slightly modified event dispatcher that might fix whatever is causing it to crash or it might make it worse or it might have no effect. Unfortunately the only way to test what happens is to start it up and hope for the best.

Launcher Changes

    Launcher has not been changed.

Client Changes

    Demonic now has all letters enabled at startup instead of requiring the player to select either Common or Orcish and then Demonic.
    Registering the game now clears heritages (with the exception of The Interface Dog) and challenges (with the exception of True Devotion if it has been unlocked) and kills the player character resulting in a proper fresh start.
    Client now automatically downloads new server list at program startup if it has access to the internet.
    Client now has a new command line parameter -uselocal that forces it to use whatever list it already has (this can be used with LAN setups where your own server runs on some other computer and you manually edit the server list).
    King now always has his amulet worn and one of the threats he makes in the final wave actually works.
    Player should no longer have to worry about being stuck behind a gate and starving to death. There will be plenty of orcs to lend a helping hand instead.
    Login screen now swaps "Account Name" and "Create new account" labels to "Profile Name" and "Create new profile" when Offline is selected.
    New installations now default to "Offline" instead of "".
    Blank password can now be used to create an offline profile.
    Player data is now saved when the player uses one of the following services: Repair, Identify, Enchant.
    There is now a Scrupulous Usage and Crash Kill Exploit Reroll tax (or SUCKER tax) for killing the client using task manager, crashing the client in some other way (even when it's caused by a bug) and or disconnecting without a proper logout (even when it's caused by a server crash or shutdown). The tax affects only online play and either removes 10% of the player's gold coins if he has 200 or more in his backpack, causes one point of damage to one of his equipped items or breaks one random item.
    A bug that affected both client and server has been fixed that sometimes made the client send data to the server at the wrong time thus resulting to the server sending data to the client at the wrong time. It is possible that this bug was the cause of most of the strange issues such as the client skipping player input upon player death, (enemy) creature having endless turns, rollbacks while the client is running and possibly even vanishing and duplicating items due to rollbacks.
    Client now has a new chat command /resetscores that can be used to reset your personal highscores.
    Victory screen now has finished background images for both male and female rogues.
    Four different ways to to duplicate an item by equipping it have been fixed (all of them had the same root cause that the backpack didn't have enough free space to fit the unequipped item).
    Knights accompanying the King and Prince Altren are now naturally fast.

Server Changes

    Server now has a new admin command /sucker that can be used to enable or disable SUCKER tax (just in case it becomes a problem).

Launcher Changes

    Launcher has not been changed.

Now available in full via Desura for $9.99 for the easiest time of it without needing any of the main site server connection, though "You can still get a serial for full game by poking the king in the demo before March 15th (see full details on the January 9th post)."

Nice to see this has finally made it to Desura to make it all straightforward and hopefully rises the ranks of Steam Greenlight to come---there's also a new video series playthrough showcasing 1-20 adventuring on the main site from briefly back in time in the v1.02 period.
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.04) $
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2013, 11:44:57 AM »

Client Changes

    Client can now be told to save files in My Documents using -windows command line parameter.
    Chat console and other text fields should no longer play more than one click sound at a time and hopefully it fixes the problem some players have had with the game freezing while typing.
    Henchmen no longer run around before the player has spoken to them and knows their name. They also start closer to the merchant.
    Merchant levels are now much more rare than before.
    Signs should no longer be placed on tiles that contain items or vice versa.
    New dungeon generation algorithm has been added that creates "natural" mazes.
    New dungeon generation algorithm has been added that creates "perfect" mazes.
    New dungeon generation algorithm has been added that creates long winding open caverns.
    New dungeon generation algorithm has been added that randomizes handmade dungeon levels.
    10 handmade levels have been added (these contain much more creatures, traps and loot than randomly generated dungeons).
    Ctrl-key should now be handled correctly which hopefully reduces the number of flying keyboards a bit.
    One new monster has been added including new graphics, sound effects and AI behavior.

Server Changes

    Server now has a new command line parameter -killem that enables Kill 'em all mode and automatically kills player characters that are caught cheating.
    Server now has a new admin command /killem that can be used to toggle Kill 'em all mode while the server is running.
    Server now shows a label indicating that it failed to listen to the port (if it fails) and a button that will close the application.

Launcher Changes

    Launcher can now be told to save files in My Documents using -windows command line parameter. This should make it possible to run the launcher without administrator privileges when it is installed under program files (except when a new update is installed).
    Players with offline characters using launcher version 1.00.130206 (or a newer version without -windows command line parameter) and who wish to update the launcher should copy the .../Rogue's Tale/users directory somewhere before uninstalling the installed version. This is because the uninstaller will delete the save games along with the rest of the files.
    If you have no idea what the two entries above mean, don't do anything and everything will work just like before (the launcher update is not needed to receive the latest client updates and the old version will work just fine).

Also some user made mini-dungeons available alongside the game now also being available via GamersGate and something called AutoLoot.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.05) $
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2013, 11:56:15 AM »

Client Changes

    -Handmade dungeons are now correctly loaded from the installation package and no longer need to be manually added after installation.
    -New console command /dog has been added that shows the tutorial entries.
    -New console command /score has been added that shows your current score.
    -/? and /help console commands now also list the newly added /dog and /score commands.
    -Inventory is now automatically closed if the player dies while equipping or swapping items.
    -Strength tooltip should now be readable while playing in windowed mode.
    -Mazes with only one entrance should no longer compensate the lack of another entrance by becoming angry enough to carve a path to the dark side.
    -Ethereal creatures are no longer immune to damage caused by magic traps.
    -Traps do more damage based on the player's level (about three times more at level 20).
    -Traps no longer print their effects while the player is ethereal and steps on them (with the exception of magic traps).
    -It is now possible to tame a dire wolf, dread bat, giant rat, giant snail, snake, spider and whelp. These work in a similar fashion as taming a dog but the required item is different in each case.
    -It is now possible to resume the game with mouse upon death (and the UI should be clear enough even if the "You die..." message gets hidden by other messages).
    -Scroll of Blessing can now also be used to repair damaged items and to bless weapons, armours, shields and helmets.
    -Merchant's name should no longer change after the player has heard it from a henchman.
    -Merchants now drop their entire inventory instead of a single item upon death.
    -Merchants now have one or two more henchmen than before.
    -Henchman that is instantly killed by the player should now anger his friends in the vicinity.
    -One new monster has been added.
    -Player can now eat corpses while polymorphed.
    -It is now possible to find and eat Ken'nih. It may not be healthy but it is possible.
    -It should now be easier to notice if silent move fails while also being ethereal.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.06) $
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2014, 10:19:09 PM »
Client Changes

    -Added a new snail like monster that likes the taste of your armour.
    -Corrosive damage now uses the attacker's strength modifier when its effects are checked vs armour.
    -Killing Blow's description no longer incorrectly states that it requires damage to be done.
    -Added a new overlay tile set.
    -Added 10 new handmade levels that use the new overlay tile set.
    -Visible traps and triggers are now slightly harder to step on by players who like to move fast.
    -Having 15 or more harmful effects and item cooldown at the same time should no longer crash the game.
    -Encounters should now finish correctly even if the boss is invisible at the time of death.
    -Player's shirt or robe is now an indestructible item that is automatically equipped if no other armour is worn.
    -Added new heritages that allows the player to enchant his shirt (or robe) and one that makes it blessed.
    -Added a new heritage that gives the player a dog at the start of the game.
    -Added 9 new heritages that makes the dog more powerful.
    -Encounters are no longer random until the player has unlocked the dog heritage.
    -Full version potion heritages now require level 7 and 14 (down from level 10 and 20).
    -Player is no longer noticed when someone rearms a crossbow on the other side of the level.
    -Cursed Scroll of Detection should no longer give doors a hidden status.
    -Merchants should no longer drop unidentified arrows of any kind.
    -Tutorial entries should no longer pop up while in town.
    -Reduced the size of music files by ~100MB with Ogg Vorbis.
    -Client now sends a ping message to the server once every 15 seconds.
    -Client now automatically disconnects if no message has been received in 60 seconds.
    -Client now shows up to 99 high scores, up from 50.
    -Creatures spawned from graves no longer get to act first.
    -The number of snails in the first dungeon has increased a lot.
    -Random creatures can no longer be higher level than the player.
    -Added two new tentacle monsters.
    -It is now possible to cook eggs, meat and blood caps with a camp fire.
    -Added a new boss level that contains a lot of cultists and tentacles.
    -Fixed various bugs that could cause the game to crash in rare cases.
    -Fixed a bug that prevented certain tutorial entries from popping up.
    -Fixed a bug that caused creatures to receive infinite turns.
    -Added a map editor that can be used to create maps with partially random content.
    -Added an algorithm that loads and randomizes the content of player generated maps.
    -Added an algorithm that does the same as above for maps stored on the server.
    -Added map editor console commands (type "/edit help" for more details).
    -Updated readme.txt with some info on how to use the in-game map editor.

Server Changes

    -Server now responds to ping messages sent by the client by sending them back.
    -Server now stores up to 99 high scores, of which up to 9 entries can be kings and queens.
    -Player generated maps can now be uploaded to and downloaded from the server.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Rogue's Tale (now at v1.08) $
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2014, 12:09:29 PM »

Client Changes

    The Interface Dog heritage should now unlock correctly.
    Typing /dog will now also unlock the heritage if all the listed tutorial entries are unlocked.
    Duplicated items are now automatically destroyed after every turn (and when trying to sell them in town).
    Duplicated items no longer weigh enough to crush the player in 10 turns.
    The Bubble Boy challenge should now unlock if healing potion or spell is used to regain max health.
    Added a new console command /shutup that will mute and unmute giant snails.
    Curse of Agony no longer does double damage with Blessed Amulet of Ghost Form.
    Fixed a previously fixed bug that affected status effects (and was apparently unfixed again).
    Fixed a bug that broke the inventory and caused items to be duplicated.
    Fixed an animation bug that caused credits screen to sometimes freeze the game.
    Added "tip of the day" to remind about /help command and some other useful features.
    Added description how the /search command works when it is typed.
    Removed /resetscores command as it no longer has any purpose.
    Warlocks no longer attempt to play with daemons unless their charisma is 9 or more.
    Added hoods that function similarly on the head slot as shirts work on the body slot.
    Ctrl+G can now be used to toggle between showing everything and chat only.
    Amulets that contain spells now correctly shows their damaged state.
    Rings and a bunch of other items can no longer be damaged and have varying costs (gold buff).
    Woof is now a BFF and should it ever become an enemy, it will soon remember who's the master.
    Enemies charging the player can no longer end their charge move on top of Woof.
    Gate triggers no longer close the gate if the trigger is disarmed.
    Added 6 new hotkey slots that can be swapped with the existing ones by pressing Tab.
    Character creation screen now saves the last created character on disk (without heritages).
    Shouting commands to your friends and speaking to NPC's now breaks stealth.
    Combat log can now be scrolled after dying.
    Added additional locales to the client application.

Server Changes

    Added additional locales to the server application.

Launcher Changes

    Added additional locales to the launcher application.

Client Changes

    Loose Weight heritage should now be unlocked only when the player is stuck in a water pit.
    Player now correctly steps on visible traps while blinded, confused, etc. and when disarm fails.
    Player's dog no longer turns into an enemy when items are thrown at it by the player.
    Player's dog is now healed when it eats meat that is thrown at it.
    Fixed some special encounter shout typos.
    Snake pits are no longer deep enough to crash the game when the player plane shifts on them.
    Dogs are no longer considered neutral when they block the path between enemies.
    Fixed a bug that prevented AI controlled melee creatures from attacking boss creatures.
    Creature levels are now matched to either player's level or dog's level, whichever is higher.
    Look action now shows more detailed information when used on friends.
    Look action now shows the target creature's health bar for 5D6 turns.
    Looting an item under a dying creature should no longer remove the creature before it drops its loot.

Server Changes

    Fixed a bug with /decay admin command that can result in deletion of all accounts.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training