Sometimes insane projects pop up out from nowhere----this looks to be another of those times, quirks and all! $9.99's Tale is a fantasy roguelike that comes with graphics as well as professional music and sound effects.
The game has entered open beta that lasts from November 26th through December 31st, 2012.
The game takes place in a place called Frostmourne Keep and its underlying dungeons located in the World's End Mountains. The goal is to overthrow the current king of the Frostmourne Keep and become the new king. Rogue's Tale does not have predefined player classes, but instead, the player plays the game as a rogue and the class is determined by the talents, spells and equipment the player learns and finds along the way.
The Roots
Rogue's Tale follows the Berlin Interpretation very closely and the only value that is violated is that it doesn't come with ASCII graphics.
Game System
Rogue's Tale uses a game system where the game rolls 2D6 and compares it to a number, usually 7, to determine whether an action is succesful. The rolls are often modified by the player's abilities as follows: ability value of 2 equals a -5 modifier, 7 equals 0, and 12 equals +5.
ASCII graphics and keyboard?
No worries, there will also be a mouse driven interface as well as some graphics.
Where does the game take place?
The game takes place in a place called Frostmourne Keep and its underlying dungeons in the World's End Mountains.
What is the ultimate goal of the game?
The goal is to overthrow the King of the Frostmourne Keep and become the new King.
Is it going to be a multiplayer game?
No, single player only.
What character classes will it have?
There will be only one character class and that is the rogue. What kind of character the rogue will be depends on the choices the player makes along the way.
What choices might those be?
At certain levels your character gains ability points as well as talent points that will greatly affect his or hers chances of survival in the hostile world.
What is the maximum level cap, if any?
Level 20, during which the character will receive 6 talent gains, 7 ability gains and 6 health gains.
So do I need to register or something?
Yes and no. The game requires account and password to login in both offline and online modes. There is, however, no need to pass along any personally identifiable information but then there is no way to reset a lost password in the online mode.
You may, if you want to, register an online account with an email address. Registered accounts are never removed for as long as the server exists and their passwords can be reset with the help of the registered email address.
How long has it been in development?
On and off since Autumn 2009.
When will it be released?
What are the system requirements?
The game will be released as a Windows executable. Some kind of hardware acceleration is required though (mini laptops will do fine).
I'm poor and I like to steal games, will this game be free so I don't get bad karma?
It's too early to say anything about pricing, if there will be any.
Lastly, notes on the beta:
The beta is almost the same as the full version of the game with the exception that it has a character level cap of 10 instead of 20 and timewise it takes about one quarter to reach the final battle. About one third of the heritages cannot be completed in the beta but they have been tested out otherwise so it's not a problem.
As for the difficulty level, it's somewhere between insane and masochistic and for fairness sake it can't be lowered. Just before uploading the game I checked the final battle one more time to make sure it works with the lowered level cap, gave the toon pretty much the best items obtainable and got my ass kicked due to a little bit of bad luck.
Site is quite loaded with screens, demo videos, and breakdowns of the various systems, skills, items and whatnot as it all rounds out to----pretty clear that a lot of effort has been thrown into this to shake things up a bit.