Writing a roguelike from scratch is difficult, people often lose their motivation during the several year long process. This is even more dangerous for team projects, you never know when your teammates will disappear. Suppose I want to do all the programming work and do not want to do any models, while you want to do models, but do not want to do programming. If you drop out at some stage of development, the effort will be lost, since nobody is willing to do the remaining work in the model field. What to do then? That's why I think such team project is very risky.
Why not offer your Models to some already existing roguelike? This needs 3 ingredients: (a) Models, (b) existing roguelike (let's call it ERL), and (c) porting the graphics in ERL to use your models. If you learn how to do (c), then you have a good chance of doing something nice by your own. Otherwise, you will need someone willing to do (c) for you, either the author of ERL, or someone else.
Working on your own project is more fun than that, but it is also the reason why is it hard to find someone to work on your project.
What do you mean by 'true 3D'?