Author Topic: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)  (Read 659015 times)


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I am oldteen (Thierry), from Switzerland. I explore dungeons since I was born.
I start many year ago to create them myself and I never stop :)


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Well folks, you've never seen me because I've come before, and I'll leave long after. :)
I'm vultures!

A fan of the RPG genre for as long as I can think about, I've mostly dealt with tabletops and art / fan_art. When Linux and Open-source became a somewhat common sighting throghout gaming crowds I was glad so many RLs were scraped up from the gutter, forked and given a new life. There are but a few moments throughout the day I enjoy more than a black cup o' roguelike. :D

Just a few mentions, I've enjoyed both DCSS and Cataclysm:_Dark_Days_Ahead for quite some time now; I'm on smf.catadda for quite some time now. Besides planning a pioneer attempt into RL dev-ing, I'm currently setting up a site dedicated to RLs, OS games and notable vintage titles.


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I just discovered there is an introduction thread, and I had never posted on it!

Hello everyone! My name is Barry, and I have started a new roguelike podcast called LikeLikeLite, that is aiming to offer a different, but equally as entertaining discussion on roguelikes than the current podcasts out there! Our focus is on getting as much player perspective as possible, while only having developer involvement specifically when we are discussing that developer's game. Our second episode is coming up soon (been a few setbacks for this one, but we're coming back strong) and I am very excited about our upcoming Pixel Dungeon special!

As for me, I am a LONG time roguelike fan, and lurker of these forums - my love of roguelikes began before I even knew what the genre was, when I was just a kid with Fatal Labyrinth on the Sega Genesis and JauntTrooper: Mission Thunderbolt on our old Mac. Now I am obsessed with the genre, enough so that I went and started a podcast.

I look forward to discussing roguelikes with all of you, and hope you'll check out the podcast when you get a chance! Our second episode is about Ananias and features the creator of the game, who also just happens to be the creator of this website ;)


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I'm an avid gamer who also enjoys designing his own games, though I rarely produce anything publishable. My favorite genres have been adventure and RPG (anything interesting from Zork to Dragon Warrior), but I also enjoy turn based strategy titles with tactical elements (anything from Chess to XCOM: UFO Defense).

Roguelikes and I have had a pretty rocky love-hate relationship over the years. I'm not good at them, mostly because I don't have the patience to work my way through the insanely complex series of interactions necessary to have a good shot at winning them, and am not interested in studying mountains of spoilers to accomplish the same thing. But I do love aspects such as the randomness, character development, and permadeath.

Anyhow, I'm getting back into game design and hoping to do a few things that incorporate a lot of the roguelike traits. :)

Hi, it's me again. It's been quite the interlude since I've poked into the forums, but I guess I've been feeling the itch again. I've most recently been playing ToME.

Still tinkering with game design, though I haven't produced anything publishable yet. I might play around with developing something in T4.
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I've been developing games for around five years, however I started getting into roguelikes with the -lite games such as Spelunky and Rogue Legacy, but I later went to IRDC and tried out some proper RL games like Incursion and DoomRL (which is my favourite atm).

At the moment I'm developing a roguelike twin-stick shooter called Gemstone Keeper, which looks like this:

I also recently did a game for this year's 7DRL called Dungeon Racer, a Roguelike Rhythm Racer:

EDIT: Sorry for the huge screenshot. ^^;
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 06:26:12 PM by gamepopper »


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Gemstone Keeper's come a long way since IRDC!


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #366 on: September 26, 2016, 05:19:04 PM »
name : kalaeth;
country : portugal;
age : older than I wish I was;
job : they call me a programmer but I don't see code that much;
RLs I've played:
Nethack [I've been playing it on/off for many years, never asceded except in wizard mode] ;
Pixel Dungeon Remix [on the cellphone]
-- several others that I've never finished.
Current ongoing Projects :
BRPG [Basic Rip-Off Game, currently at version 6.6.0, I intend to deploy it at version 6.6.6] - a python RL made from scratch as a means to learn python.
CARL [CloneActionRogueLike] - based off Jotaf's tutorial for a complete RL in libtcod, will have clones, degeneration and time-control!

I'm currently working on CARL to learn useful tools that will then be applied to brpg (like using shelve for saving/load, maybe using libtcod to draw the map, and etc etc).

Since I'm at work I can't post screenshots here, but ask for them (or more info) and I shall deliver.

I think that's about it for now.


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #367 on: September 30, 2016, 11:02:30 PM »

Hey there, welcome!  :)
Do you plan to release BRPG and CARL here? I'd love to see pictures and/or play them.

You might also consider creating Roguebasin pages for your games


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Hey there, welcome!  :)
Do you plan to release BRPG and CARL here? I'd love to see pictures and/or play them.

You might also consider creating Roguebasin pages for your games

I don't actually intend either game to be commercial, but I do want to post them here when I have playable versions. Unfortunately, having a full time job means I don't have that much time to code, so it might take a while. I've been making advances in CARL at a rate of 1 feature a week or so, and at the current rate it should take me about.. 1 month until I have a playable alpha with the main features in (still missing: clone degeneration, weapons, armors and balancing).
 As soon as those are 'in' I'll make a post with a playable alpha.
 For BRPG, I can post a older 'stable' version. Current version has some game-breaking bugs (certain monster drops killing the game, problems with saving/loading, etc etc).
 If there's interest for a older version that wont be updated so soon, I can make it a post as well.

And thanks for both the welcome and the interest!


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #369 on: February 15, 2019, 02:09:31 AM »
Hello everyone.

I've been playing Roguelikes for the past 20+ years, beginning with Moria. Some favorites over the years include MAngband, ADOM, GearHead, DoomRL, and Dwarf Fortress.

I've recently begun developing my own Roguelike, sort of a cosmic horror(think H.P. Lovecraft) dungeoncrawl called Viridian Abyss. I intend to release it here in the early dev forum once it's a bit more polished, thanks to the advice of a long-time member of this forum, but here's a screenshot from the current development version, if anyone's interested:

Edit: Evidently, my account hasn't been verified to a degree where I can use attachments or post images, so no picture =P Anyway, the game itself will be available soon.


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I am legit. And have been a fan of rogue likes since I was a little kid.


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Hi, all!
« Reply #371 on: August 07, 2020, 11:29:13 PM »
Lurked here forever, posting now so I won’t get booted out. I’m a game designer and a roguelike fanatic. Dwarf Fortress is my all-time favorite game and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is my favorite roguelike. I am also a Steam Curator, under the name Designer Plays; if you want me to curate your game, please do so via the normal curator path for reviews, not here, to ensure that I see it. Thanks!


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Legit lurker here ;)

I love roguelikes, been playing for 15 years, but never won day, maybe.
My favourite is Unangband by Andrew Doull. Angband playstyle, with the full open world of Lord of the Rings !

I have developed a 7DRL in 2017: Abyss. You can find it at

I plan to release a more advanced version eventually. Give it a try !


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Hi! I love dissecting any kind of game (video games, board games, RPGs, gamebooks, etc.), mash what I learn, and spit out tiny weird opensource games in my spare time. As a long time roguelike/roguelite fan it often happens to add roguelike elements to my mixes and I'd like to share few of my works with you. I hope you'll find some of them interesting!


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #374 on: September 14, 2021, 02:45:56 AM »
Hello, my name is (dammit) Victor. I'm an author and (tabletop) game designer from Wyoming. My interest in roguelikes started with NetHack in the mid-Nineties-- I studied the source code in my high school C++ class, until they made me delete it because of the name-- but I didn't really branch out until I picked up DoomRL when it was still fairly new. (Before the classes.) I drifted away for awhile, but found myself drifting back with Jupiter Hell and now I'm branching out into other "modern traditional" roguelikes.

I'm signing up for this forum because I've developed a colossally stupid idea for a game, too amibitious by far for someone's first project... and I think I'd like to start delving into these games in depth.