Hi folks
My RL story is rather strange: an old timer who first encountered the genre in the early 90s playing some Rogue clone on Amiga (10th Rogue?), enjoyed it but couldn`t fathom whats with the dying/no save thingy, eventually got bored and stuck with "normal" games up till about a year ago.
Long story short, in all these years I had big respect for the genre and its followers (turn based RPGs/strategy is my forte), but still gave it a wide berth. Thinking about "why", now it seems I just didn`t understand the permadeath and how it works in this particular genre`s context. Also, ASCII? Yeah, I`m all up for retro, but...
Well, this has all changed and now I`m an (extremely happy) convert. All thanks to a bizzare twist of fate that made me play Izuna on my NDS one eve and in some point an impulse appeared to stop using the RealTimeSave feature of my flashcart (shhh!). It was more of a dare, "haha, it`s ridiculous, but let`s see how it goes..." ...and it went...well

Well, I didn`t give up the "normal" games totally, but RLs got elevated from respected pariah to the Top Dog in my gaming hierarchy - and definitely gave me hope for something new and fresh and still fiercely underground - compared to dumbification of mainstream gaming, that is.
And so I report for duty - strictly on the The-Only-Way-Is-The-Perma-Way side of the tracks by the way

Yes, from a total outsider to a fiercest defender of the old school (whatever that is

- that`s me.
Disclaimer: I can come across as very opinionated & argumentative - but it`s all more with a "discussing" than "arguing" angle in mind.
I first came across this forum while perusing the excellent Database - it seems a great place, with balanced opinion, clean design and some true grognard RL characters. Hope it`ll live long & prosper, same as the genre itself!