Author Topic: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)  (Read 605383 times)


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I presume rather he just means all his friends play modern games on the computers at school whilst he still plays roguelikes.
Hum.  Well that makes a lot more sense than my thoughts.
   ” ”   o RLY?


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Well me and a couple of mates only play on PC everyone else plays on you guessed it CONSOLES! By modern crap I mean Call of Duty or something along those lines but I do like some modern games especially Valve ones.


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So I always thought Roguelikes was something neat, but I could never get a grip on it. Several months back, I found Dungeon Crawl, and got sucked in. Since then, I've played a ton. TOME, Dungeon Crawl, BRogue, Frozen Depths, Dungeons of Dredmor, Angband, the Doom RL, ADOM (a little) and others.

My fave is probably Angband overall, but I have come to the conclusion that there's not really a gaming experience out there as intense and exciting as a roguelike, despite the limited graphics and arcane interfaces. It's that something you can't explain.


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ok, well, hi, i'm IBOL (eye-ball!)
i got into roguelikes about 6 years ago, because i was looking into
procedural content generation, and basically trying to find out why
"modern games" never seemed to use it.
i actually started programming basic on an atari 800 ,
but i basically skipped 15 years , and started up again in 2004.
i've released 2 7drl's ("destiny of heroes" and "The Well Of Enchantments",
along with my 5-years-in-development "Random Realms",
which generates a new set of monsters for each game.

i am now working on something new that changes too often to even give a name to, but discussions on this board are a great inspiration.

Randomly Approaching The Infinite Realms.


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Welcome to the Temple, IBOL!

It is nice of you to take some time to tell us something about yourself. I remember playing destiny of heroes and liking it quite a bit. Was it that one to use some unicode characters for monsters?

About Random Realms: please put present version number somewhere in the post. I need it to update a certain giant list of roguelikes (which is waiting for update since a long time) and would prefer to get the number without downloading the game right away.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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  I'm an ancient Rogue player (early to mid-1980s).  I have
a lot of fond memories of time spent playing Rogue.  Back
then I'd heard about Rog-O-Matic, but never saw it
running...  I was trying to find a project to work on that
wasn't too heavily graphic oriented (slow line so not much
room for up/downloading graphics).  So this was it...  :)

  For now I am working on Rog-O-Matic and a Rogue
version which it plays.  These I distribute as source
code only via my website.

  My system is Debian Linux (wheezy) which is currently
in testing, but I don't think the compiler or code has
diverged enough from the Debian stable release (squeeze)
to cause problems.  It might also work on an Ubuntu system.

  Most forum sites I don't like, but this one is fast enough.


  P.S. which way is the dungeon?



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  I'm an ancient Rogue player (early to mid-1980s).  I have
a lot of fond memories of time spent playing Rogue.  Back
then I'd heard about Rog-O-Matic, but never saw it
running...  I was trying to find a project to work on that
wasn't too heavily graphic oriented (slow line so not much
room for up/downloading graphics).  So this was it...  :)

  For now I am working on Rog-O-Matic and a Rogue
version which it plays.  These I distribute as source
code only via my website.

  My system is Debian Linux (wheezy) which is currently
in testing, but I don't think the compiler or code has
diverged enough from the Debian stable release (squeeze)
to cause problems.  It might also work on an Ubuntu system.

  Most forum sites I don't like, but this one is fast enough.


  P.S. which way is the dungeon?

Welcome, ant.  Which dungeon are you referring to?
   ” ”   o RLY?


  • Rogueliker
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Welcome, Ant!

  P.S. which way is the dungeon?

Original Dungeons of Doom are over there:
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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thanks for the welcome Pueo,

i am asking about that place where we all go to
bash a few trolls and search for glory.  even if it
means we do it in daydreams and/or using simple
ascii characters and a keyboard.  :)

no!  don't read the sleep scroll!  drats, zzz...


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  Ha, dig your style Ant.

  As for the dungeon we go to for bashing, man there are just so many now. So it depends on what you dig. We actually sort of have sub genres now! Yay.

  There are the big awesome Graphical ones like ToME and Dungeons of Dredmore and Cardinal Quest (simple but with nice graphics). Also Powder is in that group, and I really like it.

  There's Brogue, which has really taken over Rogue in my mind as the gold standard.

  There are some shooter based ones, like Aliens and DoomRL.

  Then there are you big ol' classic style ones like Adom II, Crawl (w/graphics if you want), Angband (with tons of awesome variants), Nethack (with a new Nethack being put together by some incredible coding geniuses over at the google group).

  Then there are the 7DRL's, there are at least 20 this year I'd give high praise to. The top 5-10 in previous year are holding up well.

  I'm currently playing a bit of PRIME. A wacky sci fi RL based on Nethack.

  Yeah man. So don't be like me, and play a different RL on any given day, you'll never beat one...:-)

EDIT: I did forget the Post Apocalypse/Zombie style games out there. Cataclysm I think is the leader there, but that could change.


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Original Dungeons of Doom are over there:
Huh, never knew that existed.

i am asking about that place where we all go to
bash a few trolls and search for glory.  even if it
means we do it in daydreams and/or using simple
ascii characters and a keyboard.  :)
Ah, all right.  Well, my personal favorite dungeon is Brogue, or BRogue, or however you like emphasizing it. Maybe I can send you to my in-progress dungeon when it's a little more polished.
   ” ”   o RLY?


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 Ha, dig your style Ant.

  As for the dungeon we go to for bashing, man there are just so many now. So it depends on what you dig. We actually sort of have sub genres now! Yay.

Thanks Jo,  :)  after seeing both your and Pueo's reference Brogue, I did take a look at it.
I must resist playing though...  hahaha!  Otherwise I won't get any bug fixing done...  It is
like poets and poetry, if you have limited time you read or write -- rarely both.


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Hey, my name's Nicole (which was taken on this board, and I'm really horrifically uncreative when it comes to naming myself on these things...)

A friend of mine (I'm not sure if he's around here) is working on a roguelike-type project, which led to a long discussion on random map generation, which led to me writing a crappy random dungeon map generator to see if I could, which led to me wanting to put stuff in the dungeon, and now I'm playing around with a very simple roguelike-type-thing in C#. :P

When it comes to playing them, I think Brogue is my favorite at the moment, though I've been playing the original Rogue lately and I do appreciate how easy it is to get into... er, I guess Rogue is not well-known for being easy to get into, but I mean compared to something like, say, ADOM, whose character generation I find somewhat daunting in the level of detail it throws at the start... :P


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Hi Nicole! (or N, I guess ::))

I do enjoy Brogue, and random map generation.  For my own project, I'm sort of copying Brogue on its random map generator too. 
   ” ”   o RLY?

Alex E

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Hi, I'm Mosenzov  :). Around a year ago I really started getting into roguelikes. Well, certain ones such as Dungeons of Dredmor, which was pretty much my first favorite roguelike. After many hours playing it, I decided to program my own Roguelike game. During my game's development, I got into the adventure mode of Dwarf Fortress. It's complexity really reeled me in, and I spent a while really enjoying that game. Dwarf Fortress caused my game's design to become more "realistic" oriented. I went on to find the RogueBasin wiki soon after, but it was after I had about half of my game complete, so I didn't have any help creating algorithms for my game from it. But work continued, and a few months later (with delays from School), I finally finished the game. It became the longest program I had ever written, and It was a pretty fun arcade game. Too bad that I gave it the generic name of "Dungeons". However, it lacked in content.

 I found out about the 2012 7DRL after that, and decided to participate in it when it came around. When it finally did, I devoted the entire week to my new roguelike, except for the School parts of the week. When it ended, my end result was a Bunny/Wolf hunting simulator called "HunterRL". But again, it lacked in content. Part of this was because of the game being made completely from scratch, as with my last roguelike. Another part was because of how slow of a programmer I am, and the time limit.

A few weeks after finished HunterRL, I just had to continue making new roguelikes that were even better, so I brainstormed ideas for my next roguelike. I wanted to make it complex, more than my last two roguelikes. Complexity to at least a fraction of Dwarf Fortress', one of the games that drew me into the genre. Currently, I'm still at work on the game, and I plan to take as much time on it as I can this Summer to make it as complex and detailed as I possibly can.

I had found this forum months ago, but only recentally started following it. And so I finally joined it.

I wouldn't have ever gotten into the roguelike genre just because of Dungeons of Dredmor or Dwarf Fortress. The main reason that I got into it was because of the community. The community of roguelikes is mostly single developers who make games without caring about money or popularity. At least most of them  ;). I believe that roguelikes are the frontier of single-person, homemade games. Being a mostly self taught programmer who takes development as a hobby, I don't see how I couldn't love the genre!