Now this looks a lot better!
It turns out that it was a bug in my code and none of the passes were executing. It simply returned the initialization of my array, but no smoothing. Fixed now!
Here's the updated code:
package com.sbg.arena.core
import com.sbg.arena.configuration.Configuration
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.Random
import com.sbg.arena.util.bindFirst
enum class FloorType {
* CaveGenerator's purpose is to create an asymmetrical, open-ended cave with few openings.
* Algorithm for CaveGenerator inspired (stolen) from:
class CaveGenerator(val configuration: Configuration) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(configuration.numberOfPasses > 0,
"Cannot generate a map without at least one pass")
Preconditions.checkArgument(configuration.wallCreationProbability < 100,
"If wall creation is set to 100%, the map will be one huge wall.")
Preconditions.checkArgument(configuration.neighborsRequiredToRemainAWall > 0 &&
configuration.neighborsRequiredToRemainAWall <= 9,
"NeighborsRequiredToRemainAWall describes the number of adjacent neighbors required" +
" for a wall to remain a wall. This cannot be less than 0 or greater than 9.")
Preconditions.checkArgument(configuration.neighborsRequiredToCreateAWall > 0 &&
configuration.neighborsRequiredToCreateAWall <= 9,
"NeighborsRequiredToCreateAWall describes the number of adjacent neighbors required" +
" for a space to become a wall. This cannot be less than 0 or greater than 9.")
private val random = Random()
* Generates an asymmetrical, open-ended cave.
* @param dimension The target width and height of the cave
* @return the floor layout of the cave.
fun generate(dimension: Dimension): Array<FloorType> {
Preconditions.checkArgument(dimension.width > 0 && dimension.height > 0,
"Cannot generate a map with negative width or height")
var cave = Array<FloorType>(dimension.width * dimension.height, { initialFloorType() })
(1..configuration.numberOfPasses) forEach { smooth(dimension, cave) }
return cave
private fun initialFloorType(): FloorType {
return if (random.nextInt(100) < configuration.wallCreationProbability) FloorType.Wall else FloorType.Floor
* Returns the list of all neighbors at floorIndex in cave.
* @param dimension The Dimensions of the cave
* @param cave The context for the floorIndex
* @param floorIndex The current floor in the cave
* @return all adjacent neighbors to floorIndex; size may vary depending on edges, corners of floorIndex
private fun neighbors(dimension: Dimension, cave: Array<FloorType>, floorIndex: Int): List<FloorType> {
val (width, height) = dimension
* To understand what's happening here, consider a 3x3 matrix of Floors
* where W = Wall, F = Floor.
* W F W
* F F F
* W F W
* Our floorIndex is the center of this matrix, or (1, 1) in xy coordinates.
* However, cave is a single list, so the cells are laid out as such:
* W F W F F F W F W
* The floorIndex is now 4 (starting from 0).
* It's trivial to get the left and right neighbors by adding or subtracting 1
* To get the bottom and top neighbors, consider again the first 3x3 matrix.
* W F W
* F F F
* W F W
* A cave still has width and height, so subtracting width from our current floorIndex will result int
* n = floorIndex - width
* n = 4 - 3
* n = 1
* If 1 is the new index, then we can see that it is the F in the first row, the top neighbor to our
* current FloorIndex.
* It should now be easy to see that adding width will yield the bottom F.
* Adding or subtracting 1 to the bottom and top neighbors will yield their respective right and left
* neighbors, or the diagonals of our floor index. It is thus possible to return all 8 neighbors of floorIndex.
val neighbors = ArrayList<FloorType>()
if (floorIndex - width > 0) {
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex - 1])
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex - width])
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex + 1 - width])
if (floorIndex + width < width * height) {
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex + 1])
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex + width])
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex - 1 + width])
if (floorIndex - 1 - width > 0)
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex - 1 - width])
if (floorIndex + 1 + width < width * height)
neighbors.add(cave[floorIndex + 1 + width])
return neighbors
* Smooth the cave by comparing each cell to its neighbors.
* <b>Caution: This mutates the cave!</b>
* @param dimension The Dimenions of the cave (width and height)
* @param cave the cave to smooth
private fun smooth(dimension: Dimension, cave: Array<FloorType>) {
val neighborsRequiredToRemainAWall = configuration.neighborsRequiredToRemainAWall
val neighborsRequiredToCreateAWall = configuration.neighborsRequiredToCreateAWall
for ((index, floor) in cave.withIndices()) {
val neighbors = neighbors(dimension, cave, index)
val neighborsWhichAreWalls = neighbors.count { it == FloorType.Wall }
if (floor == FloorType.Wall) {
if (neighborsWhichAreWalls < neighborsRequiredToRemainAWall)
cave[index] = FloorType.Floor
else {
if (neighborsWhichAreWalls >= neighborsRequiredToCreateAWall)
cave[index] = FloorType.Wall