Author Topic: 7DRL 2014 Hype it UP!  (Read 45940 times)


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Re: 7DRL 2014 Hype it UP!
« Reply #60 on: March 04, 2014, 12:02:14 AM »
Blasted! I thought I had secured second in the list.

By the way, the dungeon conservationist game by Quendus sounds amazing. I'm not sure if this is the intent, but it seems like a pretty good replacement for the hunger clock. So many directions it could go: not being able to kill young monsters or monsters that are smaller than a given size (which constantly changes); that could even be combined with some discovery mechanics so you're not even sure sometimes which monsters you can kill safely.... ok, I should stop.
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Re: 7DRL 2014 Hype it UP!
« Reply #61 on: March 04, 2014, 03:17:43 AM »
I too love the idea.


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Re: 7DRL 2014 Hype it UP!
« Reply #62 on: March 04, 2014, 04:10:09 AM »
I think I shall steal it.


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Re: 7DRL 2014 Hype it UP!
« Reply #63 on: March 05, 2014, 10:42:58 AM »
Hi! I am new here! My plan for this year WAS to make a good rogue like / puzzly thing, but then I jumped the gun and did a 7daywarmup, and got it pretty much accomplished.

My new plan is to make something that is really out there, and barely follows the rules. I want to make something that uses high res, colorful abstract tiles (a square with a quarter circle inset, a full circle, a single line), naturalistic audio (hopefully field recordings), and tells a story in a series of vignettes. Each scene will be set in a non random level, with randomly placed objects and npcs. I am not sure what the story will be, I was originally leaning towards a heist thing, but now I am thinking that is kinda a cliche. Not sure though.

anyways, looking forward to this!

Paul Jeffries

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Re: 7DRL 2014 Hype it UP!
« Reply #64 on: March 06, 2014, 10:27:49 PM »
My computer suffered multiple organ failure and died earlier in the week so I thought I might have to sit this one out, but fotunately through vile necromantic arts I seem to have coaxed it back into terrifying shambling unlife.  It's probably going to conk out on me again halfway through the challenge, but then that's all part of the fun.

I've slightly developed the 'spaceship commander' idea I mentioned above in that it's now going to be called 7DArrrL and be about pirates instead, mainly inspired by Sid Meier's Pirates! (which already has some fairly roguelike aspects anyway).

Of course last year I completely changed my mind about the game I was making two days into the challenge, so nothing is final.