Contrary to how it might look, the project is alive. Not very popular though, but oh well.
Version 0.10: did try to make SDL-based window implementation but somehow it resulted into a mess. SDL is good, robust library when you start from it and build your app around its infrequient quirks. However, integrating it into project (half of which functionality is window management) halfway is not as simple as it seems. I've found myself working more against SDL than with it. Therefore, Mac port is delayed for now.
Instead I've refactored the input subsystem (which was a mess by itself) a bit and implemented a couple of new features. Nothing really breaking, though.
1. Minor adjustments in constants naming like TK_PAGEUP or TK_MOUSE_LEFT instead of WinAPI-legacy TK_PRIOR and TK_LBUTTON. Constants related to mouse or numpad are now grouped together: TK_MOUSE_xxx, TK_KP_xxx.
2. Input event categories are removed. There was an option before which allowed to 'subscribe' on keypresses or keyreleases or mouse with somewhat inconsistent mechanics. For example, TK_CLOSE is better not to be ignored (what category it is?), same with TK_RESIZED. And actually there is no real difference between keypress and keyrelease for application as user always can press a whole lot of random buttons you will have to ignore anyway. So now the read function does read everything (like GetMessage, ha), you just have to handle only those events you're interested in.
3. Next is read_ext. A thing with somewhat obscure logic. It was introduced because it was necessary to read both event scancode and character code produced by that event: terminal_read_ext(TK_READ_CHAR). Ugh, somehow it did not fazed me in the slightest that there was already mouse events where you can read both the event and mouse properties at the same time: via terminal_state(TK_MOUSE_xxx). Therefore, the read_ext is removed and two new states are introduced: TK_CHAR and TK_WCHAR. They simply return the code of a character produced by the latest read input event, or zero if none was produced:
int key = terminal_read();
if (key == TK_ESCAPE)
else if (terminal_state(TK_WCHAR) > 0)
str += (wchar_t)terminal_state(TK_WCHAR);
TK_WCHAR returns an Unicode codepoint of the character and TK_CHAR return an ASCII/ANSI codepoint translated accordingly to the codepage selected with the terminal.encoding option.
There was also non-blocking input via read_ext but it can easly implemented without additional API methods:
// Both literally,
int key = terminal_has_input()? terminal_read(): 0;
// ...and logically
while (terminal_has_input()) {
int key = terminal_read();
Oh, there is also TK_EVENT that will return a scancode of the last dequeued input event.
4. Mouse input has been extended. There are new TK_MOUSE_X1 and TK_MOUSE_X2 buttons which are additional buttons on some mouse models. There is new TK_MOUSE_CLICKS state that return a number of fast consecutive clicks by the time of the last dequeued mouse button event. E. g. terminal_state(TK_MOUSE_CLICKS) == 2 indicated that this TK_MOUSE_LEFT event is the second one in double-click action.
Also, TK_MOUSE_WHEEL now returns scroll delta instead of some global counter.
5. You can press Alt+Enter to switch between windowed and fullscreen mode (with no display resolution change). The window.fullscreen option may be used to force the fullscreen mode programmaticaly.
6. You can press Alt+[plus/minus] to scale the window up and down. This may be useful if some application uses tiny tileset and you want to run it on FullHD+ display. For now it is done via simple OpenGL scene scaling. Later I'll try to take advantage of shaders where they are supported. But you cannot scale resizeable window (window.resizeable option) as it would allow for a number of difficult configuration cases I'm not yet sure how to deal with.
7. There is also a couple of debug key combinations: Alt+G will turn on cell grid and Alt+A will dump the texture atlas on disk.
The up-to-date reference on the input subsystem is located here: