miki151: Awesome, thank you for compiling and playing. The game is not really ready for players

Starting position varies, usually you start in a village of your faction and it makes life easier, but sometimes your faction gets all exterminated before the game starts, so you appear in a very harsh world. Finding a first weapon can be hard, unless neighboring factions fight and you can pick up weapons from killed mobs. All dungeons are marked on the minimap with a triangle pointing down. Sometimes weapons are just laying on the ground (epecially in dungeons). Also, don't fight with wolfs and other forest monsters (brown faction), they don't drop anything.
Inventory.How to pick up things: you open the inventory (
i), choose an item with arrow keys, then use keys 0, 1, and 2 to move items between three sections (
0 = ground,
1 = equipped,
2 = inventory). It's somewhat wierd and counterintuitive, but it was easy to code. Sorry about that )
At the moment the player experience is very raw, there are very few hints. Until other meaty content is in place, I don't really try to make it accessible. Read the controls section in the readme file, it should be helpful.
WASD = melee attack,
F = ranged (with F to fire and Esc or Q to cancel)
T = rest for a short time, helps a lot
Space = wait.
Primary parameters
ATL = Athletic skills, your physical strength (for both fighting and movement).
RCT = Reaction (in ~ 0.1 of a second). The smaller the better, for moving and shooting quickly. This is your basic delay, you want it to be small.
CNS = Constitution = your mass in kilograms = you max HP. (For some mobs, their mass and HP can be not the same though).
MBL = Mobility, freedom of movement. Determines how well you can use weapons. When overburdened, your fighting abilities degrade.
TMS = total mass, including your own mass, equipment, stuff in the inventory.
DMG = roughly, DPS, Damage per second. "Sharpness." (Although, the actual damage also depends on your ATL and enemy's defense)
DUR = duration of one attack.
DMG = roughly, DPS. "Sharpness."
FRC = The momentum projectiles get. The higher the better.
DEF = the probability to absorb physical damage.
About compiling to JS. I did not try to compile for browser. I don't think that programs like js_of_ocaml really can do that, but maybe, if I rewrite the graphics rendering code specifically for that, it should be possible.