Author Topic: TinyCurses v0.9d released! (UPDATED!)  (Read 5204 times)


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TinyCurses v0.9d released! (UPDATED!)
« on: May 07, 2009, 07:24:51 AM »
New version of tinycurses. Lots and lots of changes, probably invalidated a 1/4 of the documentation. Anyway, added an mvprintw and mvaddch function. Lots and lots of things were fixed, most notably getstr now takes a length and is really quite nice about user input. Basic alpha blending functionality is there, but not as intended. Currently, anything placed on a layer other than 0 with a character other than ' ' (space) will display with an alpha value of 200. Of course, eventually you'll be able to specify the alpha for each tile, but this is just what I have right now. Everything else should work better than it used to, colors aren't changed on calls to printwext or clear.

Also, I majorly cleaned up the source code, it should be much better for including into things. I added the standard ifndef stuff, and put prototypes of all the functions at the top for ease of reference. Also, I renamed all global variables used in the library to start with TC_, that way they don't interfere with any variables of yours, but you can still access them.

Released another new version. This one is a small change, but it fixes a large bug. I wasn't properly writing everything to be included by more than one file, since most of my recent engines have been a single file. I've changed this, so TinyCurses should now compile without errors in projects with more than a single file. You'll need to include with your project and build TinyCurses.c when you build your application, though.

Get it here:

Edit; Here's a screenshot:
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 09:23:57 AM by Elig »


  • IRC Communications Delegate
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Re: TinyCurses v0.9d released! (UPDATED!)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2009, 09:23:27 AM »
Released a new version to correct a large bug. See above post under UPDATE!.