Author Topic: ADOM 1.2.0p23 released to the general public  (Read 6763 times)


  • Rogueliker
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ADOM 1.2.0p23 released to the general public
« on: May 22, 2014, 07:24:43 PM »
Team ADOM is happy to announce that we have released ADOM 1.2.0p23 to the general public!

You can find all the details here:

The downloads, changelogs and more are available here:

There are tons of changes since the last public release, please refer to the change log for details:
Personally I'm particularly interested in feedback on the new tutorial mode. We'd like to add much more to it to make ADOM more accessible for a new generation of players - so any feedback is very welcome!

And if you feel like supporting ADOM on Steam Greenlight, your vote is very welcome:

And now enjoy the game!
Thomas Biskup (& Team ADOM)
ADOM & ADOM II Maintainer