So, I've been working on my RL project on and off for a few years and finally got serious about it. I had been a bit discouraged because I was having a hard time finding resources for .NET developers in the RL space.
In the hopes of encouraging other VB.NET developers to take up their own projects, I want to share what I've done so far.
Glyphica is a work in progress, but has a lot of the basic moving parts that a VB.NET developer needs to get their own RL project off the ground, including...
- A map generation class (thank you, Andy Stobirski)
- Functioning line-of-sight code (thank you again, Andy)
- Melee and ranged combat resolution based on the D20 system (player takes damage and can die, monsters take damage and can die).
- Twelve basic types of armor across 3 tiers (based on D20)
- Nineteen basic weapon types (again, based on D20)
- Working player movement code including wall-collision detection and collision-based combat initiation
- A working inventory management screen based on the Skyrim "SkyUI" mod.
Glyphica is not anywhere close to being ready for even the earliest alpha, but I really felt strongly about sharing this stuff with other .NET developers. Although Glyphica is a console application, the code and classes are all written with the intent that they be easy to use as the backbone of a more graphically-driven game. This is not the "best" anything, not is it going o revolutionize the RL space. If anyone finds anything in my code useful for their own projects, then I'm satisfied.

Quick Screenhots:
Basic play screen:

Inventory Management:

The code is available at GitHub: